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People making lying complaints about you - to you *long*

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  • People making lying complaints about you - to you *long*

    Having just posted about a recent complainer I'm reminded of this old story. The only time I've ever completely lost my temper with a member of the public.

    I was working in a quieter location than my current job. I was giving phone advice. Some people calling up believe they're calling a big call centre but it's just me. Sitting with my shoes off, feet on the desk, on my own in a little room. There is only one other person on the premises and they are doing other work.

    So I get a call - and he's an idiot from the start. He's a Mr. "I know my rights" - a phrase only ever used by people who don't know their rights, and who have just made up extra rights they'd like to have. He believes it's a breach of his human rights that the government help he gets towards paying his rent is paid 4 weekly in arrears - and not upfront.

    He's wrong. Feel free to skip to the bold if you really don't care why.

    We don't normally give human rights advice - and I start of by explaining we're not experts in this field - and give him contact details of somewhere that is. But I am an expert in benefits - and I explain (a) that benefit is only paid in arrears because they have to know you were entitled. It makes sense - otherwise you'd come into money and they'd have paid you upfront when you didn't need it, (b) he actually pays his rent 4 weekly in arrears - so the only reason he's having problems is that he hadn't paid his rent when he last earned money (c) almost every benefit case (except some sexual discrimination ones) has been thrown out by the European court as being within the countries right to set their own administrative rules, and (d) someone had recently failed in an attempt to challenge these rules who had a much stronger case having an unusual tenancy requiring one single annual rent payment. Sort version he's wrong and an over entitled arse.

    I kept the short version to myself - but I might as well not have done because his response to my lack of complete agreement was not good. He argued - and said I was wrong. I said that this was the only advice I could give, and he was welcome to go elsewhere for advice. But no - he wanted to continue arguing. Then he started demanding my name, and when I wouldn't give it (we never gave full names there - in this case I wouldn't give him any names because he was really creepy - but I did make it clear that I was the only person giving advice at that time, and just saying when he'd talked to me would be enough if he had a problem).

    When I still didn't say I agree with him he called me "whore" and slammed the phone down.

    It's not an insult I'd use - but he was middle eastern, and I took it in the spirit it was intended. It is very nasty - and meant to imply complete worthlessness. (And also suggests part of his problem was that I was a woman disagreeing with him).

    So I was shaken up. I took a 5 minute break and talked it through with the other person in the building (not a superior - but someone who was a bit more experienced). She cheered me up a bit, and suggested I take a longer break and suggested I have a cup of tea - but I decided to go back and start answering the phones again.

    2 minutes later I got the first call "I was speaking to a lady earlier and she was very rude to me"

    I lost it. I said "Sir - you were speaking to me. I am the only person answering this line and the only person available to talk to. I was not rude to you, you were extremely rude to me. Now I would like your name because I will ensure that no one from this organisation will ever advise you again".

    He put the phone down.

    I left an apologetic note to my manager - as I was not allowed to bar people, but also pointed out that we had a policy that we would not except racist/sexist/etc. abuse, and that therefore I should not be called a "whore". The manager was OK, and the man never contacted us again.

    I couldn't believe anyone would have the nerve to call me up and lie about me though. And even if he'd lied to a colleague did he really think I hadn't kept records of what had actually happened !

    Anyone else had to listen to lies about themselves ?

    Victoria J

  • #2
    Typically this happens to me, but not with customers. No, it happens with the suckiest members of our organization...the tier 2 department. As a sidenote, there are a lot of great tier 2 tech support agents out there. Believe me, I used to be one. Unfortunately, there are enough "bad apples" to ruin virtually every interaction I have with them now and the following is a perfect example as to why, though I'm sure I've probably posted this elsewhere...

    A tier 2 agent called up. He stated that the customer in question had a DHCP server error issue. Problem here is that there were a number of steps he appeared to have "missed." Now, I have quotes there because according to his notes and his own verbal account, he did XYZ...unfortunately, I could prove he had not with my diagnostics. I keep my call times low, so sometimes that can come back to haunt me...and you'll see why.

