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I guess they can cancel each other out…

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  • I guess they can cancel each other out…

    Most of our customers are frikking awesome. Still, even prize-winning tree’s have bad fruit.

    I’m on my 3rd day on the job, my first ever retail job, and my 2nd day on register, so, nervous as hell. Being 3.89 short on my first day on register didn’t help.

    Guy walks up to my register.

    Me: Hello, how are you doing today?
    Guy: Mm, mkay. (Pauses) I’d like this pack of gum.
    Me: (does my thing) Okay! That’ll be 1.08. ^_^
    Guy: Okay, here you go. (Hands me 10.28)
    Me: (Does the change bit)
    Guy: Okay, wait; can I switch that for a 5?
    Me: Sure.
    Guy: Oh, and I have 8 cents instead.
    Me: Okay.
    Guy: Wait, I need change for the bus, here’s a 20 instead.
    Me: (finishes with change)
    Guy: Wait, where’s the rest?
    Me: What rest Sir?
    Guy: The rest of my money, I gave you another 20.
    Me: (Horrified)
    Me: I’m sorry, give me a second please. (Thinks a sec) No, I gave you everything.
    Guy: (Surprised)
    Me: (Nods) It was confusing, lemme explain it real quick, you gave me 10.28, then a 5, then 8 cents, then the 20. And I gave you back 34.28, which included the 10.28, the 20, and the 4 that’s your change from the 5.08. If you think my math is off, you’re my first cash purchase of the day, so my till should be easy to check.
    Guy: No… it’s all right… (Leaves)
    Me: Have a great day!

    Magic the Gathering to the rescue. I’ve had Stacks get way more complicated than that XD

    I told this to a manager later, to try and show off my ability to keep track of stuff, and she pointed out that it was probably a scam, which blew my mind, now I feel like an idiot about that -_-

    Okay, now, for my first “Call the Cops!” incident! YAY!

    M+AM: (Talking near office)
    Me: (Plugging away with the register, while eavesdropping) :3
    M: (Shocked) Did they just…?
    Me: (Turns, sees Manager looking through window at 2 women who are pushing carts outside)
    M: (Sprints out after them, catches up to them)
    Entire store: (Watches)
    M: Excuse me, I believe one of you may have accidentally grabbed another customers bag, may I see your receipt please?
    Me: (Wtf? All that over an accident?)
    SC1: No, you may not.
    M: (Places hands on both carts, physically holding them in place, and says the following in a manner that is both non-threatening, yet very scary) I’d be surprised if you had one, considering you need to go through a line to get one.
    Me: O_O
    SCs: (Break for it, no fight or anything)

    They had used a Target bag to hide stuff in. And not just from our store either. Ended up returning stuff to Wal-Mart, Target, Radio shack, and I think Borders. My old manager was a scary guy, a SERIOUSLY scary guy.

    I was shocked though, stealing from a Dollar tree? Wtf?

    Last story and one with a title!

    -I guess they can cancel each other out…-

    Me: /wave
    ONW: Older nice woman
    SCA: Sucky customer Alpha
    SCO: Sucky customer Omega
    AM: One of my assistant managers, a bit of a push-over, but a decent manager. (Fired later after she did a big no-no that resulted in someone stealing $300)

    I had a customer (SCA) come up, and badger me into helping her find several items that we always have in stock have never moved and are highly visible in their place of storage. I did so, because there was no one in my line, by the time I got back to my register; there was someone in my line, who I recognized as a regular, and a very nice older woman, also, really patient and easy-going. Still, I shouldn’t have kept her waiting, so I apologized to her, and started to scan her up, but before I could do that, the same woman (SGA) comes up again.

    SCA: Nuh uh, he was helping me, so I’M next.
    Me: (Flabbergasted)
    ONW: (Motions her ahead) Go ahead; I just need this greeting card for my grand-daughter.
    SCA: (Starts un-packing her full cart)
    Me: (Pissed for ONW, she reminds me of my grandma, and I am a protective bastard) Is this okay ONW?
    ONW: Sure it … (Interrupted)
    SCA: That’s what she said!
    Me: (Fine whatever, starts scanning)
    SCO: (Walks up) Hello, I need some help with the Balloons.
    Me: (Checking) I’ll be with you as soon as I can, my back-up is on Lunch, and my manager is busy.
    SCO: I need it now; can you do it now please? (Looks at SCA) She won’t mind.
    SCA: Yes I do mind! I was here first; he can help you after me!
    SCO: I have a time frame, I can’t wait!
    SCA: You can’t just walk to the front of a line, and demand to be helped first!



    SCO: I have a birthday party to get too! My son needs Balloons now! Your order can wait a few minutes!

    I’m at the register near the manager’s office, and the raised voices get my managers attention.

