Again for another tale from the Horror- That- Shall- Not- Be- Named. Can't believe I forgot to post this one, I still shudder. Let me give you a bit of background. In a department store, as well as I am assuming other large stores, you MUST keep the handicap register open at ALL times. This means that especially when you only have one cashier, the handicap register is the only one open, and if it needs to be cleaned, it MUST be cleaned immediately.
So here I was, all by myself on registers, when a guy comes through my line with a few kids. One of the kids was sitting in the basket and crying, and the guy had a plastic bag. I asked him about the bag, and he showed it to me, telling me that the kid had had an accident, and showing me the receipt for a new pair of pants. I made the appropriate noises, and then finished his order. After the guy left, I moved from behind the register, to straighten up. I looked down at the floor, and beheld a line of very liquidy human excrement.
I am sure my eyes must have blanked out, crossed, or otherwise registered my dismay. I quickly blocked off the lane with "danger, spill" signs, and called over to the front desk. Insert idiocy here.
Silver- Me!
FS- Front Supervisor
IC- Idiot Coworker
On the Phone
Silver- Hey FS, we need a cleanup here, got a little problem.
FS- What needs cleaned up? Can't you just go to the spill station and take care of it?
Silver- Not this. You are not going to believe this... There is human excrement in my lane.
FS- Um... Are you serious?
Silver- Yes, dead serious. I am not cleaning that up. Not my job.
FS- Got that right, I'll get IC up here.
Up comes IC, with a mop and bucket.
Silver- IC, you are going to need more than that.
IC- What do you mean? What is the spill?
Silver- Let me show you
I take IC over to my lane, where he promptly turns an interesting shade of dead white, much like the thin white (keep this in mind) shirt I was wearing.
IC- Uhhhh I can't clean that.
Silver- I'm not doing it. You are the on call guy for spills, have fun.
IC- I am going to be sick.
Silver- .... This is your job
Off he runs to ask management how to clean it. 10 mins later, he returns, wearing a mask (like a doc's mask) and latex gloves.
Silver- Oooook. Thanks IC.
IC bends down to clean, gagging.
IC- I just can't do this! This is too gross! I am gonna throw up if I do this.
Silver- IC, it needs to get done!
Back and forth for 5 mins Finally, I had to do it. In the latex gloves that I am alergic to. (yet another reason why I did NOT want to do it.) Wonder if IC ever got in trouble for that?
So here I was, all by myself on registers, when a guy comes through my line with a few kids. One of the kids was sitting in the basket and crying, and the guy had a plastic bag. I asked him about the bag, and he showed it to me, telling me that the kid had had an accident, and showing me the receipt for a new pair of pants. I made the appropriate noises, and then finished his order. After the guy left, I moved from behind the register, to straighten up. I looked down at the floor, and beheld a line of very liquidy human excrement.

I am sure my eyes must have blanked out, crossed, or otherwise registered my dismay. I quickly blocked off the lane with "danger, spill" signs, and called over to the front desk. Insert idiocy here.
Silver- Me!
FS- Front Supervisor
IC- Idiot Coworker
On the Phone
Silver- Hey FS, we need a cleanup here, got a little problem.
FS- What needs cleaned up? Can't you just go to the spill station and take care of it?
Silver- Not this. You are not going to believe this... There is human excrement in my lane.
FS- Um... Are you serious?
Silver- Yes, dead serious. I am not cleaning that up. Not my job.
FS- Got that right, I'll get IC up here.
Up comes IC, with a mop and bucket.
Silver- IC, you are going to need more than that.
IC- What do you mean? What is the spill?
Silver- Let me show you
I take IC over to my lane, where he promptly turns an interesting shade of dead white, much like the thin white (keep this in mind) shirt I was wearing.
IC- Uhhhh I can't clean that.
Silver- I'm not doing it. You are the on call guy for spills, have fun.
IC- I am going to be sick.
Silver- .... This is your job
Off he runs to ask management how to clean it. 10 mins later, he returns, wearing a mask (like a doc's mask) and latex gloves.
Silver- Oooook. Thanks IC.
IC bends down to clean, gagging.
IC- I just can't do this! This is too gross! I am gonna throw up if I do this.
Silver- IC, it needs to get done!
Back and forth for 5 mins Finally, I had to do it. In the latex gloves that I am alergic to. (yet another reason why I did NOT want to do it.) Wonder if IC ever got in trouble for that?
