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Early To Bed Early To Rise Does Not Make An SC Wise.

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  • Early To Bed Early To Rise Does Not Make An SC Wise.

    Our store opens at 7, I am not allowed to let anyone in the door until that time. However we get these clueless people who show up nearly a half hour before and get annoyed when I won't let them in.

    SC 1# A guy sees me open the door and starts literally running to it. I tell him "Sorry, we don't open for another 15 minutes" He scowls and whines that his ride is coming back for him in 5 minutes and he needs cigarettes. I tell him I can't and he snaps "Are you sure you're going to be open in fifteen minutes."

    No sir, I'm going to risk my job and open late just to deprive you of your precious smokes. Next time you go looking for smokes at 6:45 in the morning ask your ride to take you to 24 hour store.

    SC 2# Another guy waiting outside the store as I enter I tell him when we open. He tells me he just needs a lighter, again I say he has to wait. I shut and lock the door behind me when he pounds on the door "Can you just give me a book of matches?". I tell him I am not permitted to allow customers in and he whines "I can't f***ing believe this".

    In the fifteen minutes that it took me to open he complained to all the patient customers waiting how all he wanted was some matches and how ridiculous it was. I open he comes in buys a lighter and spends five frickin minutes rooting in his backpack searching for change. Something he could have been doing instead of spending fifteen minutes bitching and moaning.

    SC 3# Some dizzy woman comes walking up and a couple of other waiting customers tell her that the store isn't open. She waltzes right past them rattles the locked door, peers in at me, and then yells through the door "I just want to get some coffee."

    Yes princess, so do the other patient people standing there waiting. I'm not going to open up and risk my job because you are incapable of understanding the concept of opening hours.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    I have those issues too. The other one is in the afternoon after we close, and we get idiots rattling on the door, wanting to come in to buy something. Lets see, you can see I am counting out the tills, there are no other staff left in the store, and I should let you in because you can't manage your time?

    On most days we open at 9am, but trading laws in our area mean we have to open at 10 on Sunday. EVERY sunday from 9-10 there is a steady stream of customers come up, rattle the doors, yell at us etc for not being open. One morning as I was counting in the tills, this SC came to the front doors and wouldn't stop yelling. I told him we could actually be fined if I let him in before 10 - "that's your problem, not mine" Will you pay the fine moron?

    Last December the sunday trade law was relaxed for the 2 weeks before Christmas, so we opened at 9. For those 2 weeks, 9-10 was a ghost town. WTF? Suddenly all the townsfolk managed to remember that we opened at 10 on Sunday. The first week back to normal time and they were back at the doors at 9am again, and even used the "but you opened at 9 last week"

    Of course we were closed on Christmas day, but afterwards out of curiosity I looked at the surveillance tape (it is motion sensitive, so when playing it back it skips past all the time when nothing was happening). Amazingly, through the course of the day there were several dozen people who came up to the front doors, rattled them, looked for a while, before finally getting the idea we were closed (the lights off didn't give you a hint?). Maybe I could understand people going to a food shop on Christmas day, but a computer shop?


    • #3
      Where I work, we are open from 10am-5pm. We close 20 minutes early, so that we can shut down and get ready to leave at 5. Yet, we still get people who will come in at 5 minutes before we close and expect to get a storage unit. We always tell them, that we are closing at 5 and that it will take atleast 25 minutes to show the unit and fill out the paper work. We do not complain if they are making a payment. Cause then we can just add that amount onto the amount of that day. And with us, counting down cash, checks & CC only takes about 6 minutes.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        yeah when i worked in the retail shop it happened to me as well.

        We had 3 roller doors at the front of the store in a shopping centre and i used to have the middle door 3/4 of the way down to when i opened up so staff could come in.

        One morning im sitting there counting the registers in when this guy ducks under the door and starts wandering around. I look up and it takes me a second to register and go WTF?

        I say can i help you (off chance it is a tradie. He was dressed like one).

        Him: Are you open?

        Me: Urrr, no (obviously)

        Him: Oh thats ok. I'll just look around your store until you open then.

        Me: Yeah no. You'll have to leave

        Him: This is bullshit

        Me: Too bad.
        Send in the Squirrels!


        • #5
          I have waited outside stores before, and my god the amount of people who huff and puff and try and get you to join in with the complaning!

          I always tell them that waiting another 5 mintues wont kill me and they give me the evil eye and shut up

          they must know im in on the horrible conspiricy of retail workers around the world.... to make customers obey the rules..... the horror of it all.
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            Quoth Rivulatus View Post
            I told him we could actually be fined if I let him in before 10 - "that's your problem, not mine" Will you pay the fine moron?
            What a loser. I love people who say dumb things like that... OBVIOUSLY you consider it a problem cuz you are standing there bitching at me. I tend to just stare at people who say things similar to that. Explaining to them the retarded thing they just said tends to take too long.
            When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


            • #7
              I get the opposite:

              "When do you close?"
              "We're open 24 hours."
              "So you'll be open when I come past here again at 9 tonight?"

              no, when I said we're open 24 hours I didn't mean 24 hours in a row.


              • #8
                Yeah... well... I work in a 24 hr call centre.