    I explained that he could not have possibly performed certain steps because my diagnostics are stating this. He attempted to BS me again and again. I let him talk. After all, all our calls are recorded and I figured he could just talk himself into a whole. I did not refuse to take the call, but stated that, despite what he's said, he definitely did NOT perform all of his troubleshooting. He got pissed, demanded my name, etc. Then he hung up.

    Not even a minute later, the phone rings from level 2 and it's him again. Now, at first, I refresh my diagnostics thinking he did what I said. Nope. Not a lick of it. In fact, he started off the conversation kinda chuckling saying something along the lines of "Yeah, for some reason there was some guy in your department that just wouldn't take it." YEAH, CHUCKLEFACE...ME. Again, I let him talk some smack. When he was done with his BS and asked if he could transfer, it was my distinct pleasure to inform him that he talked to ME and it was apparent he STILL had not done his steps and his ticket would be updated to reflect as such.

    Oh he was PISSED and hung up quickly. The funniest part? I kid you not, 15 seconds later...tier 2...HIM AGAIN. His response after my schpiel? "You again! Fine, I'll call back!" and click. No, I did not get in trouble and fortunately I've never heard from this asshole again.
    You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


    • #3
      yes, at least one shift per week, simply over not getting what they thought they should have.

      one even went so far as to insinuate that i stole from her...then continued to lie to my boss with me right there.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        Quoth gunsage View Post
        His response after my schpiel? "You again! Fine, I'll call back!" and click. No, I did not get in trouble and fortunately I've never heard from this asshole again.
        Because we have no way whatsoever of passing information on to other workers. Like, you know, speech or writing stuff down....

        Quoth chainedbarista View Post
        yes, at least one shift per week, simply over not getting what they thought they should have.

        one even went so far as to insinuate that i stole from her...then continued to lie to my boss with me right there.
        How do they think that will work ? Presumably if you're there in front of them they know they are lying to the person involved. They know they're lying, you know they're lying, a (good) manager is likely to know when their staff are trust worthy and know what they're doing. What the hell is the point ?

        Victoria J


        • #5
          Every single receptionist on the planet has had customers lie about them.

          That old, "I was on hold for ## minutes!" schtick.

          It never worked for me, however, because I had timed how long it took for our phone to do the "this person's still holding" ringback tone, and it was while I was the receptionist that we started the "third page" rule for any call that had been holding long enough for a second ringback, which would be 90 seconds after they were put on hold initially.

          It would never fail that some self-important asshole that wanted someone to help him immediately would claim to have been holding for 10 minutes. Lying bastards.

          Thankfully, the management never believed them over me. And I could often back up the salespeople when they tried to pull the same shit on them.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            My favorite in retail is, "Coworker/manager said I could do it!"

            Nine times out of ten? Noooo-o-o, they didn't.
            Would you like a Stummies?


            • #7
              Oh yeah, today at work as a matter of fact. Woman calls up wanting a couple of prices on the units. So I gave them to her. I asked her for her name and how she heard of us. She came in to rent and started in about how the guy on the phone was rude to her an that she should have a discount on the rent. After finding out, that it was her from earlier. I told her that I was the one that she had talked too. And if she continued to lie, I will not rent too her. We could rent to a person or not. Owners told us themselves that they will back us up, no matter what.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                Quoth gunsage View Post
                Oh he was PISSED and hung up quickly. The funniest part? I kid you not, 15 seconds later...tier 2...HIM AGAIN. His response after my schpiel? "You again! Fine, I'll call back!" and click. No, I did not get in trouble and fortunately I've never heard from this asshole again.
                I know your pain.

                I used to be Tier 2 in a call center. At some point, the powers that be removed the troubleshooting abilities from the Tier 1's (Beyond the most basic stuff) and then removed Tier 3. There WAS no escalation path from Tier 2, we were IT. And then they wondered why Tier 2 was always slammed.

                This was BEFORE they decided all OEM referrals (Including stupid stuff like people calling the wrong number because they wouldn't get their toasters to work) had to be done by Tier 2, but that's another rant.

