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Overloaded (Long)

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  • Overloaded (Long)

    So I just started a new job as a loader (see what I did with the title there? Yeah I know, i'm ashamed of myself too... puns are a horrible thing) at a certain home improvement store that begins with an "L" about a month back. Basically I help people load stuff into their cars and bring carts in when there's no one to help, pretty simple. To be honest, it's not the worst job i've ever had but there are a few ground rules I wish customers would take note of.

    1.) I am NOT a mobile cart dispenser. We have literally hundreds of carts sitting right in front of the door. I'm not joking, go look. You have to walk *right* past them to get in the doors. So why in the world would you bother me while i'm collecting them from the parking lot, making me stop what i'm doing just to give you a stupid cart and then watch as we wheel it right past all the ones already piled up? Even worse are the lazy jerks that ask me to get them a cart when i'm not even doing anything related to carts. You have legs. Use them.

    2.) On the same note, I'm also not a mobile cart return. If i'm pushing a line of 8 or 9 carts back to the store it's because that's how many I want to be pushing back. The things get damn hard to steer and I have to do it all day so when you come up and just push a cart onto the end of the line (which is also dangerous and stupid) it's pretty damn annoying.

    3.) You know what, just don't talk to me about carts. Seriously. The next person that tells me to get them a cart is going to have one pushed towards them at high speed... after I tell them no and they turn around.

    4.) You are *not* going to be able to fit 3 large cabinets and a table inside your minivan, I don't care how far you have to drive. No. Not even if we shift it that way. No, that won't work either. Oh great, now your wife is chiming in too. What's that? We can take out the seats? Yeah, that won't work either. Oh! We can turn it on its side? Really, now why didn't I think of that? Oh wait, I did. Remember when I pulled out that shiny thing that made the funny noises when I rolled it out and back in? Remember how I held it up the back of your car then the cabinets and told you they wouldn't fit? Yeah, that was a magical device I like to call a "tape measurer" and it told me that wouldn't work either. It also told me you're a freaking idiot. Seriously, what part of physically impossible can't you comprehend?

    5.) This is my job, I do it 5 days a week. I know how to load stuff into your truck. Yes, i'm sure I can lift this. Yes, i'm positive this won't damage the product or your truck. No, this 80 pound bag of cement won't slide around the bed of your truck and damage anything. You know what? Just do it yourself. Why even call me out here if you aren't going to let me do my job?

    6.) Hey, you. Yeah, you, the stupid witch in the white minivan glaring at me and making the "what the hell are you thinking" hand motions. I stopped this line of carts when you were still two aisles back, I think it's safe to say I saw you. Just because you didn't notice me until just now doesn't mean I was running full speed at you. In fact, I probably could have made it all the way past before you got here but I was trying to be nice. All you've proven is that I can pay more attention to my surroundings while pushing 8 carts than you can while operating something that can easily kill someone. Honestly the fact that you're even allowed behind the wheel terrifies and intrigues me.

    7.) I don't know the answer to your question, i'm just a loader heading back to recieving to grab something. But that gentleman over there would be glad to help you out, he works in this department. Yes, I know you're just asking where something is and if it will work for you, what i'm saying is I don't know the answer to either of those questions. This is a very large store and all I do is push carts and help people load things, you really don't need to be a dick about it.

    And don't even get me started on management....

  • #2
    That really is an awful title.... You ought to be pun-ished.
    Haikus are easy
    But sometimes they don't make sense


    • #3
      Quoth Mindless View Post
      1.) I am NOT a mobile cart dispenser. We have literally hundreds of carts sitting right in front of the door. I'm not joking, go look. You have to walk *right* past them to get in the doors. So why in the world would you bother me while i'm collecting them from the parking lot, making me stop what i'm doing just to give you a stupid cart and then watch as we wheel it right past all the ones already piled up? Even worse are the lazy jerks that ask me to get them a cart when i'm not even doing anything related to carts. You have legs. Use them.

      2.) On the same note, I'm also not a mobile cart return. If i'm pushing a line of 8 or 9 carts back to the store it's because that's how many I want to be pushing back. The things get damn hard to steer and I have to do it all day so when you come up and just push a cart onto the end of the line (which is also dangerous and stupid) it's pretty damn annoying.

      I had no idea either of these were problems. But now that I know, guess who won't be a sucky cart stealing/giving customer? That's right... Sometimes I think people do things just simply because they do not know. Otherwise...they are just being jerks.
      When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


      • #4
        And don't even get me started on management....

        Awwww.... why not?? That's just as fun :P
        When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


        • #5
          Poor Mindless I don't think I could ever do your job on a daily bases. Drives me batty finding shopping carts all over the parking lot, especially when there's an area to put the carts not ten feet away. I'll generally grab any floating carts near me and put them away, which drives the fiance batty since a two minute walk to the store entrance is now taking five


          • #6
            Your diatribe about the lady in the white minivan was hilarious!

            By the way, would you grab me a cart?

            *ducks and runs*

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              Oooh puns, I have only one response to puns.

              Tsukimi kawate, ashyokyo!

              (BTW if you get this, you get a rice ball)


              • #8
                It really depends on the attitude hippy. If i'm still collecting carts and you hand me one, I normally don't mind. But if i'm pushing a line of them towards the store and you make me stop to add another one on that I don't want, I don't like it. Those things are heavy and momentum is really the only thing that makes them easy to move; every time I stop for something I have to get it back again.

                The big reason why it bothers me though is that most people are just jerks about it. I've had people flat out push a cart towards me without saying a word. I guess they assumed i'd actually notice the thing before it hit me. I've never been treated like less of a person than when i'm pushing carts.

                People like you are awesome Tireana, don't think i've ever seen anyone doing that at my store

                lol, i'm glad Boozy. Being angry is a lot easier to deal with when you can at least make people laugh about it.