    Manager: (Peaks out) May I help either of you?
    SCO: Yes, I need balloons, but this man won’t help me.
    SCA: Cause he’s helping ME!
    Manager: If either of you can wait a few minutes, I can open up, (Indicates phone) I just need to finish writing down this freight information…
    SCA: There, just wait, she’ll help you.
    SCO: No, He can take care of me, and she can help you!
    Manager: (Not very happy, says to SCA) Ma’am, I watched you get in front of ONW, and have my cashier escort you around the store. (To SCO and SCA) If you BOTH don’t wait, I will not allow him to help EITHER of you. (Goes back into Office)
    SCA: Well then! I see how this place treats their customers. (Leaves)
    Me: (Ends purchase, and gets it ready to be post-voided, starts on ONW)
    SCO: Excuse me, I still need help.
    Me: My manager said to take care of you both last, since she left, you’re next.
    SCO: Humph, I’ll just go to Bel-air. (Leaves)
    Me: (Go ahead, same balloons for 12 bucks, have fun)
    ONW: …
    ONW: So, how you doing today?
    Me: Great, you?

    More after my mid-terms today, which I'll probably fail -_-

    Work is treating me like I'm on call, and if I say no, I get no call in hours for a while, and reduced over all hours. Not a conspiracy or anything, just whoever comes in is seen as reliable, and given more hours.

    Unfortunately, I was so reliable, I went out on the other side, and now I get almost no hours and requests for call in hours DAILY to pick up shifts other people suddenly can't make, or that they can suddenly afford -_-

    Stop giving them to unreliable people, and just schedule someone reliable for it! This makes it so that I can't schedule things with teachers, or anything at all, without having to say no to 1-2 shifts a day. And I still only get 30-35 hours max

    Ugh, job searching on my days off.

    Plus this:

    I went in on my day off to pick up an 8 hour shift a friend of mine had to drop. He has a wife and child, and is barely getting by, well his ship came in, and he got an offer that he had to start that day with. He went for it, and left DT with a "Kthx bai" type message (Thanks for all the fish?). I didn't want him to get a ding if he ever had to use DT as a reference (He just left us high and dry, couldn't get anyoen to come in to close), so I took it. Turns out that was also the first day of a new policy.

    Which is:
    If closers don't have EVERYTHING cleaned up, regardless of how messy it is, how many customers there were, and how many people there working. Everyone will be written up.

    So yeah, me, a assistant manager, and one more cashier... we stayed after 15 minutes to get it down to one cart, and thankfully didn't get written up, our DM was too busy.

    If I do get written up for something that stupid (I'm all for doing my job, but sometimes, just sometimes, there's more work than workers...), I will do everything necessary to make it go away.

    I'll probably post more in the management section later.
    Last edited by Tee; 03-14-2008, 07:22 PM. Reason: I like my keyboard smilies more. :P
    I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
    In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.

  • #2
    Quoth Tee View Post
    I told this to a manager later, to try and show off my ability to keep track of stuff, and she pointed out that it was probably a scam, which blew my mind, now I feel like an idiot about that -_-
    Heh, yeah, that's a fairly common scam. People will come in and they'll start throwing money and numbers around trying to get the cashier to give them too much change. It can net the a couple of dollars, or a couple hundred, depending on their skill and the cashier's attention to detail.

    The best way to deal with that is to treat every one as a new transaction. They give you money, you give them change, then, any other changeouts are done completely separate so there is no question of what happened.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
      Heh, yeah, that's a fairly common scam. People will come in and they'll start throwing money and numbers around trying to get the cashier to give them too much change. It can net the a couple of dollars, or a couple hundred, depending on their skill and the cashier's attention to detail.

      The best way to deal with that is to treat every one as a new transaction. They give you money, you give them change, then, any other changeouts are done completely separate so there is no question of what happened.

      Common place, especially busy stores that have lots of little value transactions and stores that don't empty the till very frequently and often need enough drawer change to handle $100's.

      Sometimes these guys work in teams. One person to do the cash exchanges and the other to distract the clerk with repeated questions.... "can I get extra mustard..... oops I dropped my straw can I get another one.... ohh, these fries are cold".

      As noted always complete one transaction before starting another. And never let your attention be diverted while handling $.
      SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


      • #4
        Quoth Tee View Post
        Me: /wave
        ONW: Older nice woman
        SCA: Sucky customer Alpha
        SCO: Sucky customer Omega
        AM: One of my assistant managers, a bit of a push-over, but a decent manager. (Fired later after she did a big no-no that resulted in someone stealing $300)

        I had a customer (SCA) come up, and badger me into helping her find several items that we always have in stock have never moved and are highly visible in their place of storage. I did so, because there was no one in my line, by the time I got back to my register; there was someone in my line, who I recognized as a regular, and a very nice older woman, also, really patient and easy-going. Still, I shouldn’t have kept her waiting, so I apologized to her, and started to scan her up, but before I could do that, the same woman (SGA) comes up again.

