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Druggie Dude Does the Dance of Doom

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  • Druggie Dude Does the Dance of Doom

    The druggie.

    I had a guy come in while I was sitting in the office yesterday. He looked and acted like your average, everyday tweaker, dirty clothes, unkempt appearance, holes in his All Stars© and jerky repetitive movements. While I paid him little attention I noticed that he was about thirty feet away from the office craning his neck and leaning sideways as if he was peeking into the office. After him doing this a couple times I decided I had better find out what was going on.

    JI: Jonesing Idiot
    ME: Humble overly large but peaceful laundry attendant

    ME: Can I help you with something?
    JI: Is Jules here?
    ME: No, he’s not here anymore. I work in his place.
    JI: Damn. Do you know his phone number?
    ME: No, but I’ll bet that the boss does. Come back in any day before 3pm.
    JI: No, that’s ok. Never mind.
    ME: Well, would you like me to leave a message for him if he stops by?
    JI: Yeah, could you tell him to call JI. I need to get something from him pretty quick.
    ME: Will do. Take it easy now.

    I left the message on the desk for Jules. When I got to work today I found the note was gone. I asked my friend if Jules had gotten the message I left. She told me that her dad (the owner) threw it away and then told me why. Turns out that Jules was a distributor of illegal pharmaceuticals in our town and is now on an extended vacation at the Gray Bar Hotel courtesy of the Pa. State Police Narcotics Task Force.

    New price suck.

    There have been a few minor instances of people complaining about the new increased price. Basically, everything went up a quarter including the price of the boxed detergent/softener/bleach in the vending machine. The soda and snack machines also went up, but only about 10 - 15¢. I realize it’s normal to lament at the price increase and that since I work there I will get the brunt of the bitching. But come on folks. I’m just a peon. I don’t set the prices. Just because you see me filling the machines doesn’t mean I own them. Give me a break.

    SC: When did the price go up?
    ME: February 4th.
    SC: This is ridiculous for laundry. $1.50 a load is too much. Next time I’m going to <Laundromat 15 miles away.>
    ME: I’m sorry ma’am. Their price is now $2.00 per load but if you feel you must, I’ll be sorry to see you go.

    She gave me one of those confused looks as I walked away.

    Laundry peon:1
    SC: 0

    SC: $1.50 a load now? I get it done for $1.00 a load when I go to my mom’s to visit.
    ME: Really? My mom doesn’t charge me anything.

    Laundry peon:2
    SC: 0

    SC: It won’t be long until it’ll be more expensive to do laundry than to gas up the car.
    ME: If laundry ever costs $50.00 every two weeks, I’m joining a naturist resort.

    Laundry Peon: 3
    SC: 0

    Speaking of gas...A story from my past.

    When I was 18 I worked at a gas station in my hometown. (anyone remember gas for under 40¢ per gallon?) It was a dinky little Highway Oil station that had 3 pumps. About 7 pm I got robbed. Freaky enough because the guy actually pressed the gun to my cheek and I could plainly see that there were bullets in the revolver. Anyway, after he left and got the minimal cash I had on me, (I think it was $15.00) I called the police and then the station manager. He told me to shut the pumps off so he could come and do inventory so he can report it to corporate. It was summer so turning the pumps off did little to let people know the place was closed so I told everyone that we were closed. Everyone understood, especially when I told them that I’d just been robbed. Except this guy. Right before the manager got there and after the police left, a guy pulled in. I told him that I was closed, even telling him why.

    SC: Well what am I supposed to do now. I’m almost out of gas?
    ME: I don’t know, maybe go ACROSS THE STREET to the Esso station?

    Stories from the boss.

    A woman came storming in to the laundry after having finished doing her laundry and slapped down a parking ticket and expected him to pay the fine because she didn’t see the No Parking or Stopping sign that she parked right beside. (You know, the one that prevented her from opening her passenger side door to get her laundry out?) I didn’t even have to ask if he gave her the $10.00. The smile on his face told me the answer.

    And how was your week?
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

  • #2
    Quoth bigjimaz View Post
    ME: February 4th.
    SC: This is ridiculous for laundry. $1.50 a load is too much. Next time I’m going to <Laundromat 15 miles away.>
    Fuck, laundry is $2.75 a load in my building!