                I don't get the refrence Inverse... can I have the riceball anyways? ><


                • #9
                  Quoth Mindless View Post
                  I don't get the refrence Inverse... can I have the riceball anyways? ><
                  I suppose so. ^_^


                  • #10
                    What is it about carts that bring out the worst in people?

                    I was about 8 months pregnant and gathering carts at my local grocery store where I worked. I was a cashier, but we were slow and I wanted the exercise since it was nice out. Yeah, I know, but I was 18 and stupid and thought gathering carts while 8 months pregnant would be a good idea.

                    Anyway, I was pulling a line out of the cart corral when I felt this mind-numbing pain in the back of my knee and upper leg. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground, blinking. A bunch of people were gathered around me asking if I was ok. I had to ask what happened.

                    Apparently a man in a large car backed into me as I was gathering carts, glanced in the mirror and saw that he KNOCKED A HEAVILY PREGNANT TEENAGER to the ground, and sped off.

                    Happy ending, I was fine - and the kid is now 20 years old. But damn, you'd have to be made of some stern stuff to knock a pregnant woman to the ground with your car and not even stop to check on her.

                    Sorry for the threadjack, but yeah - ppl SUCK when it comes to carts.
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      I won a quid last week on the carts. Most places I go to need a £1 coin in them to release them. Encourages people to put them away properly. But someone had abandoned their cart in the return corral, without collecting the money.
                      ludo ergo sum


                      • #12
                        Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                        Apparently a man in a large car backed into me as I was gathering carts, glanced in the mirror and saw that he KNOCKED A HEAVILY PREGNANT TEENAGER to the ground, and sped off.
                        10 bucks says the jerk never even looked back as he started backing out... man I hate people, especially ones that are driving (but that's another rant entirely ><)


                        • #13
                          I don't understand the 'I'll just add my cart to the line this guy is pushing' thing. Actually I don't understand any of that cart behavior poor Mindless was talking about; but that one baffles me. Soooo, you think that your cart, and your time to not put away that cart, is worth giving some poor guy a hernia. Why?

                          Yeah, even when the cart guys have those motorized gizmos I don't stop to add my cart unless they literally stop & tell me to. My cart goes back to the store or into the corral, thankyouverymuch.
                          I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                          • #14
                            1.) I am NOT a mobile cart dispenser. We have literally hundreds of carts sitting right in front of the door. I'm not joking, go look. You have to walk *right* past them to get in the doors. So why in the world would you bother me while i'm collecting them from the parking lot, making me stop what i'm doing just to give you a stupid cart and then watch as we wheel it right past all the ones already piled up? Even worse are the lazy jerks that ask me to get them a cart when i'm not even doing anything related to carts. You have legs. Use them.

                            2.) On the same note, I'm also not a mobile cart return. If i'm pushing a line of 8 or 9 carts back to the store it's because that's how many I want to be pushing back. The things get damn hard to steer and I have to do it all day so when you come up and just push a cart onto the end of the line (which is also dangerous and stupid) it's pretty damn annoying.
                            On the first one, if somebody comes up to me asking for a cart while I'm pushing them in, I gladly give it to them. One less cart I have to push.

                            I agree with you on the second one. The carts are hard to stop or start if I'm pushing a big line, and people aren't always observant when they're backing out of their parking spots.

                            If I only have a few carts I'm pushing, I'll let you add yours to the end. If I have a big line, I'll ask you to take your cart over to the corral.

                            4.) You are *not* going to be able to fit 3 large cabinets and a table inside your minivan, I don't care how far you have to drive. No. Not even if we shift it that way. No, that won't work either. Oh great, now your wife is chiming in too. What's that? We can take out the seats? Yeah, that won't work either. Oh! We can turn it on its side? Really, now why didn't I think of that? Oh wait, I did. Remember when I pulled out that shiny thing that made the funny noises when I rolled it out and back in? Remember how I held it up the back of your car then the cabinets and told you they wouldn't fit? Yeah, that was a magical device I like to call a "tape measurer" and it told me that wouldn't work either. It also told me you're a freaking idiot. Seriously, what part of physically impossible can't you comprehend?
                            My personal solution to this, which will never be implemented but I can dream: An improper vehicle charge of $20 per item, payable directly to me, if we cannot safely load your items into the vehicle you've driven up in.

                            5.) This is my job, I do it 5 days a week. I know how to load stuff into your truck. Yes, i'm sure I can lift this. Yes, i'm positive this won't damage the product or your truck. No, this 80 pound bag of cement won't slide around the bed of your truck and damage anything. You know what? Just do it yourself. Why even call me out here if you aren't going to let me do my job?
                            That happened to me last weekend. A guy returned a storage cabinet, and as I was going to take it out of van he told me "No no, that's too heavy for that little dolly you have there. You have no respect for how big that thing is."

                            As I slid it out of the van and onto the dolly to take it back inside. Seriously, how do you think it was delivered to you? I don't use flatbed carts for the big storage cabinets because then you have to lift the entire thing into the vehicle, instead of leaning it against the trunk or tailgate and sliding it in.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Quoth InverseHellion View Post
                              Oooh puns, I have only one response to puns.

                              Tsukimi kawate, ashyokyo!

                              (BTW if you get this, you get a rice ball)
                              The proper line is "Tsuki ni Kawatte, oshiokiyo!"

                              Yes, I'm a Sailor Moon fan. ^_^

                              As for the OP, when I'm at a store that provides cart corrals in the lot, then when I'm done with my cart, it goes in the corral. I would never dream of bothering the cart pushers, they have enough trouble as it is with people being too lazy to walk 20-30 feet and put the cart where it's supposed to go.
                              Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

                              This happens more often than most people want to believe.

