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How is this a customer service issue?

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  • How is this a customer service issue?

    You don't pay for two months.

    You ignore the letters mailed about being cut off.

    You change your number so that both times we try calling you about paying up we can't reach you (btw, thats apparently our fault for not having the updated numbers.)

    You get disconnected.

    You call two days later and complain about disconnection. Manager offers you half off recon fee, even though he shouldn't since you have a case of flaming douchebaggery going on. You decide to think about it.

    You call back today and 3 pm to complain some more, demanding to speak to manager (he is out) and owner (no way in hell that is happening). You pay up what you owe, you pay the recon. I tell you you will reconnect you on monday.

    You say that we should credit you for the days without service and get someone out there asap.

    Because its a customer service issue.

    Riiiggghhhtt. Because you have proved to be such a good customer, lets grab one of our overworked techs, send him across town during rush hour, pushing him over 40 hours and into overtime, causing the company to have to pay him overtime...just to get you reconnected before the weekend hits so that you can sit on your butt all weekend and watch the boob tube. Yeah, I will get right on that.

    Threatening to start a petition to get us kicked out of your area? Watch me move faster.

    We will see you monday then.
    Last edited by Jewels; 03-28-2008, 08:29 PM. Reason: Helps to have an ending.

  • #2

    Oh my goshy moss...the nerve of some people.


    • #3
      That reminds me of people that would call and be non pay disconnected trying to order the fight ppv only to find that they have been disconnected after 60 days of non payment. When you inform them of this they would get mad they have to wait a weekend or week to be restarted. OR the people owe like 500 bucks and call and wonder why nothing is working and have been past due for like 5 months. Seriously how do you NOT realize your cable is not being paid?
      Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

      Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?


      • #4
        This reminds me of a pair of customers I took calls for one time. I used to work in a call center for AT&T Cable Television.

        One customer was and had been consistently 2 months past due and was upset that she had never received a notice before being disconnected. Over the course of the call she admitted that she always waited for a notice to pay her bill. She had the nerve to ask for credit after paying the bill that she owed.

        Another was the day before Super Bowl weekend. Lady was calling to pay her bill and wanted her service turned back on that day. I explained that there were no techs available to schedule for that day (it was after 6pm I don't remember the exact time.) The customer proceeded to rant and rave that she was having a big Super Bowl party and it would be ruined if her cable was not on and didn't I know what a big shot important business owner she was. My response: "Well if your a business owner and you knew you were having this party you can appreciate the importance of having a customer pay their bill on time. If you knew this party was coming up you should have called to pay sooner. Your service has been off for almost two full weeks." Bottom line there was no way to get a tech to her until the following Tuesday at the earliest because all of the other time slots had been booked.


        • #5
          I suspect that these people know what they're doing ... and that they rely on yelling at spineless managers to get discounts and credits.

          In otherwords, getting rewarded for being SCs.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            <Insert evil laugh here>

            Here is the beauty about my company. We are small. My sup was out today. I am one of the oldest employees there at this point. I am the only one answering phones.

            Yeah, he either had to take what is offered to all first time dnps, or go without tv for a long time.

