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Yes - but what time?

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  • #16
    I would have been confused too. To me, Midday is terminology for "Middle of the day"- so I would have asked for a specific time as well.


    • #17
      since it ends at mdnight i would think could get n at noon friday


      • #18
        Keep in mind that the OP is from Australia, where "midday" might ="noon". In North America, midday is much more vague.

        Is it possible that the SC was from out of the country?
        -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
        -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


        • #19
          This is one thing that drives me nucking futs! There is no such thing as 12:00am or 12:00pm. At those two particular times, it's in between am and pm. For day, I always use "noon" and for night, "midnight".

          When I was still at the green&white place, there were a few times that we opened up at noon because of some holiday or other. Believe you me that we had more than a few asshats that thought we opened at midnight because our ad had said 12pm.

          If "noon" and "midnight" are used, all vagueness is removed. I mean for us, SCs on the other hand....
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #20
            Quoth Pagan View Post
            This is one thing that drives me nucking futs! There is no such thing as 12:00am or 12:00pm. At those two particular times, it's in between am and pm. For day, I always use "noon" and for night, "midnight".

            Yup. That's why I always say 12 noon or 12 midnight. Or sometimes just noon or midnight. After all, am and pm stand for ante meridian and post meridian, and when it's 12 noon it's exactly meridian, and 12 midnight is exactly the other side.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #21
              Quoth Boochan View Post
              Different terms just make SCs (even most customers) more confused, so for Midday/Noon, I'll just say 12 O'Clock.
              At my work employees who either start or leave at midnight it shows on the schedule as 12:00n. When I worded a midnight shift once i asked what that meant and they said that some employees didn't know the difference between 12 AM and 12 PM.


              • #22
                Hmm, around here "midday" is as specific as "midnight". Rarely used, but still very precise. I would have definitely been confused if someone had asked me "what time?" after I stated "midday".

                Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                In the Air Force, 1200. In the Army, when you see people file out for chow. In the Marines, when you see the grunts running after a dog with a knife &
                That was awesome!
                All that glitters has a high refractive index.

                The meat is rotten, but the booze is holding out.
                -> Computer translation of "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."


                • #23
                  My worst time issue:

                  Spring ahead and Fall Back.

                  Working the 11PM to 7AM shift at the local hospital we would have patients scheduled for lab or other procedures at various time intervals after an event. Like 12 hours after surgery.

                  The secretaries would book me for 2AM or 3AM.

                  Which 2AM. The first 2AM or the Fall Back 2AM.

                  Which 3AM. The real 3AM or the Spring Ahead 3AM.

                  And don't even get me started with the 2:30 AM.

                  Also back in those days we had time clocks to clock in and out. MECHANICAL time clocks. Somebody would have to MANUALLY adjust the clock. Paychecks always got screwed up. Of course they would get it fixed on the next paycheck, but still, it wasn't like Spring Ahead / Fall Back was a once in a life time event.

                  Hey, it makes a difference.
                  SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                  • #24
                    ...So let me get this straight: The SC understood "midnight" but had no idea what "midday" was?!?


                    • #25
                      Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                      In the Marines, when you see the grunts running after a dog with a knife &
                      How did the dog get the knife and fork? Does he know what to do with them?


                      • #26
                        Quoth edible_hat View Post
                        How did the dog get the knife and fork? Does he know what to do with them?
                        I thought the first post about the marines was funny... but you topped it Ed Hat

                        And I agree:

                        Midday == Noon
                        Midnight == 12AM
                        10 - 1 == 1 (Hint: do it in binary)
                        You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.

                        Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose?


                        • #27
                          Quoth edible_hat View Post
                          How did the dog get the knife and fork? Does he know what to do with them?
                          Go to a lobster fight?
                          ludo ergo sum


                          • #28
                            This is going to be one of those things where location is important, because English is not the same everywhere.

                            I think my experience will be fairly common for Americans: "Noon" and "Midnight" are specific times, all other times that are words are a vague spectrum. "Midday" is no more specific than "lunchtime" or "evening".

                            I guess in Australia it is different, and "Midday" is used exactly as I would use "noon".
                            I hope this helps folks with English-to-English translation.


                            • #29
                              Different regions do make big differences in terms. To me midday means noon; however if someone were to say something's going on at midday, I'd ask "noon?" to confirm. Midday = Midafternoon around me to a number of people. And mid-afternoon can be anything from noon-5 (although generally means around 3pm). Evening is about 7pm, 5 is early evening.

                              I prefer actual set times myself if it's something important.

                              I once had a argument with someone once over someone having a "beau" -- in my area that means fiance, not boyfriend.


                              • #30
                                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post

                                Yup. That's why I always say 12 noon or 12 midnight. Or sometimes just noon or midnight. After all, am and pm stand for ante meridian and post meridian, and when it's 12 noon it's exactly meridian, and 12 midnight is exactly the other side.

                                Oh, good. I was beginning to think that I was the only one bugged by that!
                                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

