Today was rough for me. 1-close shift (10:30). So I knew I was in for one hell of a day.
The thing about the weather in my state is that it's redicuously unpredictable. Yesterday was cool and the sun was shining. Not a spot of snow on the ground. Today. Hell, you'd think it was December all over again.
So, I knew it was only a matter of time before they asked the strong guys at the theatre to spread salt on the sidewalk. A chore I detest because A)
the fertalizer spreader that we use for this task, crapped the bed last year and is basically reduced to a wheel barrow, leaving us to scoop the salt out by hand.
the bags of salt weigh damn near 50-60 pounds.
C) I really, really don't like cold weather.
The snow's coming down and it's me and another guy trying to chizzle out whatever snow has been stompped into the ground already, making the task that much more difficult. These two woman walk up/past me on the sidewalk while I'm doing this (its a long ass sidwalk that wraps around the whole builiding)
W1: the bitch
W2: Stood up for me
Me: Frost the the snow man.
W1: You should get the snow down there were we had to walk. (i.e. 40-60 feet in the direction I was heading, but would not get to any time soon)
Me: All in due time.
W2: Leave him alone, he's freezing his ass off out here.
W1: Naw, he's fine (or something to that effect)
Fine? I have ice forming in my hair, am cold, tired and miserable. Does that constitute as fine to you? Luckily another couple had been behind them at the time.
NW (new woman): If she had said one more thing, I totally would have had your back if you'd gone off on her.
Wait, it was a full moon last night.
The thing about the weather in my state is that it's redicuously unpredictable. Yesterday was cool and the sun was shining. Not a spot of snow on the ground. Today. Hell, you'd think it was December all over again.
So, I knew it was only a matter of time before they asked the strong guys at the theatre to spread salt on the sidewalk. A chore I detest because A)
the fertalizer spreader that we use for this task, crapped the bed last year and is basically reduced to a wheel barrow, leaving us to scoop the salt out by hand.
the bags of salt weigh damn near 50-60 pounds.
C) I really, really don't like cold weather.
The snow's coming down and it's me and another guy trying to chizzle out whatever snow has been stompped into the ground already, making the task that much more difficult. These two woman walk up/past me on the sidewalk while I'm doing this (its a long ass sidwalk that wraps around the whole builiding)
W1: the bitch
W2: Stood up for me
Me: Frost the the snow man.
W1: You should get the snow down there were we had to walk. (i.e. 40-60 feet in the direction I was heading, but would not get to any time soon)
Me: All in due time.
W2: Leave him alone, he's freezing his ass off out here.
W1: Naw, he's fine (or something to that effect)
Fine? I have ice forming in my hair, am cold, tired and miserable. Does that constitute as fine to you? Luckily another couple had been behind them at the time.
NW (new woman): If she had said one more thing, I totally would have had your back if you'd gone off on her.
Wait, it was a full moon last night.
