Okay, so today this lady comes through with her son and they're buying some toy. It rings up 14.99 but she thinks it's supposed to be cheaper, so the kid runs back to look. Turns out she was wrong. In the confusion I manage to scan the item twice, so I void one out, no problem, right? She asks, "I think it rang up more than once." I tell her that it's okay, I voided that one off. Well, apparently the scanner picked it up not twice, but three times, and remained on the receipt despite me checking it before I hit total (hey, I was tired, and I'm an idiot sometimes, what can I say) So there were two on the receipt. She gets her reciept, and prompty freaks out.
"It DID ring up twice!! I TOLD you it did!!!"
You would of thought I just shot baby Jesus.
I take the receipt and do a fix it fast. I tell her that the transaction's been voided out, hand her the guest copy of the void slip, and tell her that she needs to insert her card again. She hesitates. She finally reluctanctly puts in the card reader again. Then, while glaring at me, she says to her kid standing next to her:
"This is how they steal your money. They make you put your card in again. That's how they steal it."
The whole time she's kind of glaring at me while she's speaking to her son. She says nothing when I apologize for the mistake.
I decided to forego the "have a great day."
By the way, she apparently thought I was so incompetent that she needed to go to customer service and have the supervisor make SURE that I voided the transaction properly.
Sing along now, everyone, in tune to "Pretty Woman":
Bitchy woman
Coming through my lane
Bitchy woman
Driving me insane
Bitchy woman
The kind that likes to complain
Bitchy woman
"It DID ring up twice!! I TOLD you it did!!!"
You would of thought I just shot baby Jesus.
I take the receipt and do a fix it fast. I tell her that the transaction's been voided out, hand her the guest copy of the void slip, and tell her that she needs to insert her card again. She hesitates. She finally reluctanctly puts in the card reader again. Then, while glaring at me, she says to her kid standing next to her:
"This is how they steal your money. They make you put your card in again. That's how they steal it."
The whole time she's kind of glaring at me while she's speaking to her son. She says nothing when I apologize for the mistake.
I decided to forego the "have a great day."
By the way, she apparently thought I was so incompetent that she needed to go to customer service and have the supervisor make SURE that I voided the transaction properly.
Sing along now, everyone, in tune to "Pretty Woman":
Bitchy woman
Coming through my lane
Bitchy woman
Driving me insane
Bitchy woman
The kind that likes to complain
Bitchy woman