I've been reading the forum for awhile, but this is my first thread, so hi there! Just to clarify, I work for a police agency.
This happened a few of weeks ago, it's my favorite incidence of lazy/entitlement suckage. Keep in mind, I live in a place that has cold-as-death winters, anyone who lives here should know this. If you've just barely moved here in August, someone would have informed you of the epic cold weather and massive snow banks long before you cracked out a light parka.
sc: illequipped young man
me: hi this is <agency> how can I help you?
sc: uh... there is ice on my windshield...
me: yes sir, it snowed last night. (I wasn't really sure what to say, first thing that came to mind)
sc: oh...
sc: could you guys come help scrape it off?
me: (@#^%$!!!! *deep breath*) I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid we can't provide that type of assistance to you. Do you have a criminal matter we can help you with?
sc: uh...
sc: I guess not... Well what do I do? (did you really just ask me that? did your parents leave you so incapable of handling life's minor inconveniences that you are truly baffled by this relatively simple situation?! did they not give you a 99cent ice scraper to go with that very expensive car?!!)
me: sir, I can only suggest that you start your car and turn both your rear and front windshield defrosters on. Do you have an ice scraper in your car,sir?
sc:i don't know, i don't think so...
me: ok sir, leave your car running for 15 to 20 minutes until the ice melts. make sure you don't leave your car unattended. you may want to pick up an ice scraper from your local gas station so you don't have this problem again.
sc: oh ok... thanks I guess

This happened a few of weeks ago, it's my favorite incidence of lazy/entitlement suckage. Keep in mind, I live in a place that has cold-as-death winters, anyone who lives here should know this. If you've just barely moved here in August, someone would have informed you of the epic cold weather and massive snow banks long before you cracked out a light parka.

sc: illequipped young man
me: hi this is <agency> how can I help you?
sc: uh... there is ice on my windshield...
me: yes sir, it snowed last night. (I wasn't really sure what to say, first thing that came to mind)
sc: oh...
sc: could you guys come help scrape it off?
me: (@#^%$!!!! *deep breath*) I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid we can't provide that type of assistance to you. Do you have a criminal matter we can help you with?
sc: uh...
sc: I guess not... Well what do I do? (did you really just ask me that? did your parents leave you so incapable of handling life's minor inconveniences that you are truly baffled by this relatively simple situation?! did they not give you a 99cent ice scraper to go with that very expensive car?!!)
me: sir, I can only suggest that you start your car and turn both your rear and front windshield defrosters on. Do you have an ice scraper in your car,sir?
sc:i don't know, i don't think so...
me: ok sir, leave your car running for 15 to 20 minutes until the ice melts. make sure you don't leave your car unattended. you may want to pick up an ice scraper from your local gas station so you don't have this problem again.
sc: oh ok... thanks I guess
