I work at a call center. Some guy told he made a payment at the check cashing place which usually takes 2-3 days to post to the account. Granted he made the payment on Thursday and his due date was the 22nd which happens to be a weekend and we don't count weekends.
He then didn't want to pay the late fee (which is a whopping 5.00
). I told him that if the payment doesn't post before the 22nd, the late fee will be
placed. He got all mad and I told him other ways to pay the bill. he then said that
each of us should shoot ourselves in the head
Wait, we should shoot ourselves just because you are too stupid to make the payment at a check cashing place instead of making the payment using OUR payment methods. you make the payment 2 days before your due date. dumbass.

placed. He got all mad and I told him other ways to pay the bill. he then said that
each of us should shoot ourselves in the head
