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Day. From. HELL!

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  • Day. From. HELL!

    Oh, My. GODS!

    First off: Coupon!
    We had a wonderful, today only coupon, for half off one regular price item. First line of the fine print? "One coupon, per customer, per day!"
    And the DM was supposed to visit this morning, so, I stuck to the coupon's rules, so I wouldn't get my ass canned. (Results of DM visit? Cashiers aren't 5S authorized, for some reason...)
    Halfway through the day, MOD B comes over, and tells me, No, let customers break their transactions into two, if they have two coupons. We need all the sales we can get.
    "Okay, B, if you'll tell MOD D that you said it was okay, cause she keeps getting on my case about it."
    Make up your damn minds! All of you, get your story straight and stick to it!

    Second: Pick up our returns!
    By the time we actually had any backup on the floor, our return bins were overflowing onto our desks. We called many, many times for floor workers to come pick up our returns so we'd be in 5S zone... one of our floor workers actually came up after being called, only to tell us not to call any longer, at least for him, as he wasn't picking up returns today. I'm sure he was joking, but still...

    Third: MY light is f*cking off!
    I get told by FES S to turn off my light as I wave a customer over to my register to do a return for her. So, I do turn off my light. Two more customers hop in my line, post light-offing.
    I help customer with her return, telling the other two customers about halfway through that she is my last customer. Customer #2 looks at customer #3 and says, "She's closed," but just stands there herself. Okay... so, as soon as Customer #1 is in the last stages of her return, I put my trash can on the counter, blocking any room there might be to put items down, both to remind me to pull my trash, and to give me a moment to do the stuff I need to do before I can close.
    C #2 pulls up to my register, and says, "What's with the trash can?"
    R: "I'm closed." And I told you that already
    C #2: "No, I was here before you turned off your light."
    R: "No, I'm closed."
    C #2: "But..."
    R: "I'M CLOSED!"
    C #2: "I'll be speaking to your manager then."
    R: "Go ahead. S?" Who is standing one register away from me.
    S: "Yeah, she was supposed to go home five minutes ago. If we don't get her the hell out of here, she can be fired."
    C #2: *no longer bewildered* "Then I want corporate's number."
    S: *gives number*

    Finally: Everything that can go wrong...
    I finally get my drawer into the back, with S and MOD J hot on my heels, S really, really wants to ring down my drawer, cause she's about to go on a homicidal killing spree. J looks out at registers, and points out the line building back up. S heads back out, J and I head into back office to count down my drawer.
    Just as we sit down, J's cell phone rings, it's a friend of her's whose story just keeps getting worse and worse. Her house burned down, she needs money that J doesn't have, but would willingly give if she did.
    Then, two calls come in on the store lines for her.
    Then, our floral designer needs her.
    Then, MOD B shows back up from the cell store, where he's been trying to get his cell phone replaced (some problem with the messaging system...) and they've "replaced" it three times, with the same phone. Each with the same problem. He now has three of the exact same phone, and he's gathered them all, along with a can of snuff, and he's planning on going back tonight, and for every time something goes wrong, he's gonna throw a cell phone, until he runs out, and then it'll be the can of snuff. (B is also the other MOD who objected to my nail polish, to give an idea of his mind set.)
    Then, when J finishes counting down my drawer, we both get confused by the fact that the new receipt slip isn't wordwrapping correctly... We get that fixed, just as my brother calls me on my cell phone, which I didn't realize wasn't on silent.
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    Quoth Juwl View Post
    He now has three of the exact same phone, and he's gathered them all, along with a can of snuff, and he's planning on going back tonight, and for every time something goes wrong, he's gonna throw a cell phone, until he runs out, and then it'll be the can of snuff.
    Wait, so when he's gotten to the end of of things to throw, you can say he snuffed it?


    Sorry to hear about your day. Don'cha love it when managers give you conflicting instructions? At least you know to tell them to work it out between them and let you know the result.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      First off: Coupon!
      We had a wonderful, today only coupon, for half off one regular price item. First line of the fine print? "One coupon, per customer, per day!"
      And the DM was supposed to visit this morning, so, I stuck to the coupon's rules, so I wouldn't get my ass canned. (Results of DM visit? Cashiers aren't 5S authorized, for some reason...)
      Halfway through the day, MOD B comes over, and tells me, No, let customers break their transactions into two, if they have two coupons. We need all the sales we can get.
      "Okay, B, if you'll tell MOD D that you said it was okay, cause she keeps getting on my case about it."
      Make up your damn minds! All of you, get your story straight and stick to it!

      Why even have the fine print if it isn't going to be followed anyway?

      So if I have 5 coupons, I can has 5 separate transactions? What a clusterfuck that would be.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
        Wait, so when he's gotten to the end of of things to throw, you can say he snuffed it?

        ... Er... wow, that was bad... I think, in his mind, he was trying to think of the way to make the biggest mess he can... not that I approve of this message.
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          I'm surprised that more of you don't have horrible alcohol, drug, and other problems. Geez, what idiots you have to deal with.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            According to FES S, the lady actually did call corporate!
            No clue if she or I will be getting in trouble, but I'm kind of expecting it, even though MOD J told me I should've said "I had to be out of her thirty minutes ago, to help my sick grandmother..."
            S was in NO mood to talk about work, which gives me a clue as to how the day went down, and boy am I glad I didn't have to work today.
            "I call murder on that!"

