This morning, Me, my boss and a fellow co-worker were in the process of planting up a hedge on one of our commercial sites when this lil tale happend.
One of the security guards whom we shall call D, was making his morning rounds, dropping of mail to units and a general walk around to make sure all is well in the world. Now D is easily pushing mid-70's, around 5ft but still spritely and is the most friendly guy i know. Always calls everyone pet/luv/duck and is always polite - to everyone. He's been on this perticular site since it was an old steel works and the current management have kept him mainly because he's one of those old men that talks to anyone.
So were planting away when we hear this take place.
me: C'est Moi
Boss: My ace gaffer
D: Security guard
A/h: Asshat s/c
D:NAAAAAAAAAH then duck, tha cant park thee car there.
We think nothing of it, as we tend to hear something like that most days with D; until
A/h: I'll only be a few minutes (guy had parked on yellow crosshatching infront of the doors to the unit where the site fire engine is kept)
D: I'm sorry luv , but we need that clear for emergancys
A/h: Look i just said i'd only be a few damn minutes. Whats your problem!?
D: Thats where we keep the fire engine duck. we need it clear
A/h: Well i doubt there'll be a problem for the 30 seconds i'm gone, now will there?
Guy starts to walk off
D:If you dont move it now chuck then i'll have to have it towed.
Guy stops, spins around walk right upto D, allmost nose to nose useing his hight to intimidate
A/s: You wouldnt f**King dare, you silly old c**t. D'you know who I am?! if that cars f**king touched i'll have your f**king job!
He punctuates each curse with a finger jabbing d's chest
Boss: (to no one in perticular): Right.
Boss walks over spade resting on shoulder.
A/s to D: WHat makes you think some silly old man can force me to move my car
Boss: (politely spoken) He might not but if you dont shift that car right now and aploguise to the nice man i'm going to wack you upside the head with this spade.
A/s: turns round ready to give the boss a mouthfull, took a deep breath mumbled an apology to D then jumped in his car and sped off.
Thing is my boss is 6ft5, almost as wide on the shoulders and built like the proverbial brick toilet
I can safely say that if i didnt know him Id've done the same!
One of the security guards whom we shall call D, was making his morning rounds, dropping of mail to units and a general walk around to make sure all is well in the world. Now D is easily pushing mid-70's, around 5ft but still spritely and is the most friendly guy i know. Always calls everyone pet/luv/duck and is always polite - to everyone. He's been on this perticular site since it was an old steel works and the current management have kept him mainly because he's one of those old men that talks to anyone.
So were planting away when we hear this take place.
me: C'est Moi
Boss: My ace gaffer
D: Security guard
A/h: Asshat s/c
D:NAAAAAAAAAH then duck, tha cant park thee car there.
We think nothing of it, as we tend to hear something like that most days with D; until
A/h: I'll only be a few minutes (guy had parked on yellow crosshatching infront of the doors to the unit where the site fire engine is kept)
D: I'm sorry luv , but we need that clear for emergancys
A/h: Look i just said i'd only be a few damn minutes. Whats your problem!?
D: Thats where we keep the fire engine duck. we need it clear
A/h: Well i doubt there'll be a problem for the 30 seconds i'm gone, now will there?
Guy starts to walk off
D:If you dont move it now chuck then i'll have to have it towed.
Guy stops, spins around walk right upto D, allmost nose to nose useing his hight to intimidate
A/s: You wouldnt f**King dare, you silly old c**t. D'you know who I am?! if that cars f**king touched i'll have your f**king job!
He punctuates each curse with a finger jabbing d's chest

Boss: (to no one in perticular): Right.
Boss walks over spade resting on shoulder.
A/s to D: WHat makes you think some silly old man can force me to move my car
Boss: (politely spoken) He might not but if you dont shift that car right now and aploguise to the nice man i'm going to wack you upside the head with this spade.
A/s: turns round ready to give the boss a mouthfull, took a deep breath mumbled an apology to D then jumped in his car and sped off.
Thing is my boss is 6ft5, almost as wide on the shoulders and built like the proverbial brick toilet
I can safely say that if i didnt know him Id've done the same!