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Hello, here's your ticket, enjoy your guilt trip.

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  • Hello, here's your ticket, enjoy your guilt trip.

    A thread on customers claiming they will take their money to other stores got me thinking, in a roundabout way, of the games they play, and the guilt trips they put you through, in order to get something out of you. This might be a reduced price, "faster" service because they're in a hurry, to be served before someone else, and so on.

    This is very alien to me. I am an honest and straightforward person and it has never occurred to me to try to make someone feel bad on purpose (especially if they have a low-paying job in the retail or service), so it usually takes me a while to re-assert my own mental defense in light of these attacks.

    One particular example happened several months ago and has just resurfaced in my memory, submarine like, to bob in the turgid waters of my mind.

    A customer, with wife/girlfriend, and young infant, was in the process of obtaining a game. Now, as far as I can recall, I served him as quickly and efficiently as possible (we were very busy), and beyond ingesting several vials of crack or shooting adrenaline into my jugular, I can't really think what I could have done to make myself get things done faster.

    He scowls at me and says, "Come on, man, hurry up. My boy's tired and he wants to go home."

    Now, bear in mind that this is at eleven o'clock at night. I'm sorry your baby is tired and grumpy, but maybe you shouldn't have a five month old out and about close to midnight?

    Then there was the lady who screamed at me because I put her comforters, encased in plastic bags, on the floor. "Don't be putting my things on no floor!"

    Firstly: if you've seen the trucks these things travel in, and the shelves they sit on before you buy them, you're not going to give two donkey turds about "no floor." Secondly, they aren't yours yet. Thirdly, you have a cart full of these things and you're checking out at Electronics, where we have a counter just about big enough for the Pillsbury Doughboy to lie on, if he kept his legs together. Where else am I going to put it?

    Anyway....rant off. Feel free to add your (undoubtedly better) stories about guilt trips here.

  • #2
    I find it very funny that he dragged an infant out at 11 at night to buy a game for who??? He could care less about the baby he wanted to play his game!


    • #3
      Well, if his boy is tired then he needed to go home right then & there. Nobody was putting a gun to his head to force him to shop.
      What kind of idiot has a baby out at that hour?


      • #4
        "My kids are going to starve now!!" This was from a woman who I encountered years ago, when all milk tokens could be used for was liquid milk. (Now you can use them for formula, fruit and vegetables too!) She picked up loads of junk food along with a crate of beer, and tried to pay for it with a bundle of milk tokens. When I refused, pointing out to her the small print on the token stating that all she could buy with it was 8 pints of milk, she came out with that little gem about her kids starving. -.-

        "You're going to feed them beer and chips?" was the retort that came to mind, but it stayed there; instead, I had to call a supervisor over to tell this woman the same thing that I had just told her. -___-
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.


        • #5
          When my son was five months old, he was in one of those carriers that snap into a car seat base. So it didn't matter what time of the night we were out, our son could sleep whenever he felt like it.
          Know why it's called the American "Dream"? 'Cause you have to be asleep to believe it! --George Carlin


          • #6
            Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
            "My kids are going to starve now!!" This was from a woman who I encountered years ago, when all milk tokens could be used for was liquid milk. (Now you can use them for formula, fruit and vegetables too!) She picked up loads of junk food along with a crate of beer, and tried to pay for it with a bundle of milk tokens. When I refused, pointing out to her the small print on the token stating that all she could buy with it was 8 pints of milk, she came out with that little gem about her kids starving. -.-

            "You're going to feed them beer and chips?" was the retort that came to mind, but it stayed there; instead, I had to call a supervisor over to tell this woman the same thing that I had just told her. -___-
            I get people who come in to Dollar Tree all the time who want to use their EBT Food. We have some canned food, but we mostly have Junk food, somehow, I don't think Ding-dong's, Ho_Ho's, Doritos, and Mtn Dew are what they had in mind with the Food stamps program. We have bread, want some bread? Soups, stews..

            The part that makes me mad tho, is they're* using food stamps, and they're wearing designer cloths, and driving a brand new car...

            *: Not all of food stamp users, just most, and almost all do that. We get the occasional person who actually buys food with it, and needs it.
            I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
            In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


            • #7
              Quoth Bright_Star View Post
              What kind of idiot has a baby out at that hour?
              Ha... you ever tried making a kid go to sleep? A lot of times, regardless of how tired they are, they won't. It's not uncommon for my two nieces, 4 years and 8 1/2 months, to be awake past midnight, and generally not too cranky either.

              Not an excuse for the original SC of course. If your kid's grumpy, leave him home. If you have to bring him out, don't whine to other people about it. You made him, so he's your problem
              WoW addict: Rogue, Paladin, Hunter, Priest!


