I am sorry I can not/will not pull money out of my ass!!!!!!
Yes I know this sort of topic has been done to death, but it is getting worse all of the time.

I am a delivery driver. I am only allowed to carry a small amount of money on me at any one time except when coming back from say a triple or a quad. this is standard practice in the food delivery "industry"
WHY WHY WHY do you feel the need to treat me like a bank and hand me a $50 or $100 bill for your measly $15 order. where do you think I am going to get your change?????? pull it out of my ass????? no way I physically can or will for that matter. I am sorry that is all you have but no I do NOT have change for that. NO I will not go to the gas station a mile away to see if they can change this bill (not happening I used to work at a gas station and would not change a $100 because that runs my drawer waaaaaayyyyyyyyy short of $1 $5 and $10)
And NONO will I go back to the store and get change and bring it back to you. that costs me money as in
1. I KNOW you are not going to tip me for the original order AND my "extra effort" (will never say that to someones face but would like to)
2. whilst I was getting/bringing you your change I could have taken at least 2 more runs since you live far enough away that the round trip is not worth my time/gas wastage/etc.
3. I am not required to go and get you change from anywhere as our security policy dictates that we can not carry large amounts of cash on us. this policy is for the safety of the drivers ie not getting robbed/shot/fake accident because someone KNOWS FOR A FACT we have a large amount of casH on us
4. other customers who DO know the proper way to pay for orders will get their orders late because you think I am the regional Federal Reserve and have shit load of cash stashed in my trunk and I/we have to put them off because YOU are a dumbass with no sense of preplanning and huge sense of entitlement
what pisses me off is this used to happen only occasionally maybe once or twice a month. now it seems to be happening at least twice every shift I work and I work full time 5 or 6 shifts a week.
Just because you want that medium chz pizza at 11pm and all you have is $100 sorry not happening go hungry. and yes I invite you to call either our franchize or the corp 800 number and complain. I will not get into trouble and you will be laughed at esp if I am polite during the "transaction" as I ALWAYS am.
we have security policies for a reason (although some would argue some of these policies are just corp CYA as the drive takes the brunt of the injury/death/rape/car accident) they are valid to a point.
Yes I know this sort of topic has been done to death, but it is getting worse all of the time.

I am a delivery driver. I am only allowed to carry a small amount of money on me at any one time except when coming back from say a triple or a quad. this is standard practice in the food delivery "industry"
WHY WHY WHY do you feel the need to treat me like a bank and hand me a $50 or $100 bill for your measly $15 order. where do you think I am going to get your change?????? pull it out of my ass????? no way I physically can or will for that matter. I am sorry that is all you have but no I do NOT have change for that. NO I will not go to the gas station a mile away to see if they can change this bill (not happening I used to work at a gas station and would not change a $100 because that runs my drawer waaaaaayyyyyyyyy short of $1 $5 and $10)
And NONO will I go back to the store and get change and bring it back to you. that costs me money as in
1. I KNOW you are not going to tip me for the original order AND my "extra effort" (will never say that to someones face but would like to)
2. whilst I was getting/bringing you your change I could have taken at least 2 more runs since you live far enough away that the round trip is not worth my time/gas wastage/etc.
3. I am not required to go and get you change from anywhere as our security policy dictates that we can not carry large amounts of cash on us. this policy is for the safety of the drivers ie not getting robbed/shot/fake accident because someone KNOWS FOR A FACT we have a large amount of casH on us
4. other customers who DO know the proper way to pay for orders will get their orders late because you think I am the regional Federal Reserve and have shit load of cash stashed in my trunk and I/we have to put them off because YOU are a dumbass with no sense of preplanning and huge sense of entitlement
what pisses me off is this used to happen only occasionally maybe once or twice a month. now it seems to be happening at least twice every shift I work and I work full time 5 or 6 shifts a week.
Just because you want that medium chz pizza at 11pm and all you have is $100 sorry not happening go hungry. and yes I invite you to call either our franchize or the corp 800 number and complain. I will not get into trouble and you will be laughed at esp if I am polite during the "transaction" as I ALWAYS am.
we have security policies for a reason (although some would argue some of these policies are just corp CYA as the drive takes the brunt of the injury/death/rape/car accident) they are valid to a point.