Okay, the thread title might have been exaggerating a bit. Okay, a lot. But I've got you now, so bear with me. I cannot believe how rude this woman was to me last night.
She came in yapping on her cell phone. She grabbed a bottle of wine, set it on my counter, and shoved her credit card at me. She didn't wait for me to scan the bottle, she didn't break her phone conversation, she didn't even make eye contact with me.
I rang her through and said, "Your total is $11.45". She gave me a quick look that I interpreted as slightly hostile. Probably because I had the temerity to disturb her conversation by trying to conduct the business at hand. Or perhaps she was just annoyed that she had to deal with me at all. Either way, she shoves her card at me again.
So we finished the transaction, and I moved to step away from the counter to go stock some shelves. I usually stand and wait until the customer leaves first, but she never really acknowledged my presence to begin with, so I figure its fine. As I was moving away, she grabs my hand and shoves a piece of wadded up paper into it. She literally forced me to take a piece of her garbage. And she's still on the phone, and still not even making eye contact with me!
I say to myself, Be the bigger person. Rise above. I tossed the paper into the trash can we keep behind the counter, directly under our cash drawer (important), and stepped away from the counter.
Meanwhile, SC woman decides she's going to finish her phone conversation at the counter, and clean out her purse as she's doing so. Fine. No one else was in the store, no big deal.
I turned away for a minute to face a shelf, and when I turned back around, I see this woman stepping behind the counter!
Alarmed, I said, "Ma'am! Ma'am!" several times to get her attention and get her to move away. But she was so involved in her phone call that she didn't appear to hear me.
Now, I knew that she was just throwing something out. She saw me throw her paper away, so she knew where the trash can was. I knew she wasn't going for the cash drawer. But I was still aggrieved by her treatment of me, and perhaps feeling a mite immature, so I decided to play this one by the book. The policy book which says something to effect of, "DO NOT ALLOW CUSTOMERS BEHIND THE COUNTER NO MATTER WHAT."
So I took two quick steps towards the counter, slid in between her and the counter just as she was reaching over, and essentially hip-checked her out of the way. It wasn't hard, but I did make contact with her shoulder.
Me: "You absolutely cannot be reaching behind the counter, ma'am. I hope you don't make a habit of it wherever you go. Someone might think you're trying to rob them!" I gave her a sweet smile that (I hope) conveyed that I was only thinking of her own well-being.
She left pretty quickly after that. Still yapping on her phone.
She came in yapping on her cell phone. She grabbed a bottle of wine, set it on my counter, and shoved her credit card at me. She didn't wait for me to scan the bottle, she didn't break her phone conversation, she didn't even make eye contact with me.
I rang her through and said, "Your total is $11.45". She gave me a quick look that I interpreted as slightly hostile. Probably because I had the temerity to disturb her conversation by trying to conduct the business at hand. Or perhaps she was just annoyed that she had to deal with me at all. Either way, she shoves her card at me again.
So we finished the transaction, and I moved to step away from the counter to go stock some shelves. I usually stand and wait until the customer leaves first, but she never really acknowledged my presence to begin with, so I figure its fine. As I was moving away, she grabs my hand and shoves a piece of wadded up paper into it. She literally forced me to take a piece of her garbage. And she's still on the phone, and still not even making eye contact with me!
I say to myself, Be the bigger person. Rise above. I tossed the paper into the trash can we keep behind the counter, directly under our cash drawer (important), and stepped away from the counter.
Meanwhile, SC woman decides she's going to finish her phone conversation at the counter, and clean out her purse as she's doing so. Fine. No one else was in the store, no big deal.
I turned away for a minute to face a shelf, and when I turned back around, I see this woman stepping behind the counter!
Alarmed, I said, "Ma'am! Ma'am!" several times to get her attention and get her to move away. But she was so involved in her phone call that she didn't appear to hear me.
Now, I knew that she was just throwing something out. She saw me throw her paper away, so she knew where the trash can was. I knew she wasn't going for the cash drawer. But I was still aggrieved by her treatment of me, and perhaps feeling a mite immature, so I decided to play this one by the book. The policy book which says something to effect of, "DO NOT ALLOW CUSTOMERS BEHIND THE COUNTER NO MATTER WHAT."
So I took two quick steps towards the counter, slid in between her and the counter just as she was reaching over, and essentially hip-checked her out of the way. It wasn't hard, but I did make contact with her shoulder.

Me: "You absolutely cannot be reaching behind the counter, ma'am. I hope you don't make a habit of it wherever you go. Someone might think you're trying to rob them!" I gave her a sweet smile that (I hope) conveyed that I was only thinking of her own well-being.
She left pretty quickly after that. Still yapping on her phone.