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I must still have that retail worker aura....

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  • I must still have that retail worker aura....

    Even though I have not been one for close to 10 years now....

    I was in Walmart last weekend. I had jeans, a sweatshirt, and a jacket (not blue or red like the employees & managers wear) on. I was checking out a VCR/DVD recorder in the electronics department, when this guy came up to me:

    Guy: Can I ask you a question?
    Me: Huh?
    Guy: Do you work here?
    Me: No, I don't.
    Me: Oh, sorry.

    He wasn't sucky, I just found it weird that he would think someone dressed up like I was would be working there.

    Guess my aura has not died yet.
    "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
    ~Curly from the 3 Stooges

  • #2
    At my work we have SO many different uniform variations that I often wonder how many customers get hassled.

    Our uniform variations are as follows:
    Ikea blue work pants or blue skirt (which I love in the summer)
    yellow polos
    white polos
    yellow button-up shirts
    blue and yellow sweaters
    navy blue sweaters


    • #3
      I got asked that in Target one day...3 the same guy...

      (and no I was not wearing a red shirt or khakis)
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        I've been asked this many many times before aswel!

        even more so when im fully 'gothed up' now when the hell do i look like an employee like that :S
        sorry for my horrendous spelling; English is my first language, and I'm not dyslexic. I'm just shite at spelling


        • #5
          The fabric store I shop at has taken a policy of "cut your own" on fabrics and trims. So anytime I go in and start cutting, inevitably someone walks up to me at the table and starts rambling out their question. Usually I can answer or signal to someone nearby who does work there (I used to, so I typically know the answer anyway).

          One woman a few weeks ago would not take no for an answer though! She was asking me some complicated question in a very thick accent, and I was working on homework (swatching for design class). So I told her "I'm sorry, I don't work here, but that lady over there does." as I wave to the woman in question.

          This woman looked me dead in the eye and said "Yes you do. You're cutting fabric."
          Le sigh, so I point to the 4 foot sign above my head that reads "Cut your own" but since we all know customers don't read...
          She glanced at it then said again "You work here." Don't I wish I still did!
          Fortunately, at this point one of the real employees wandered over to check on me (they remember me!) and she ushered the woman away.

          Until she was ready to check out. Then it was lather, rinse, repeat that I absolutely MUST work there.

          That's mostly a combination of her suck and the store's odd practices.


          • #6
            better than being in unifrom and being asked if you work there :P

            "No, I don't work here, I just decided to make this badge and put on this uncomfortable and pointless uniform and stock the shelves here with a bunch of stuff I don't want anymore."
            We Pick Up the Pieces