                And ppl will ring and say "Oh, I didn't expect anyone to be there at this hour"..... then YTF did you ring???
                When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                • #9
                  Quoth Rivulatus View Post

                  Of course we were closed on Christmas day, but afterwards out of curiosity I looked at the surveillance tape (it is motion sensitive, so when playing it back it skips past all the time when nothing was happening). Amazingly, through the course of the day there were several dozen people who came up to the front doors, rattled them, looked for a while, before finally getting the idea we were closed (the lights off didn't give you a hint?). Maybe I could understand people going to a food shop on Christmas day, but a computer shop?
                  When my store opens I have the same old men standing there as I let myself in and they continue to stand there until I open the doors a half hour later. If Im even one min late they freak out! I guess they need their beer and liqure that bad!
                  I compleatly understand that whole trying the door thing. When we close early on holidays we turn off all the lights that arnt needed and we have to post a sign outside our doors at lets 5 days in advance. But can those sc read.....
                  Once our door was broken and if you didnt lock it right it would open but to actual get it to open you needed to slam your full body weight agienst it (I had to test this every night till it was fixed and Im not a small girl) needless to say we would be in the back counting tills and hear Hello can I please get some service!In the rudest tone they can muster and then be pissed when I toss them out becuase we havent been open for the past half hour.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Slytovhand View Post
                    Yeah... well... I work in a 24 hr call centre.

                    And ppl will ring and say "Oh, I didn't expect anyone to be there at this hour"..... then YTF did you ring???

                    Ohhhhhhh. I totally understand your pain. I work in one of those too, but I work 2nd shift.

                    I get people who will call at 1150pm and say "Oh, how late are you there?".

                    I answer politely, but honestly "Well, *I* am off in 10 minutes, but we are open 24/7".

                    Them: "Well, this could really wait 'till morning, but since I have you...lets go ahead and book it." Invariably, they proceed to give me a complicated international trip for 6 months from now, thereby forcing me to stay at least 30 minutes to an hour over my already long-ass 12 hour shift.
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      Quoth powerboy View Post
                      We always tell them, that we are closing at 5 and that it will take atleast 25 minutes to show the unit and fill out the paper work.
                      But will you stay to help them if they still want to get one? Just curious.


                      • #12
                        We get the waiting crowd too. Most of our customers are patient, though. They'll form orderly lines if they're waiting for a hot item or a new release and generally get along with each other. Often, when I'm approaching the store, one will ask when we open and thank me for telling them. Except one day...

                        3 Kids in a Truck: Hey! When do you guys open?
                        Me: Nine.
                        3 K in a T: Can you let us in early?
                        Me: No.
                        3 K in a T: Why not?
                        Me: Because we're not open yet. The cash registers are still empty. All of the displays and half the lights aren't even turned on.
                        3 K in a T: Well **** (My Store), then. We're going to (Competitor).
                        Me: They don't open until ten.
                        3 K in a T: Yeah, but they'll let us in early!

                        And they peeled out of our parking lot in a cloud of blue smoke. I saw them playing our X-Box 360 demo at about 9:15. I guess (Competitor) didn't let them in after all.

                        Quoth Rivulatus View Post
                        Of course we were closed on Christmas day, but afterwards out of curiosity I looked at the surveillance tape (it is motion sensitive, so when playing it back it skips past all the time when nothing was happening). Amazingly, through the course of the day there were several dozen people who came up to the front doors, rattled them, looked for a while, before finally getting the idea we were closed (the lights off didn't give you a hint?). Maybe I could understand people going to a food shop on Christmas day, but a computer shop?
                        I'm afraid that tech support and computer stuff will eventually be like hospitals and gas stations. I overheard this at the tech bench in my store last December.

                        SC: Are you guys open on Christmas?
                        Tech: Nope.
                        SC: You're not? But what if someone has a problem with their computer?
                        Tech: Then they'll have to wait until the next day.
                        SC: Well, that's a very selfish attitude, don't you think?
                        Tech: (Blinks at her for a few seconds) We do have a 24-hour toll-free tech support line people can call. They will be open.
                        SC: Oh. Good. At least you have that. I'd hate to think of someone's computer not working on Christmas of all days!
                        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                        - Bill Watterson

                        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                        - IPF


                        • #13
                          Quoth Rivulatus View Post
                          I told him we could actually be fined if I let him in before 10 - "that's your problem, not mine"
                          Well, see, the correct answer to this on is, "Actually, no, it is your problem.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            We have a very cheap DVD sale every Sunday. It's an unadvertised special, so basically people only know about through word of mouth (either through ours, or their friends).

                            It never fails, every Sunday (we open @ 11:00 AM those days), theres a group gathering (it must look strange to those driving down the street ....). Anyway, we have our usual customers who come in every Sunday and those who aren't regulars....

                            Who see the whole group of people waiting....

                            And still manage to go up and try jiggling the locked door.

                            Gah! I hate that special ...
                            This area is left blank for a reason.


                            • #15
                              The store I work at opens at 7 am daily; no earlier. It's posted outside the door in foot-tall letters. Yet we'll have people ram carts, or try to pry the sliding doors open because they absolutely have to have $250 of groceries now.

                              So I was getting my till set up during one such early shift when I hear this loud TWANG. Some SC decided maybe he'd pass through the door if he ran into it hard enough, and bounced off, flying back a couple feet after doing so. I had to duck down behind my lane because I just going stop laughing at the sound it had made. My sup comes over and asks what that was, and when I told her she too started laughing.

                              No surprise the first thing he put on my belt was a bottle of aspirin.

