A few stories from today.
Where are you taking me??
This woman was just...unbelieveable.
SC: I will have a large glass of white wine, and it will cost £1.49.
Me: I'm sorry, but our cheapest glass of wine is £2.49.
SC: Not according to the sign!
Me: Sign? What sign?
SC: Your sign outside!
This confused me. The only sign we have outside is the name of the bar.
Me: Show me this sign.
SC: Fine! Follow me!
She leads me outside...it is pissing down with rain. We walk...and we walk...and we walk.
Me: Ma'am where are you taking me?
SC: To the sign!
We finally get to the sign.
SC: There! £1.49! Glass of chardonnay! Told you!
Me: Oh my God...ma'am...that is not my bar...
SC: It says £1.49!
Me: Yes it does! But it is not us! It's not even the same building as us!
SC: Well that's misleading.
Me: OK, I'm going now.
SC: Fine! I'll drink in here then!
What did he expect him to say??
A chav comes up to the bar. He looks about 14.
Chav: Pint of stella please.
Me: Can I see some I.D first?
Chav: You don't need to. I drink in here all the time.
Me: Well I'm a manager and this is the first time I've ever seen you.
Chav: He knows me! We're friends!
He points to a co-worker. Now...co-worker has just moved to the area, apart from us, he doesn't know anyone.
CW: And you are?
Chav: We're friends! He knows me! He'll vouch for me!
CW: I have absolutely no idea who he is.
CW walks away. Chav lights up a cigarette.
Me: Put that out! It's illegal to smoke in public places!
Chav: Really? Since when?
Me: Since about a year ago...you know...the highly publised smoking ban! Someone who "drinks here all the time" would know that.
Chav: Are you going to do my stella?
Me: No. Get the hell out my bar.
Please listen to me.
Me: And what drink would you like?
Customer: Salad.
Where are you taking me??
This woman was just...unbelieveable.
SC: I will have a large glass of white wine, and it will cost £1.49.
Me: I'm sorry, but our cheapest glass of wine is £2.49.
SC: Not according to the sign!
Me: Sign? What sign?
SC: Your sign outside!
This confused me. The only sign we have outside is the name of the bar.
Me: Show me this sign.
SC: Fine! Follow me!
She leads me outside...it is pissing down with rain. We walk...and we walk...and we walk.
Me: Ma'am where are you taking me?
SC: To the sign!
We finally get to the sign.
SC: There! £1.49! Glass of chardonnay! Told you!
Me: Oh my God...ma'am...that is not my bar...
SC: It says £1.49!
Me: Yes it does! But it is not us! It's not even the same building as us!
SC: Well that's misleading.
Me: OK, I'm going now.
SC: Fine! I'll drink in here then!
What did he expect him to say??
A chav comes up to the bar. He looks about 14.
Chav: Pint of stella please.
Me: Can I see some I.D first?
Chav: You don't need to. I drink in here all the time.
Me: Well I'm a manager and this is the first time I've ever seen you.
Chav: He knows me! We're friends!
He points to a co-worker. Now...co-worker has just moved to the area, apart from us, he doesn't know anyone.
CW: And you are?
Chav: We're friends! He knows me! He'll vouch for me!
CW: I have absolutely no idea who he is.
CW walks away. Chav lights up a cigarette.
Me: Put that out! It's illegal to smoke in public places!
Chav: Really? Since when?
Me: Since about a year ago...you know...the highly publised smoking ban! Someone who "drinks here all the time" would know that.
Chav: Are you going to do my stella?
Me: No. Get the hell out my bar.
Please listen to me.
Me: And what drink would you like?
Customer: Salad.
