I got this call from a real smart cookie today.
The poor thing is lost and wants the nearest hotel to her.
Me: Guess who.
LL: Lost Lady
Me: Good afternoon, thank you for calling <hotel>, this is EQ, how can I help you?
LL: I’m trying to find your location, can you help me?
Me: Sure, just tell me where you are now.
LL: I’m on <Street>
Me: Okay, give me one moment to find you.
[search google maps]
Me: Ma’am, according to this you’re in <direction of city>, if you like, I can give you a number to <affiliate hotel> since it’s closer to your location. Otherwise you’re 20 miles from our location.
LL: I’m just looking for the closest hotel to where I’m at now.
Me: I can help you with that too.
LL: No, it’s okay. Thank you.
Yes, fuck you very much and have a nice day.

Me: Guess who.

LL: Lost Lady
Me: Good afternoon, thank you for calling <hotel>, this is EQ, how can I help you?
LL: I’m trying to find your location, can you help me?
Me: Sure, just tell me where you are now.
LL: I’m on <Street>
Me: Okay, give me one moment to find you.
[search google maps]
Me: Ma’am, according to this you’re in <direction of city>, if you like, I can give you a number to <affiliate hotel> since it’s closer to your location. Otherwise you’re 20 miles from our location.
LL: I’m just looking for the closest hotel to where I’m at now.
Me: I can help you with that too.
LL: No, it’s okay. Thank you.

Yes, fuck you very much and have a nice day.