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Old geezer day today!

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  • Old geezer day today!

    First Wednesday of the month, and that can only mean one thing: 15% discount for all geezers over the age of 55. Oops, wait, what's this....I've apparently just been told to refrain from using the word "geezer"

    And now, the case of the cantankerous old geezer:

    Had the unique pleasure of serving this winner today. Was covering a break in electronics (which is to say I was just wandering around the department window shopping) when I am approached by an older lady in a wheelchair being pushed by a younger woman who I guess was her caretaker.

    WL: Are you a manager? I need a manager!
    Me: No, but maybe I can help you anyway. What do you need?
    caretaker pushes wheelchair lady into the toaster aisle
    WL: (referring to a toaster which was completely out except for this display) I want to buy this toaster but you don't have any on the shelf, so I'd like the display please.

    Store policy is we do not sell displays until the item is on clearance and is the last of that item in the store. This is pretty much a universal, ironclad policy.

    Me: Sorry, we are out of that toaster, but it shows we'll have 4 coming in soon. They might be on tonight's truck, so you could call tomorrow to see if we have it in. Or we can give you a raincheck up at the service desk.
    WL: Did you not just hear me? I said I want the display!
    Me: Unfortunately, we cannot sell displays of items until the item is on clearance and we have no more boxed units in the store.
    WL: Get me a manager!
    Me: Okay!

    I call up the manager on duty, who comes down and...wait for it....tells WL the exact same thing I just told her.

    WL: I don't understand this. You think that because I'm in a wheelchair and disable that I don't have money to spend? I came here to get a toaster and there's a perfectly good one on the shelf you won't sell me. Come on, we're going to put all our stuff back and leave.

    Sorry lady, looks like your crippled card has been declined.


    Helped a lady who was spending the longest time in the TP aisle trying to decide between the Charmin in the red wrapper and the Charmin in the blue wrapper. Eventually she gave up and decided on a package of Quilted Northern instead. Lady also had in her hand a copy of this week's sales ad, disassembled in such a way that pages 2 and 3 were not together. This becomes important later.

    L: Yeah, this quilted northern is supposed to be $5.99, isn't it?
    Me: (scans it) Actually, it seems to be coming up at regular price at the moment.
    L: Are you sure?

    At this point I notice the ad in her hand

    Me: Yeah. But actually, if you will give me your copy of the ad, I think I need to show you something.
    L: This is my ad! What do you want to do with it?
    Me: I need to show you something.

    Lady surrenders her ad to me, which I re-arrange to show her that the $5.99 sale price was only good Sunday and Monday this week.

    L: Well that's misleading.

    Of course it is. Which is why we put in IN BIG BOLD LETTERS at the top of the pages.


    Lady: (pointing to an empty shelf location for fabric softener sheets with "out of stock" tags put up) Do you have these dryer sheets in stock?
    Me: (scans tag just to humor her) No, it looks like we are still waiting on that.
    Lady: (pointing to ANOTHER empty shelf space with an out of stock tag) Okay, do you have these dryer sheets in stock?
    Me: (scans) Nope. It looks like we are still waiting for those to come in too.
    Lady: (cat butt face) Well, thanks anyway.

    Teh Co-worker is teh ghey. O noez!

    It also came to my attention today that one of the guys who unloads trucks is evidently bisexual. Big whoop. This fact was broadcast to me by another truck unloader, who is rather loutish and likes to brag about all the chicks he thinks he will bang at the UW school he will attend next year which is insanely easy to get into.

    LCW: Hey Irv, guess what? Coworker's name is bi!
    Me: And I care because.....?
    LCW: That means he's queer!
    Me: And I care because....?
    LCW: He's a (slur for homosexuals that rhymes with "egg")!
    Me: Look, it's really cute you think that offends me, but really. I don't care.
    LCW: Oh, maybe you're queer too!
    Me: Exactly how old are you?
    LCW: I'm 18
    Me: Then why don't you act like it. Seriously, I heard better insults in second grade. (walk away)
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post

    Teh Co-worker is teh ghey. O noez!

    It also came to my attention today that one of the guys who unloads trucks is evidently bisexual. Big whoop. This fact was broadcast to me by another truck unloader, who is rather loutish and likes to brag about all the chicks he thinks he will bang at the UW school he will attend next year which is insanely easy to get into.

