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A couple of very young SCs

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  • A couple of very young SCs

    This oughtta be a fairly quick one...

    I used to work in BK for a few years (my first permanent job, and ye gods did I smell when I got off shift) and I just got reminded of this whilst browsing the War Stories forum.

    Was working on tills (a position I avoided as much as possible, but alas this day no luck) when a couple of kids (can't have been any older than 12, I swear) who I'd never seen (and it had been pretty quiet for the last couple of hours) come marching up to me asking me if their food is ready.

    Me: I'm sorry?
    Kid: We ordered some Chicken Royales and there weren't any ready, so we said we'd wait outside until they were done. (unlikely, there are always Royales prepared, they're one of the most popular items on the menu)
    Me: Who served you?
    Kid: *points at one of the Chinese girls at the desk who is just going on lunch*
    Me: *checks the order history on the till (they go back for like, 10-15 orders) finding nothing*
    Me: I'm sorry, I can't see any order for Chicken Royales on this till.
    Kid: Nah, she served us, like, 5 minutes ago.

    "Aha" think I, "Pulling a fast one are we? Think just because she's Chinese she won't be able to call you out? We'll see about that you little *expletive deleted*"

    Me: (Co-worker who's name I no longer recall - hey, it was 3 years ago :P) Do you remember serving these two?
    CW: No, I don't think so.
    Kid: Yeah you did, you served us.
    CW: No, I've never seen you before.
    Kid: Yeah you did, you're lying.

    Ok, why would she lie? Is her life so empty she needs to have her fun by depriving stupid little kids of horribly fattening food?

    At this point I tell the kid I don't believe him, there's no record of his order (I checked the other tills too) and he starts getting abusive. So I go get the manager, who checks the security tapes. Sure enough, the first time they enter the store is when they march up to me and start demanding food.

    So the manager comes back out and tells them to sod off, at which point they ask for the number for head office.

    These kids are obviously lying, and waited while we checked the tapes, and now they want to complain?

    Anyway, Manager gives them the number, and they strut out of the store looking smug (even though they got absolutely nothing).

    Needless to say, we never heard anything from the higher-ups...

    So what the hell happened here? Are Sucky Customers training their Sucky Offspring to produce a new generation? I thought Suckiness was restricted to adults - now I can't help but wonder if someone is trying to breed a Sucky Army :P

    Anyone else had any Sucky Kids?
    Last edited by fish3k1; 03-21-2008, 12:34 AM.

  • #2
    Should have told them to go back to the sandbox & stay there.


    • #3
      I had a coworker who was hauled off to prison for some reason. Never knew why but I have to wonder if it involved, erm, younger girls. He would often call from the Pen (collect of course) asking about whether we were still holding his job for him. Well one day this girl showed up asking the same thing. She couldn't have been more than 13 or 14 with some sort of semi-braided half-assed hairdo, bright royal blue eyeshadow and an attitude the size of France. She declared that she was former-coworker's fiance and needed to confirm if we were holding his job for him. I just explained to her that he would have to contact the GM and she and her little friend left.

      It just struck me as silly how she felt empowered and adult by acting uppity and wearing enough makeup to be seen a block away.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        I remember a thread about some 8-year-olds acting tough in a malt shop a year or two ago, and we regularly hear about parents letting their kids run wild, etc.

        I think the most interesting experience I've had was when I worked as a stateroom steward for a cruise line, I was headed to the crew smoking area through the passenger hallway for a much needed smoke break when I was blocked by two girls of about 13

        Girl 1; "do you work here?"
        Me; "Why yes I do, is there anything I can help you ladies with this evening?"
        Girl 2; (big smile on her face) "are you my biological father?"
        Me; old are you?
        girl 2; 13
        Me; Nope, sorry, that's not possible. *whew!*
        Girl 1; "I'm sorry, she's had allot of sugar today!"
        "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


        • #5
          definitely; a sixteen yr old hag in training marches up at full steam, huffing and puffing her 'justified anger' the entire way.

          the issue?

          apparently, the store at the mall didn't give her 'enough' caramel (yes, another junkie strikes us...the bane of all that is the green apron) and demanded (rather nastily, i recall wanting to tell her to step outside for some 'remedial manners 101' training) that i fix it. after i gave her a rather nasty look (after all, she's finished more than half of this supposedly 'substandard' drink, so how bad could it truly be??), i remade it and told her she was welcome after she stormed off.

          wtf? what are they teaching their kids these days? (i'd say what are they not teaching, but that list would take more space than the site has available)
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            We currently have this teenager (16 or 17) who comes into the store every day for her cappucino fix.

            She loves to huff and puff and look put out if she has to wait in line. She snaps at people when they try to count out her change to her because she's always "in a hurry". Our biggest problem is that when the cappuccino machine isn't working she takes it upon herself to open the machine and tries to "fix it". The look on her face when the owner told her to never do that again or risk being banned was priceless.

            I have to fight the urge to tell her that that "I'm better than everyone" attitude isn't going be cute out in the real world.
            My Horror Blog



            • #7
              I used to work in BK for a few years (my first permanent job, and ye gods did I smell when I got off shift) and I just got reminded of this whilst browsing the War Stories forum.
              Ugh, my brother worked at McDonald's for 7 years (in high school and college) and his car reeked!

              When I was in college I worked at my campus's little fast-food-type place, and I always smelled like grease when I got done. Luckily I only worked a couple shifts a week. My roommate's father used to own a chicken and rib restaurant, and when I got back to our room she would hug me and say "You smell like my dad!!!"
              Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 03-22-2008, 03:14 AM.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                Ugh, my brother worked at McDonald's for 7 years (in high school and college) and his car reeked!

                When I was in college I worked at my campus's little fast-food-type place, and I always smelled like grease when I got done. Luckily I only worked a couple shifts a week. My roommate's father used to own a chicken and rib restaurant, and when I got back to our room she would hug me and say "You smell like my dad!!!"
                Huh. Maybe it's because I work on the registers (only native english speaker for the win!) but I don't usually smell that bad after a shift at Wendy's. Either that or Wendy's is even better than McDonald's than I'd thought
                Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.

