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Credit Card Fraud and the Idiots that try it (Long)

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  • Credit Card Fraud and the Idiots that try it (Long)

    A guy came in the other day at about 10 minutes till closing and wanted the best video camera he can get. Thats the first thing they teach you to look for so I was suspicious. I show him our best camera, because there's a chance he's not a crook, and he says its too much he only has a 500 dollar limit. Thats sign number 2 knowing the limit and going for broke. So i show him one he can afford and he takes it without asking a single question. That's sign number 3, not caring about anything but price, so there goes any chance at a sale.

    So ring it up and it's under his limit so he hands me one of our stores Instant Credit cards. They are basically a slip of paper with a Credit card number on it and a signature so the only way to tell if its his is if the signature matches. So I run it through since there is no evidence of Fraud yet. It goes through so I thought just maybe there was a chance he was just bad with money, but it was all downhill from there.

    He signs the receipt but the signature is nothing like the one on the card. So I say that i'll need ID since the signatures don't match and that I would have to call the company to verify it was his. But this didn't deture him. He says, "Yeah i know i changed my Signature. My lawyer said it was legal to do that." I wanted to say "I assume he was Court appointed." But went with "You have every right to change your signature, but if it's not the same as on this card we don't have to accept it. I'll need some ID so i can verify it is your card." He replies "I don't have ID." Shocker! I take a look at "his" slip and it was just printed the day before so I say, "I see you just recently changed your signature, so you should still be able to produce the old signature." I use semi big words because i can't use real big words good and it points out that i'm not Retarded. So he says "Of course i can! I'll just Sign it underneath the other one" So he signs a second time and it's the EXACT same as the first time he signed the receipt, so of course the big words didn't prove i wasn't retarded .

    So i say " This is exactly the same as the first signature". He says "Well yeah i told you I changed my signature." Then why did you bother signing it again moron. So i tell him I'm going to have to void the transaction and that he won't be getting the Video Camera. He is pissed "But i need it for my buddies birthday party! I can't believe this and your making me late." Yeah right. Usually you try to hurry the cashier before they notice your a crook so that they skip steps not after they found out. "Well i'm sorry but if you had brought ID i would have been able to perform the transaction, but since YOU didn't i'm going to have to void it.

    So he switches to strategy #3. "Well i guess i'll have to talk to your manager then and tell her you haven't been helpful" I wanted to say "Goody maybe i'll get a raise " but went with " Feel free I doing everything She taught me to do so." So he bitches a bit more about not having a gift for his buddy's party and getting tired of it so i say "Well your transacton is voided so you won't be charged and you'll have to leave now since the store is now closed. Thanky you and have a nice day " They leave and surprisingly never complained . It's too bad it's hard to arrest people for credit card fraud if the card isn't reported stolen, I would have loved to tackel those SOBs .

  • #2
    hehe just so you know i work with him and watched this transaction go down. during this me and another employee went to my major home fashions desk and called our loss prevention officer. unfortunatly there isnt much she can do if he leaves soon couse in ordere to get the number call the owner verify and then find out he IS a crook he would be long gone. but the guy was a tool
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


    • #3
      just curious, why is knowing your credit limit or mentioning it a sign of fraud?
      i recently had to tell a cashier my credit limit and pay with my debit card in addition to my credit card due to how expensive textbooks are
      hope she didnt think i was trying to fraud


      • #4
        Quoth Ryu View Post
        just curious, why is knowing your credit limit or mentioning it a sign of fraud?
        i recently had to tell a cashier my credit limit and pay with my debit card in addition to my credit card due to how expensive textbooks are
        hope she didnt think i was trying to fraud
        Not to speak for the others, but I'm guessing that your situation is quite common when it comes to textbooks.

        I think in regards to the OP, it's the combination of the 3 signs that reeks of fraud.


        • #5
          Knowing the limit isn't, but in general, folks don't go around talking about the max on their credit to employees (at least not until the transaction is declined, then it's "That's not possible, I KNOW I'm not over my limit!!!")
          If today is an indication of the rest of the week, I'm going to need to start drinking. - Mongo Skruddgemire


          • #6
            When I was working at the department store, two of my former highschool classmates came in to buy something. This was only a year after we had graduated but even so, they didn't recognize me. They hand my co-worker a credit card to pay for their purchase then walk away from the counter to look at more stuff.

            I wasn't sure it really was them though, so I look over her shoulder and recognize the name on the credit card as being another classmate's name, but he wasn't there in the store and I knew that they didn't hang out together (at least, they hadn't in high school). We told our supervisor and he called LP and the two were busted. It was really quite funny because they were totally stunned that they had been caught. They never did recognize me.
            My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


            • #7
              It wasn't so much that he knew his limit but that he wanted the most expensive thing he could fit into his limit. If he was actually looking at cameras and not just looking for the most expensive one I can see him mentioning his limit if I suggested one too high of a price, but he just said I need one that comes close to, but does not exceed, $500.


              • #8
                Besides, the "I changed my signature" line just smacks of completely hooey. Who changes their signature? (Mine has evolved over the years, sure, but changed that drastically?) Okay, let's say for the moment that you changed your signature. You did so since 24 hours prior and can't still reproduce the old one? AND have no ID?! That guy was, as said, a tool. And not the sharpest one in the toolshed, either!

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."