                I had this one Tier 1 who quite quickly became the bane of my existence. Why? Well, it's simple... even with their abbreviated powers, Tier 1's had some very simple tasks they HAD to perform BEFORE they could escalate a call:

                1. Verify customer information. Make sure they WERE one of our customers, and which one they were.

                2. Ask what the problem actually WAS. Classify it into Connectivity, Software issues, E-mail problems, etc.

                3. Advise the customer they're going to consult with a 'Resolution Specialist' (Bleh, hate that term)

                4. Talk to the Tier 2 and advise them of what the issue is, then when the Tier 2 gives the go-ahead, transfer the call.

                That was basically it. There was some BASIC troubleshooting, but realistically, if they had done this much and weren't sure what to do, we took the call.

                This agent started off okay. Meaning, she passed throught training, understood the basics, and for her first few encounters she transferred calls correctly. I would usually find she skipped most of the troubleshooting steps Tier 1's could do (Advanced stuff like rebooting the computer) but that wasn't unusual.

                But, she quickly DEVOLVED. She would get calls, and IMMEDIATELY call up Tier 2. BEFORE GETTING THE CUSTOMER'S NAME. We would push her back, and she would run crying to her supervisor. She would start dropping calls on Tier 2, meaning she would get an agent, and immediately hit transfer. She wouldn't tell customers she was transferring, she would simply say 'Hold please', call us up, and transfer them. Now, keep in mind, we were under a rule where if an agent had called up a second time, we were supposed to take the call. HOWEVER, we didn't have to take the call if the agent hadn't done anything between their last pushback and this call.

                I got one encounter with her that I remember, because my supervisor had a talk with me about it (Spineless jerk that he was)

                Pol: Me, the god of tech support, security, and all I attempt!
                T1H: The Tier 1 Hag!

                Pol: Tier 2 Polenicus, how can I help you?
                T1H: I need to transfer a call to you.
                Pol: Okay, what's the issue?
                T1H: I don't know.
                Pol: You don't understand the issue? Is it connectivity, software... what did the customer tell you?
                T1H: I don't know, I didn't ask. They need Tier 2.
                Pol: Errrr... can I get the customer information? (Thinking I could pull it from a previous ticket)
                T1H: I don't know.
                Pol: Okay, could you go back to the customer, verify their information, find out what the problem is, then call back?
                T1H: You're not taking the call??
                Pol: I can't without any information. You have to verify their account before...
                T1H: Fine! *Click*

                I shrug, and go back into available. A minute later, I get another call.

                Pol: Tier 2 Polenicus, how can I help you?
                T1H: I need you to take this call!
                Pol: Okay, doy uo have his account information?
                T1H: I don't know! Look, just take the call!
                Pol: *Sigh* Look, I'm not taking any call until you at least ask this guy his name and phone number, and see if he's actually a customer of ours.

                Shortly afterwards, she ran sobbing to her supervisor. I was pulled aside by MY sup later, and told I needed to be 'sensitive' to agents needs, and if they were in distress. I didn't realize not wanting to do her job was distress. I never did find out who the customer was or what their issue was... I do hope they got passed to a competent agent.

                She didn't last long. The job was 'too stressful'.
                Check out my webcomic!


                • #9
                  Had it happen to me to. When I worked in a ladies clothes shop I looked after the store on Saturdays as it was very quiet and not worth a manager coming in. Any way I took a call about an itme of clothing and when I checked we didn't have any. The customer got all pissy and just hung up on me.

                  Well about an hour later the lady came in and asked about the same item of clothing, I informed her that we didn't have any. She got all pissy again and said that the rude assistant that she talked to this morning said that they did have some but that they wouldn't hold them until they came in. I looked the women square in the face and said that she had talked to me and that I was not rude and that I would be now and to get out of the store as I was not even going to bother trying to locate that item of clothing. The women kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish and then slinked out of the store. Damn it felt good to catch them in their lie.
                  Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                    That old, "I was on hold for ## minutes!" schtick.
                    I loved them

                    Not only did our phones display how long the call at the head of the queue had been waiting but it was repeated on a marquee display that the whole call centre could see along with the longest wait (all day). Was always fun to see how close their claim was compared to reality.
                    Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs

