So for those of you who are NFL fans, Brett Favre decided to call it a career today (I cannot confirm the rumors that Aaron Rodgers hurt himself while celebrating
Therefore, the store manager decided to make a display at the front of the store of all the Brett Favre-related merchandise he could scrounge up. He also instructed us not to hold anything for any customers calling the store and asking us to hold stuff for them--we want to sell everything to people who actually are in the store.
So toward the end of my shift today, I got this little gem on an outside call for sporting goods.
Me: Sporting goods, how can I help you?
SC: Do you have the Brett Favre Uno game in stock (a regular Uno game with the cards housed in a little case that looks like a Brett Favre jersey)
Me: Yes we do. We have them on an endcap in toys and also at the front of the store.
SC: Great! Could you hold 24 of them for me and I'll pick them up tomorrow?
Me: Sorry. Our store manager has specifically requested that we not set aside those items.
SC: So you don't want my money then? I suppose you're going to tell me there's a limit on them too!
Me: Actually there's no limit. We just cannot hold anything for customers to come in and pay for it later. You can buy as many Uno games as you want; we just ask that you come back and get them in person.
SC: But I live 45 minutes away! I can't make a special trip into town for them tonight.
Me: (thinking "Then why did you call in the first place?") Sorry, manager's orders.
SC: I bet you're holding them for other people! Is that it?
Me: We're not holding any Brett Favre Uno games for anybody. Again, if you want to buy 24 of them, fine, but we can't set them aside for you.
SC: *click!
Ahh, customer service! I'm not happy until you're not happy.

Therefore, the store manager decided to make a display at the front of the store of all the Brett Favre-related merchandise he could scrounge up. He also instructed us not to hold anything for any customers calling the store and asking us to hold stuff for them--we want to sell everything to people who actually are in the store.
So toward the end of my shift today, I got this little gem on an outside call for sporting goods.
Me: Sporting goods, how can I help you?
SC: Do you have the Brett Favre Uno game in stock (a regular Uno game with the cards housed in a little case that looks like a Brett Favre jersey)
Me: Yes we do. We have them on an endcap in toys and also at the front of the store.
SC: Great! Could you hold 24 of them for me and I'll pick them up tomorrow?
Me: Sorry. Our store manager has specifically requested that we not set aside those items.
SC: So you don't want my money then? I suppose you're going to tell me there's a limit on them too!
Me: Actually there's no limit. We just cannot hold anything for customers to come in and pay for it later. You can buy as many Uno games as you want; we just ask that you come back and get them in person.
SC: But I live 45 minutes away! I can't make a special trip into town for them tonight.
Me: (thinking "Then why did you call in the first place?") Sorry, manager's orders.
SC: I bet you're holding them for other people! Is that it?
Me: We're not holding any Brett Favre Uno games for anybody. Again, if you want to buy 24 of them, fine, but we can't set them aside for you.
SC: *click!
Ahh, customer service! I'm not happy until you're not happy.