              • #8
                People try it on me all the time, it never works

                Mostly because anyone who does try it on me has all the grace and charm of an iceberg, or has already threatened to sue me, or my employer, or otherwise make my life miserable, and THEN asks if something can be worked out because they're poor, or on disablity or whatever and don't want to pay to get thier car back after they left it for 4 hours in a fire lane.

                maybe if they didn't change their story every 20 seconds, it might work, maybe.
                - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                • #9
                  I'm trying to figure out how the father of a child that young has TIME to play computer games. Neither of us has touched a game since I found out I was pregnant over three years ago.


                  • #10
                    RK, raising a kid shouldn't be quite *that* time consuming. My ex-husband and I still found time to pursue our interests (gaming and reading on his side, cross stitch and reading on mine)... and we had two kids under age 3 at one point
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      Quoth JesseCuster40 View Post

                      Then there was the lady who screamed at me because I put her comforters, encased in plastic bags, on the floor. "Don't be putting my things on no floor!"

                      Firstly: if you've seen the trucks these things travel in, and the shelves they sit on before you buy them, you're not going to give two donkey turds about "no floor." Secondly, they aren't yours yet. Thirdly, you have a cart full of these things and you're checking out at Electronics, where we have a counter just about big enough for the Pillsbury Doughboy to lie on, if he kept his legs together. Where else am I going to put it?

                      Anyway....rant off. Feel free to add your (undoubtedly better) stories about guilt trips here.
                      Oh, crap. I remember a fistfight that almost broke out at the register between the cashier and a customer. Usually if a customer doesn't want their bags on the floor when we run out of room on the bag carousel thingie, we can put the bags in one of two places. An empty register or in the empty space in their cart. Well first off, we found out later, the lady did not communicate to the cashier that she did not want her bags on the floor. Secondly, all registers were being used so the cashier couldn't put the bags on an empty register anyway. Lastly, after the carousel was full the customer's cart was still pretty full so the bags couldn't go in there either.

                      So cashier, who runs out of room on the bag carousel for the groceries, puts some bags on the floor. Holy Hot Dogs, the screaming from the customer! We were used to that kind of screaming from old guys when we asked them for I.D., but this was different. This particularly cashier puts up with a lot but she didn't take kindly to being called the C-word. Customer screaming, cashier yelling (yes, she still works there. She's quite nice actually), customer had come around bag carousel to get in cashier's face, CSM had to get in between them and send cashier to the back then finish the customer's order. I got the lady an empty cart to put her already bagged groceries in. Had the lady communicated in the first place she didn't want her bags on the floor, we could've gotten her an empty cart and none of this nonsense would have happened. My vote was to kick out customer for calling cashier names and going around to open side of register to get in cashier's face and apparently escalate the screaming to hitting, but my vote on what to do with these customers never counts.


                      The guy with the baby I don't get. My son slept anywhere in any position when he was a baby. If the kid's that tired they'll usually just put their head on a shoulder and snooze. Plus, if he knew his son couldn't sleep in a store, why bring him out?
                      "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
                      George Carlin


                      • #12
                        Why is a game SO important that he has to drag his infant son out that late? Yeah, babies can sleep anywhere, but still....
                        "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                        Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                        Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                        • #13
                          Quoth JesseCuster40 View Post
                          Then there was the lady who screamed at me because I put her comforters, encased in plastic bags, on the floor. "Don't be putting my things on no floor!"

                          Firstly: if you've seen the trucks these things travel in, and the shelves they sit on before you buy them, you're not going to give two donkey turds about "no floor."
                          True! As evidenced by the gray condition of my hands after a planogram reset or even just an evening of facing product on the shelves (after customers have decided to toss stuff just anywhere it would fit). And what I get can't compare to our merch/inventory crew whose hands often resemble those of mechanics who've been fixing car innards all day, especially after a big truck night.
                          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                          - Bill Watterson

                          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                          - IPF


                          • #14
                            Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                            True! As evidenced by the gray condition of my hands after a planogram reset or even just an evening of facing product on the shelves (after customers have decided to toss stuff just anywhere it would fit). And what I get can't compare to our merch/inventory crew whose hands often resemble those of mechanics who've been fixing car innards all day, especially after a big truck night.
                            The stuff that comes off our reefer trailers, which are washed after each load is always clean, but anything else can be a crapshoot epically seasonal merch which may have been sitting around for a few months before we got it. Like these SC have never set a bag on the flor at home before to unload it.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Whyme View Post
                              This particularly cashier puts up with a lot but she didn't take kindly to being called the C-word.
                              If someone had called me the C word, especially over a couple of bags on the floor, she'd be picking up her teeth off the floor.

                              Honestly, I don't even think I'd be able to consciously control myself at that point.

                              Being called that word would just trigger a reaction so swift and deadly, I'm sure I'd get fired.
                              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