    • #3
      Quoth bigjimaz View Post
      (anyone remember gas for under 40¢ per gallon?)
      I am soooooooooo old. My dad owned a Chevron station when I was a kid, and I remember "price wars" where the price would go down to 15.9 or 16.9 cents a gallon. Regular was usually 18.9 or 19.9 cents a gallon. Those days are long gone.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        I remember the first time I bought gasoline. It was right after I got my license when I turned 16. (1969) I borrowed dad's car to take my girlfriend on a date. Dad told me that I was to put 5 gallons in his 1968 Cadillac Coupe DeVille as a "fee" to use it. I remember it costing me under $2.00 and with the 472 C.I. 375 HP motor in it, that gas lasted all of 50 miles and I had to put another dollar's worth in it to get back home. That gas now would cost $25. I was making 90¢ an hour so the $2.75 I spent on gas alone was 3 hours wages. I remember that date costing me altogether about $5.00 for the gas, dinner at McDonalds and a drive in movie, for two, total.

        And yes I bitched about spending that much for a date and I didn't even get a good night kiss.

        Damn, I'm getting old.
        Last edited by bigjimaz; 02-24-2008, 09:02 AM.
        This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


        • #5
          It's, in total for wash and dry, 2.25 in our dorm. At our local laundry, it's 3.50 or so. Eew. But I think that one's independently owned...

          I'm also just glad I don't drive. And we own a Geometro.


          • #6
            umm - help me out here... we're on litres.. and atm it's abouit $1.35/litre.

            And my local Laundromat is now $3.20 a wash..... but then, I'm getting paid about $20/hr to sit here and type replies
            When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


            • #7
              1 US gallon = 3.7854118 liters, so about $5/gallon at the 1.35/liter.

              Thanks Google!
              Last edited by Crawley; 02-24-2008, 03:51 PM. Reason: Added info
              If today is an indication of the rest of the week, I'm going to need to start drinking. - Mongo Skruddgemire


              • #8
                Quoth Crawley View Post
                1 US gallon = 3.7854118 liters, so about $5/gallon at the 1.35/liter.

                Thanks Google!
                Dang, the day gas gets up to $5 a gallon here is the day I sell my car.

                I REFUSE to put more than $30 in my tank per trip to the gas station. at $5 a gallon, that would get me less than half a tank. Screw that.
                <Insert clever signature here>


                • #9
                  Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                  Dang, the day gas gets up to $5 a gallon here is the day I sell my car.

                  I REFUSE to put more than $30 in my tank per trip to the gas station. at $5 a gallon, that would get me less than half a tank. Screw that.
                  At 3.199/gal the other day I put 42.00 in my S-10. That hurt as I didn't think I was that low.
                  Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                    Dang, the day gas gets up to $5 a gallon here is the day I sell my car.

                    I REFUSE to put more than $30 in my tank per trip to the gas station. at $5 a gallon, that would get me less than half a tank. Screw that.
                    PFT! $30 doesn't give me half a tank anymore. Just yesterday I put in over 50$.
                    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                    • #11
                      If I didn't have to drive to Pittsburgh once every couple weeks to get my eBay items to sell, (I get them through a wholesaler there) I really would have no need for a car.
                      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                      • #12
                        Quoth daleduke17 View Post
                        At 3.199/gal the other day I put 42.00 in my S-10. That hurt as I didn't think I was that low.
                        ok... I think I will be hated for saying this, but I filled up 3 days ago at a Chevron at only $2.94 a gallon... total for my half a tank and car wash was only like just over $25...
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          The lowest I remember gas was about a year after I started to drive...for some reason, the price dropped to 84 cents per gallon. I had a Dodge Neon at the time, a standard too, and I got pretty good mileage out of it since 95% of my driving was highway. (I MISS my Neon!) I could fill the entire tank for under $10. There were days where I'd ask my parents for the car for the afternoon and just drive...

                          I wouldn't even THINK of doing that with gas prices like they are now...though my fiance has discovered that I'm still in the habit of topping off the tank when I borrow a car!
                          It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                          • #14
                            35 fills my pt


                            • #15
                              My gas gauge doesn't work properly, so I fill up every 2 days (about 185 miles commuting to and from work) or 200 miles, whichever comes first. I spend about $50/week on average. When I am finally able to get a new(er) vehicle, I'm sure it will cost me more, as I want a full-size truck or SUV which will not get the 22-25 mpg I now average. Yes, I know. But I want something BIG and relatively safe in case of an accident. I'd rather pay with cash than with my life.
                              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

