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Frustration from old men

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  • Frustration from old men

    Time and Fractions

    Today, at the grocery store where I work, an old man walked up and asked what time it was.

    Me: Pulls out cell phone. The time is now 3:50
    Him: Out of what?
    Me: ...I'm sorry?
    Him: Out of what?
    Me: You asked for the time, right, sir?
    Him: Yeah, but 3:50 out of what? 6? 7?
    Me: It's 15:50 in military time, if that helps?
    Him: Makes a dismissive gesture with his hand and stalks off.

    Yes, he said "out of." His enunciation was the only clear thing about that conversation. XD


    This one happened months ago. A man of 60+ years was doing a Western Union, which takes a few minutes if you didn't know. So he was joking with his incomprehensible old man humor, and I, being a good customer service person, was laughing where appropriate and smiling. Then this happened:

    Him: Haha, I'm just having fun with yah. I like to have fun. Hey, you and me can have some later; how old are you?
    Me: Let's not go there, sir.

    I suppose I could have exercised my right to refuse service and called a manager to finish the transaction, but I didn't. Because the weirdest thing about that situation was how not-surprised and not-disturbed I was. I hadn't realized how jaded to SC's I'd become until then.

  • #2
    I spent the last several minutes trying to understand what "out of" could have meant and I've got nothing.
    You should have said out of 24, though. I wonder if that would have confused him or had been the answer he was looking for.


    • #3
      Asking for the time was the first in a multi part code. Apparently you were not the spy he was looking for since you didn't know the rest of the code.

      By the way, the folder lies in tree...


      • #4
        Quoth Gerrinson View Post
        Asking for the time was the first in a multi part code. Apparently you were not the spy he was looking for since you didn't know the rest of the code.

        By the way, the folder lies in tree...
        I hope he finds his spy. I want a cool secret code. But I always forget what I've named things so it doesn't work too well.

        And crazy old men are adorable. Especially the confused not all there ones.
        "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


        • #5
          He might have been expecting something like "Ten of/til four." Still a little odd, though. The military time should have cleared it up for him.

          Of course, he might also have been in the early stages of Alzheimer's, poor guy.


          • #6
            Quoth Shengirl View Post

            Him: Haha, I'm just having fun with yah. I like to have fun. Hey, you and me can have some later; how old are you?
            Me: Let's not go there, sir.

            I suppose I could have exercised my right to refuse service and called a manager to finish the transaction, but I didn't. Because the weirdest thing about that situation was how not-surprised and not-disturbed I was. I hadn't realized how jaded to SC's I'd become until then.
            Sometimes, I've found that's the best way to react. I've had disgusting propositions before . . .

            WTG: Weird trucker guy
            Me: Unfortunate redhead.

            This is after a very long (and unwanted, on my part) conversation with him about trucking, etc.

            WTG: "So, which one do you wanna scratch, my back or my ass?"

            Me: " . . . What?"

            WTG: "I said, which one? They both itch!"

            Me: "Sorry, I don't get paid enough to do that."

            WTG: "Heh, I like you! You're alright, you know that?"

            And thus a potentially ugly situation was thwarted.
            The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


            • #7
              WTG: "I said, which one? They both itch!"

              "How about I just kick you in the nads, sir - then you wouldn't notice either."
              Mike: I'm gonna tell my boss I'm Puma Man, maybe he'll let me off early.

              - "Puma Man", MST3K.

