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I do need compensation ...

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  • I do need compensation ...

    So, this guys puts the 'stupid' in SC...

    I post this auction on eBay (I can provide the link, but don't know if I'm allowed to - I'll explain as best I can). It's for two large oval bowls, very collectible. One bowl has noticeable chipped along the edge, but no biggie, it's not that big and since we still had the pieces, the customer could easily repair it.

    I made sure to picture all the right places (the chip is noticeable in all pictures, even from far away - with both bowls in the picture) and I even mentioned it in the description.

    In comes the SC, we've had a problem with him before, buying a broken item and then, take a guess . . .

    Complaining that the item is broken... (you can see where this is going, can't you?)

    We didn't block him because we figured it was a one time thing. Nope. He bids on the bowls and is the high bidder and wins them. My co-worker takes a few seconds to even e-mail the guy and reminds him that the bowl was chipped (before the auction ended, of course).

    The guy receives the bowls and e-mails us, something to the effect of "I got your bowls today, but one of them is chipped!" I can't remember, as the e-mails are deleted. Then he sends another, longer e-mail, basically how the chip wasn't our fault, it must be FedEx's and how he'll just have to "bite the bullet," but stated something about compensation. Not once, was the fact that it was stated in the description or auction.

    We didn't both to reply to his e-mail. He leaves us postive feedback, "One bowl was chipped. For sure, it wasn't your fault. I do need compensation" (actual feedback). Needless to say, we responded to the feedback that he didn't read the description and it was as described (we're representing a store here, so we can't be too rude). And, we blocked his ass. He probably would have been a repeat customer, but the headache isn't worth it.

    And the grand total of the auction . . .

    $4.92 + $10.00 shipping.
    This area is left blank for a reason.

  • #2
    "...I do need compensation"
    i'm sorry sir, we're fresh out of functional brains at this time; we'll be sending yours out once our shipment has arrived.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Sold AS description
      "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

      Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


      • #4
        Yeah. I once got a neutral feedback because I shipped the customer's item "in original box @ Christmas". Never mind that the description indicated, both textually and in the pictures, that the item would come in its original box.
        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
        -- The Meteor Principle

        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


        • #5
          My mother and step-father have an accesories business and they do A LOT of ebay business with watches, wallets, jewelry etc. etc. Their policy is CLEARLY stated about returns. If the item is damaged or does not meet your approval they are very understanding and if you don't like the product, follow the instructions and you will get a new one. They've had TONS of positive feedback and finally got the one SC who complained about a damaged product but this person would not take the time to or was just too lazy to follow the instructions to get a new product. They were successful in having the persons negative feedback removed because the person clearly could not read or did not want to read the instructions or just wanted to complain. Who knows.
          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


          • #6
            COMPENSATION! COMPENSATION! I swear, compensation must be as addictive as heroin b/c these ppl believe they are owed it.
            The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


            • #7
              Compensation? What a great idea! Damn it, I, no, I NEED! compensation for my truck's broken fuel gauge.

              Oh. Wait. That's right. I can't get compensation, because I bought my truck AS IS! And though the dealer didn't know about the broken fuel gauge, and neither did I when examining it, I STILL agreed to the whole as is thing. Dopey me, what was I thinking?

              These people are idiots. I accepted my whole fuel gauge thing, and these people have had the problems spelled out for them, in tiny little words that even most kindergarteners could understand, and they are still complaining? Get me the salmon. No, no, wait...the flamethrower. No. Stop. I think it's time....for my very first use of the dreaded WOOD CHIPPER! BRING ME THE WOOD CHIPPER! MUAHAHAHHAHAAH!!!

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                *Brings Jester the woodchipper and then runs like holy hell*


                • #9
                  Quoth moekosowl View Post
                  *Brings Jester the woodchipper and then runs like holy hell*
                  * Hides under moekosowl. RAAAR! *
                  The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                  • #10
                    All right, guys. I want that woodchipper cleaned up when you get done with it. Especially before Uncle Ace finds out ya'll got it out of his woodshed.

                    Moving back on topic . . .while I've never sold anything on eBay, I've bought a few things over the years and I simply cannot imagine bidding on anything without looking over all available photos of the item I'm considering OR reading the entire description.

                    I must be abnormal that way.

                    However, these morons online bidding and buying and then whining are probably the same ones we run into in person at the grocery store, complaining about spoiled meat that they probably had for a few days in the fridge before using instead of wrapping it up and putting it in the freezer.
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #11
                      Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
                      COMPENSATION! COMPENSATION! I swear, compensation must be as addictive as heroin b/c these ppl believe they are owed it.
                      Yeah, I love how he wants to "bite the bullet" but then still wants compensation . . .

                      Plus, how much does he expect us to compensate him for? We certainly aren't going to refund shipping, let alone the total price . . . so what, were gonna give him $2.49 for his 'troubles'? Don't forget that Paypal has their fees as well...
                      This area is left blank for a reason.