        SCA: Nuh uh, he was helping me, so I’M next.
        Me: (Flabbergasted)
        ONW: (Motions her ahead) Go ahead; I just need this greeting card for my grand-daughter.
        SCA: (Starts un-packing her full cart)
        Me: (Pissed for ONW, she reminds me of my grandma, and I am a protective bastard) Is this okay ONW?
        ONW: Sure it … (Interrupted)
        SCA: That’s what she said!
        Me: (Fine whatever, starts scanning)
        SCO: (Walks up) Hello, I need some help with the Balloons.
        Me: (Checking) I’ll be with you as soon as I can, my back-up is on Lunch, and my manager is busy.
        SCO: I need it now; can you do it now please? (Looks at SCA) She won’t mind.
        SCA: Yes I do mind! I was here first; he can help you after me!
        SCO: I have a time frame, I can’t wait!
        SCA: You can’t just walk to the front of a line, and demand to be helped first!



        SCO: I have a birthday party to get too! My son needs Balloons now! Your order can wait a few minutes!

        I’m at the register near the manager’s office, and the raised voices get my managers attention.

        Manager: (Peaks out) May I help either of you?
        SCO: Yes, I need balloons, but this man won’t help me.
        SCA: Cause he’s helping ME!
        Manager: If either of you can wait a few minutes, I can open up, (Indicates phone) I just need to finish writing down this freight information…
        SCA: There, just wait, she’ll help you.
        SCO: No, He can take care of me, and she can help you!
        Manager: (Not very happy, says to SCA) Ma’am, I watched you get in front of ONW, and have my cashier escort you around the store. (To SCO and SCA) If you BOTH don’t wait, I will not allow him to help EITHER of you. (Goes back into Office)
        SCA: Well then! I see how this place treats their customers. (Leaves)
        Me: (Ends purchase, and gets it ready to be post-voided, starts on ONW)
        SCO: Excuse me, I still need help.
        Me: My manager said to take care of you both last, since she left, you’re next.
        SCO: Humph, I’ll just go to Bel-air. (Leaves)
        Me: (Go ahead, same balloons for 12 bucks, have fun)
        ONW: …
        ONW: So, how you doing today?
        Me: Great, you?

        More after my mid-terms today, which I'll probably fail -_-

        Always remember the SC motto:

        "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget that"

        SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


        • #5
          Quoth Tee View Post

          Magic the Gathering to the rescue. I’ve had Stacks get way more complicated than that XD
          Yeah, MtG math has saved my butt more then once.
          Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

          Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

          Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


          • #6
            Quoth StevieJD View Post
            As noted always complete one transaction before starting another. And never let your attention be diverted while handling $.
            Exactly. If the customer starts asking for specific change, either close your drawer and explain a manager will have to help them (better than getting ripped off and is also recommended by my store, since we have quick change artists arrive each summer) or complete each $ transaction individually so they are kept separate and the money isn't mixed up. Even non-scammers may get upset by the cashier taking time to be careful and I guarantee scammers will act impatient, but it isn't worth getting scammed and potentially losing your job over.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Once Upon a Time...I think I was thought to be a scammer. I had a purchase of not quite $20, and asked if they could break a $50. They said yes; turned out they could not, and called a manager to make change. In the meantime, the checkout area got busy, so I offered to take my $50 back and pay with a $20. They did not want to do that. I don't remember all the details, but I think I ended up getting shortchanged. At that point in time, I carried way too much cash on me, as I was the "change bank" for the animal hospital I worked at, so I really did not know how much cash I had on me, or how much I should have had, and I was cynical enough to believe that if the register came up over, that they would not call me back anyway.
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #8
                Better yet, take what they give you first, and if they want to change it after you have punched it in, simply refuse. Or say you're not allowed to make change after the fact (which has technically been true in my experience).
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Some that are trying to scam change just presume that your braindead.. I've had one the other day give me 5 $5 Bills and ask for 2 $20s in return.. I just gave her the most foul look ever.. she ended up with 1 $20 however so I could get her out of there.
                  - Boochan


                  • #10
                    Quoth Tee View Post
                    Me: (Nods) It was confusing, lemme explain it real quick, you gave me 10.28, then a 5, then 8 cents, then the 20. And I gave you back 34.28, which included the 10.28, the 20, and the 4 that’s your change from the 5.08. If you think my math is off, you’re my first cash purchase of the day, so my till should be easy to check.
                    Guy: No… it’s all right… (Leaves)
                    Me: Have a great day!

                    Magic the Gathering to the rescue. I’ve had Stacks get way more complicated than that XD

                    hey I bet WOTC would love to know that their game gave someone the skills to thwart crime

                    especially due to it being a very difficult crime to thwart.
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