    LCW: Hey Irv, guess what? Coworker's name is bi!
    Me: And I care because.....?
    LCW: That means he's queer!
    Me: And I care because....?
    LCW: He's a (slur for homosexuals that rhymes with "egg")!
    Me: Look, it's really cute you think that offends me, but really. I don't care.
    LCW: Oh, maybe you're queer too!
    Me: Exactly how old are you?
    LCW: I'm 18
    Me: Then why don't you act like it. Seriously, I heard better insults in second grade. (walk away)
    ouch, does he need oitment for that burn. It's so funny when people say this sort of stuff, try to make it a big deal, only to have no one else give a rats ass. And thank you for telling him to act more mature, it makes the rest of us 18 years olds pissed when idiots fuel the stereotypes.
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #3
      Um, the truck unloader does realize he could get fired for saying that, right??
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post

        Sorry lady, looks like your crippled card has been declined.
        We accept Visa, MC, Discover, and AMEX. OOOOHHHHHH.........the crippled card, sorry, we don't accept that, along with the vet card, the race card, and the I-have-kids card.
        I know nothing and I can prove it!


        • #5
          It also came to my attention today that one of the guys who unloads trucks is evidently bisexual. Big whoop. This fact was broadcast to me by another truck unloader, who is rather loutish and likes to brag about all the chicks he thinks he will bang at the UW school he will attend next year which is insanely easy to get into.

          LCW: Hey Irv, guess what? Coworker's name is bi!
          Me: And I care because.....?
          LCW: That means he's queer!
          Me: And I care because....?
          LCW: He's a (slur for homosexuals that rhymes with "egg")!
          Me: Look, it's really cute you think that offends me, but really. I don't care.
          LCW: Oh, maybe you're queer too!
          Me: Exactly how old are you?
          LCW: I'm 18
          Me: Then why don't you act like it. Seriously, I heard better insults in second grade. (walk away)

          18 & clueless
          Last edited by Broomjockey; 03-10-2008, 01:38 AM. Reason: adding quote tags


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            Oops, wait, what's this....I've apparently just been told to refrain from using the word "geezer"

            And now, the case of the cantankerous old geezer:
            That dog can sell anything!

            Seriously, what is it with old people anyway? Just because you've managed drag your ass through an astounding number of years, that makes you entitled to anything you want?? Ugh.


            • #7
              But wait....there's more!

              A memo recently came down stating that effective the next Senior Day (which, according to my calendar, would be April 2), household chemicals and paper products will be excluded from the extra 15% senior citizens discount. They are also excluded from the employee discount, but to compensate corporate is raising the employee discount on everything else to 15%. Whee. This probably is because we sell those products at cost or a small loss, and we always get wiped out (har!) on Senior Day.

              Seriously, yesterday I swear just about every person who looked like they'd qualify for the discount had a heaping cart full of toilet paper and laundry detergent.

              I sincerely hope I am not working on April 2.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                I hope you are having some HUGE signs printed for that exclusion...the customers won't see em of course, but at least you can then point to them after they explode with "What do you mean X isn't discounted"

                For your sake I also hope you are off that day...although the stories that you could write afterwords hmmmm


                • #9
                  I wondering if playing the SC's against themselves would work.

                  Moderately offensisve sign along the lines of "Hey Aged Entitlement Whores we've removed the discount on <products>." When they complain about the language you know they've read the sign.
                  ludo ergo sum


                  • #10
                    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                    I sincerely hope I am not working on April 2.
                    Better request that day off now.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jadedcarguy View Post
                      We accept Visa, MC, Discover, and AMEX. OOOOHHHHHH.........the crippled card, sorry, we don't accept that, along with the vet card, the race card, and the I-have-kids card.
                      Actually, Pity Party, Inc (a subsidiary of Entitlement Whore LLC) accepts all of those cards.
                      Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                        Lady also had in her hand a copy of this week's sales ad, disassembled in such a way that pages 2 and 3 were not together.
                        I wonder how long it will be before SCs just cut letters out of the ad and paste them together to spell out what they want to read?
                        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                        The stupid is strong with this one.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                          Seriously, yesterday I swear just about every person who looked like they'd qualify for the discount had a heaping cart full of toilet paper and laundry detergent.
                          Do ya think the two are related?


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jadedcarguy View Post
                            We accept Visa, MC, Discover, and AMEX. OOOOHHHHHH.........the crippled card, sorry, we don't accept that, along with the vet card, the race card, and the I-have-kids card.
                            do you accept the starving college student card?

                            Quoth Dips View Post
                            I wonder how long it will be before SCs just cut letters out of the ad and paste them together to spell out what they want to read?
                            oh, please don't give them ideas

                            oh, and kudos to your bi coworker who has to put up with that jackass unloader, if people were talking about me behind my back like that and I found out I'd probably quit on the spot (fortunately my major distinguishing characteristics are that I'm overweight (used to being teased for that), I'm a geek/nerd and don't take shame in that, and Mormon which while still the minority population wise in Utah is something that people have enough exposer to us that we no longer seem that strange).
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                              I sincerely hope I am not working on April 2.
                              Claim you were injured in a particularly cruel April Fool's Day prank. Or if you want to ask off in advance, claim that you're scheduled to be injured in said prank
                              "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                              "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

