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A couple of stories you might like

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  • A couple of stories you might like

    Hey, I'm new, but thought after reading all these great stories, I might share a couple of my own, I've worked a few places where I've had to deal with really sucky customers, and usually I handle it without any retaliation, other times, I guess I'm not so lucky.

    First story comes from when I worked at Electronics Boutique (in the UK, you guys in the US might recognise it as EB Games) I had this guy approach the counter, with a friend/carer/whatever And ask me why some crappy game wasn't out yet (it was so bad I don't even remember the title). So I checked the release schedule for him, and , it wasn't due out for about a month. I informed him of this, and then it got fun, his face starts turning purple, veins throbing.

    "I read in (magazine) two months ago that it is out today!"

    "Well sir, if that magazine was printed two months ago release dates can be subject to change."

    "It was in the magazine!"

    "I understand that sir, but that was an old magazine, I'm sure if you check the new issue they'll have changed that date."

    probably not the best choice of words right, but what the hell.

    At this point, I notice something weird, this guy has two tubes attached to the side of his neck, both ends sticking under the skin, and as the guy screams at me, I'm sinking more and more into the "ignore the customer mode" and contemplating what would happen if I tore out these tubes, anyone have any idea what those tubes might have been?

    Another job, another story, and probably the main source of any stories I tell in future. I used to work in a Cinema (Movie theater), it was the only one around for about 50 miles (and the only "big name" cinema (probably about the fourth rated cinema chain in the UK)). And I've had some crazy things happen (I can tell a million stories, from throwing people out of movies, to being told a customer didn't order what I'd just got for them, to the old standby "the customer is always (an A**hole) right" This story relates to throwing a group of people out.

    I'm walking out the door of one of the screens, having just been in to check it, having had complaints. Suddenly, I spot this guy Andy (a nice guy, but tended to fly off the handle a little too easily) Charging out of one of the screens, clearly not happy.

    Me: Hey man, what's up.

    Andy: A group of idiots in there won't shut up.

    So here's me, interested to see what minor annoyance got to him this time, well, this time I'm happy to say, he was justified.

    As I come in I see a group of four chinese people sitting in like, the third row, shouting a conversation at each other over the movie. I can see at least four customers who look about ready to hand out their own brand of punishment (which unfortunately would have meant them being removed, as much as i didn't like that)

    Anyway, I come in, and stand at the side, while Andy goes to deal with this issue, so he speaks to the guy for a moment, and all seems well, for about five seconds, andy walks over to where I am, and as he does, this guy stands up.

    "What the hell did you say?"

    Andy by now is furious, ready to go back and grab the guy, I tell him to go and get the manager while I try and deal with this, when it comes to customers taking the p**s I don't tend to react nicely.

    Me: Stand up and get out of here.

    Guy: No I paid for my movie I'm going to watch.

    Me: If you want to see this movie you have to be quiet, as there are other people in here who want to hear what is being said on the movie, not where you're going for lunch later.

    Guy: Where does it say I'm not allowed to talk.

    Me: I would imagine sir that most people have the common sense to realise that you shouldn't be talking loudly in a small room where people are trying to watch a movie.

    Guy: I'm not going.

    Me: Well, the manager will be down in a few minutes, If you're not going now, you will be in about five minutes.

    Guy: I payed, I'm staying.

    So anyway, the manager finally turns up (I was dreading who he would get, knowing that aside from the General manager, and his deputy, the rest of them were more than happy to take the side of any customer over the staff) luckily the deputy came down, a woman who I wouldn't really want to mess with, especially after this.

    She came in, and asked the man to come outside the door with her so she could speak to him without bothering the customers. He grudgingly got up, followed by one of his friends. Outside the door, Andy and I stood behind them, blocking the door so they can't disrupt the movie further, and she unloaded on them.

    She said basically what I said, and then some. And at the point where they asked for refunds, literally laughed at them, and walked off, they tried to get back in, now I'm not a big guy, but I am not one to back down from anyone through fear. The guy tries to make out he's going to shove me, but, realising i'm not going to move, stops, and tells me he wants to get his bag. Andy goes in, and I stand in front of the door, ignoring them, Andy brings out the bag, and they leave, problem solved, we never saw them again.

    If you liked those I've got a lot more to tell, some much worse than that.

  • #2

    Love to hear about an asshat getting tossed from the theater.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3

      Just a heads up, you might want to remove the fact that the SC's were Chinese from the second story. It really doesn't contribute anything to the story, so it might as well not be there.

      Other than that, good stories. Some people are quite special, aren't they?
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #4
        yeah, you're probably right, it doesn't have any bearing, don't even know why I mentioned it. Thanks guys, I'll probably work through a list of stories at some point when I get a bit more time


        • #5
          Quoth myswtghst View Post

          Just a heads up, you might want to remove the fact that the SC's were Chinese from the second story. It really doesn't contribute anything to the story, so it might as well not be there.

          Other than that, good stories. Some people are quite special, aren't they?
          i'll second what she said, leave race out unless it is directly related to the story (IE the SC played the race card, or it involves an SC being upset over the race of an employee/another customer) it tends to make the conversations shift focus off of the SC which is where all the attention belongs...

          oh and good stories, I'd have loved to see the look on the guys face when the manager laughed at his request for a refund

          and to
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            this guy has two tubes attached to the side of his neck, both ends sticking under the skin ... anyone have any idea what those tubes might have been?
            Sounds like arterial lines for either chemotherapy or dialysis treatments. Normally these are done in a more accessible area like the arm but you can only be stuck so many times before the veins deteriorate, causing the docs to have to go wherever they can find a vessel.
            This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


            • #7
              Ooooh... WELCOME... Please post some more soon like.


              • #8
                Welcome, and looking forward to hearing more from you. You've gotten off to a good start.

                As for the mentioning that the SC's were Chinese, I'd like to remind everyone of Rap's post in site news awhile ago.

                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                The other thing is that we're going to go a little easier on one aspect of moderation. We usually have a rule that race etc doesn't get mentioned unless it's relevant to the tale. After a bit of a discussion, we're going to trial not worrying about this too much as long as such mentions are only used for description. If something looks like it's got racist undertones, we'll deal with it, so please feel free to report any mentions of race that aren't just setting the scene.
                I think in this case, it was just setting the scene. I would like to thank those who reported it, though.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  My heroes! I hate people talking in theaters!

                  MORE MORE!
                  "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                  Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                  • #10
                    AMEN!!! I once got stuck in a theater with a bunch of kids yaking on their cell phones and playing text tag until the management kicked them out for being disruptive. Apparently, I wasn't the only person annoyed with their antics because I was about ready to complain, myself. My only regret is that someone beat me to it. If I have to miss any part of a movie I'm paying to see, it should only be due to restroom or concession visits.
                    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                    • #11
                      To add to what BroomJockey said, if you had noticed, this was the OP's first post. That means it had to be approved by a mod in the first place. (Not that I was the mod to approve it. I was just pointing that out.)

                      Also, I was thinking about this, and originally, I thought the race mention wasn't all that necessary, but I remembered that there's something about the Chinese language, and certain dialects of it, that makes it sound as if those speaking it are shouting at each other. The OP said the customer was complaining that they were "shouting a conversation". In that light, the race mention wasn't such a huge deal.
                      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

