Time and Fractions
Today, at the grocery store where I work, an old man walked up and asked what time it was.
Me: Pulls out cell phone. The time is now 3:50
Him: Out of what?
Me: ...I'm sorry?
Him: Out of what?
Me: You asked for the time, right, sir?
Him: Yeah, but 3:50 out of what? 6? 7?
Me: It's 15:50 in military time, if that helps?
Him: Makes a dismissive gesture with his hand and stalks off.
Yes, he said "out of." His enunciation was the only clear thing about that conversation. XD
This one happened months ago. A man of 60+ years was doing a Western Union, which takes a few minutes if you didn't know. So he was joking with his incomprehensible old man humor, and I, being a good customer service person, was laughing where appropriate and smiling. Then this happened:
Him: Haha, I'm just having fun with yah. I like to have fun. Hey, you and me can have some later; how old are you?
Me: Let's not go there, sir.
I suppose I could have exercised my right to refuse service and called a manager to finish the transaction, but I didn't. Because the weirdest thing about that situation was how not-surprised and not-disturbed I was. I hadn't realized how jaded to SC's I'd become until then.
Today, at the grocery store where I work, an old man walked up and asked what time it was.
Me: Pulls out cell phone. The time is now 3:50
Him: Out of what?
Me: ...I'm sorry?
Him: Out of what?
Me: You asked for the time, right, sir?
Him: Yeah, but 3:50 out of what? 6? 7?
Me: It's 15:50 in military time, if that helps?
Him: Makes a dismissive gesture with his hand and stalks off.

Yes, he said "out of." His enunciation was the only clear thing about that conversation. XD
This one happened months ago. A man of 60+ years was doing a Western Union, which takes a few minutes if you didn't know. So he was joking with his incomprehensible old man humor, and I, being a good customer service person, was laughing where appropriate and smiling. Then this happened:
Him: Haha, I'm just having fun with yah. I like to have fun. Hey, you and me can have some later; how old are you?
Me: Let's not go there, sir.
I suppose I could have exercised my right to refuse service and called a manager to finish the transaction, but I didn't. Because the weirdest thing about that situation was how not-surprised and not-disturbed I was. I hadn't realized how jaded to SC's I'd become until then.