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Hang up first, then complain about me

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  • Hang up first, then complain about me

    So this happened a few days ago, and still bothers me.

    Now as a general rule I work Email support for a mobile provider. (Yes I know my spelling sucks. MS word does not care) However, while we are waiting for emails to come in again I have been asked to assist with taking calls and activating phones for new customers for a few weeks.

    if you have an active account, we are requierd to make sure we are speaking to the billing party, or someone the billing party has granted permission to access the account. FCC regulations and all. So far it has proven more of an inconviniance to people who recently got married and changed their last names than people stealing ids and other info, but back to the point.

    I was speaking to a young SC who wanted to make a change to her account, but she was not the billing party, and had not been ganted access to the account. I asked her to Contact the Billing Party, and have the billing party call us to make the change, or have her added as an Autherized User so she can make the change.

    So far so good, so the customer agreed to everything, and I start to ask if their is anything else I can help her with. Sadly at this time I am interupted by the sound of the phone being put away. But she had forgotten to turn it off.

    At this point i realise that all the static im hearing is the background noise as the customer is in her car, with her windows down. Then I hear her talking to the person beside her.

    SC: *said in a very indignant tone* Yegh T-Mobile Just hung up on me, and they would not make the change.
    SC: They said I had to go to a Direct Store, and have them call the Billing Party.
    SC: no they said it had to be a store that they own, cant go to a 3rd party store
    SC: yegh once that is done the Billing party has to go to the store and make the change in person. They said they cant make the change over the phone

    The customer realised that they had forgotten to hang up on me at about the same time that I yelled Hello into the phone for the 5th or 6th time. I only hope the person they were talking to had sharp enough ears to realise that I was on the phone the whole time, and everything the SC told him was a fabrication.

    But for the love of pete, if you are going to ignore everything i said, and make life difficult on yourself, not to mention accuse me of hanging up on you... Would you kindly take the time to hang up on me first.


  • #2
    Next time ... hang up when you've been put into the purse or pocket. Save yourself!
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Quoth marasbaras View Post
      Next time ... hang up when you've been put into the purse or pocket. Save yourself!
      First make notes on the account of what she said into the phone. Then hang up. Sounds like she was going to be a SC at a kiosk or store somewhere.
      Craven Morhead
      ... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.

