alright you are probably wondering about the title, but please note that I am writing this after finishing a 10 hour shift on 2 hours of sleep...I have decieded that people when you don't have to deal with them face to face, are more annoying and stupid then the ones I have to deal with face to face...
I just started a new job today...working in the returns department for a major comany that sells on TV, and online...(coughhsncough)...
Stories to explain this post tomorrow....after I use some
and get a few more then 2 hours of sleep...I promise them to hopefully be interesting...these stories will come from not only the items being returned...but also from my fellow employees...

I just started a new job today...working in the returns department for a major comany that sells on TV, and online...(coughhsncough)...
Stories to explain this post tomorrow....after I use some
