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Why would we even sell that?

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  • Why would we even sell that?

    In this day and age of Wal-Mart and Target, it seems like people think you can walk into any store and they'll just automatically have whatever it is you want to buy. I work at a BOOKstore, and here is a list of just some of the things people have actually asked if we sold, although I have no idea why they think we would:

    Religious figurines
    Push pins
    Umbrellas (this one was great, it had been raining off and on all day, and the guy had a Target bag, so why didn't he buy an umbrella there?)
    Neckties and tie tacks
    Luggage tags
    Printer cartridges
    Computer mice
    3D glasses (I've got this one twice now)
    Framed copies of the Declaration of Independence
    Laundry markers (you know, so you can write your kid's name on his underwear and it won't wash off)
    Portable CD players and headsets (we don't even really sell music CDs)
    Plastic sleeves for card collecting
    Checkbook covers
    Money belts
    See-through colored plastic covers (I dunno what she even meant. I kept asking for clarification, and she kept repeating the same thing. She didn't want BOOK covers, but she wouldn't tell me what she DID want covered...)
    I also had someone ask once if we framed prints.

    Invariably, the next question to follow is "Well, do you know where I can get it?" If they, the customer who knows what they want and is actively looking for it, don't know where to find it, why would I, the completely uninterested third party who probably has never wanted/needed one of those in her life, know where they could get it? Sheesh!

    Anyway, what are some of the weirdest requests you've gotten?
    Any fool can criticize, comdemn, and complain—and most do. ~ Dale Carnegie

    Sarah: That's not fair!
    Jareth: You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is...

  • #2
    At the home improvements store, someone asked me where the dog food was. I told them we didn't sell dog food, and they swore up and down they had bought it there before. I didn't feel like arguing about it, so I told them I hadn't been there that long, and maybe we had it before I started working there, but we didn't now.

    One of the other guys told me someone came in and ask for ice cream.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #3
      When I worked at a bookstore I got asked if we sold pot.
      Me non rogo, hic modo laboro.


      • #4
        Quoth Fera Festiva View Post
        When I worked at a bookstore I got asked if we sold pot.
        well... did you?

        people wanna know these things


        • #5
          Also blame some of the huge chain bookstores. They've got sections of software, usually business or language related, they've got the nicknack section, for small things like luggage tags or reading lights, some sections have related items included, like money belts in the travel section.

          I actually miss the days you go into a bookstore, and all it had was books, grocery stores just had food, and so on.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            I work in a video game store. Some of the random things people have asked for over the years:

            Electric Generators
            Child labor
            Weather monitoring equipment
            Windows (NOT the operating system, the kind you find in buildings)
            Eiffel Tower Sourvenirs (WTF?)
            Rat Poison
            Caclatrs (I eventually figured out she meant calculators)

            My favorite is still "Do you sell video games?" I look around the store, which is PLASTERED with video games and video game media, and say "I think so, actually."


            • #7
              working a pet shop, we have been asked for the following;

              bubble blowing machines
              power cards
              lottery tickets
              something to clean swimming pools
              a scoop to take chips out of the fryer

              i know theres more, so i'll add them when i remember
              "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


              • #8
                Quoth tintaglia View Post
                working a pet shop, we have been asked for the following;

                Dog Fancy, Cat Fancy.... It makes sense.


                • #9
                  the best one we've gotten was:

                  chicken tacos

                  after all, isn't that what a coffee shop is for?
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Best one I ever got is a story I've told dozens, nay, tens of dozens of times on these boards... so, I'll not go into it again.
                    I did get asked once, in the movie store, if we sold furniture
                    Let's see... Did we ever sell?:
                    Character cutouts
                    Cassettes? (Um, you mean VHS? No, cassettes, for music. Try Sam Goody, and they probably don't either)
                    Video games?
                    Do you buy back used video games?
                    Game Stop sent me down here to get a video game that they didn't have (because it doesn't come out for a week, two, or possibly even a month)
                    Do you guys sell those pictures around the top of the store? (The ones attached with glue? No.)
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      I work in a cell phone store located in a strip mall next to a Pizza Hut. Maybe twice a month we get people opening our door, getting half-way in, and exclaiming, "This isn't Pizza Hut!" On one notable occasion a guy walked in, walked up to our counter, sat down at a bar stool, and asked for a Supreme Personal Pan Pizza and a large Pepsi. At first we though he was joking, and kind of chuckled, which made him turn belligerent and ask "just what was so d*mned funny?" When I told him we were a cell phone store he accused us of lying, then, when we had pointed out the wall o' cell phone accessories and huge signs advertising our carrier, he said, "Well, fine!" Then he flounced out the door giving us evil looks. It was great.
                      Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


                      • #12
                        In my video store

                        Do you sell socks?

                        yes, she asked for socks. I didnt know really what to say but no, then she asks where she could get some.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Cvstos View Post
                          IMy favorite is still "Do you sell video games?" I look around the store, which is PLASTERED with video games and video game media, and say "I think so, actually."
                          I don't get many strange requests for stuff we don't have, other than queries about illegal drugs, but I get a lot of people asking about stuff we have, when it is blatantly obvious.

                          "Do you sell drinks?"
                          I then casually turn around to the WALL FILLED WITH LIQUOR BOTTLES IN PLAIN VIEW and say something along the lines of "I don't know...can you describe it?"

                          My favorite, though, was at my friend FE's magic bar. I need to explain: within a regular bar establishment, he has a "magic bar" in one corner, where closeup magic, fun, laughter, and merriment are served up in copious portions. Drinks, however, are gotten from the main bar.

                          So one day FE and I are sorting through piles of cards from his busy night before, trying to build as many full decks as we can before he starts off his night. Behind FE is a huge and obvious sign with huge lettering advertising this magic bar. When I say huge and obvious, Ray Charles could have seen this sign! So this one clueless tourist walks up, seemingly fairly sober, and asks, "What goes on over here?" That in itself is not that unusual, but I was in a smartass mood (what's new?) and, pointing to the huge, obvious sign, say "Magic." Tourist comes back with "What kind of magic?" Again, FE and I are sitting there sorting through a ridiculous amount of playing cards. (We ended up sorting out well over 30 full decks that night.) So, I look at the tourist, look at the pile of cards, look back at the tourist, point to the pile of cards, and say, "I'll give you one hint."

                          My friend almost lost it completely!

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Amalthea View Post
                            What are those?

                            Quoth Amalthea View Post
                            Anyway, what are some of the weirdest requests you've gotten?
                            I don't remember the whole call but this is the wierdest part of it.

                            ME: Hello, Fifth Avenue Books.
                            CALLER: What street are you on?
                            ME: Um, Fifth Avenue, hence the salutation.
                            CALLER: Do you sell wigs?
                            ME: (unfortunately I couldn't find a mouth hanging open is shock smiley) Again, as per salutation, we sell books.

                            I don't remember anything beyond this.
                            Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                            • #15
                              I work in a craft store and a customer asked me "Where can I find office supplies?" (He meant within the store)
                              I politely reply "Office max"

