We have one particular SC who will NEVER ring up his purchases at the front end registers like most supermarket shoppers. He is too special to wait in lines like everyone else. Even if their are no lines he will still bother floral, deli or bakery form their tasks to get ruing out. Also, he will argue with the cashier on every price making us run around the store to check.
Today he interrups me to ring up his stuff, none of hich was from my dept.
Me: *scanning stuff, making as little contact w/ SC as possible* $19.74
SC: This *item* was supposed to be on sale for *price*
Me: *looking at flyer* sir, the sale is on *different item*, do you still want it for *original price*
SC: NO!!!
repeat this on every item, some which make me to run all over the store to prove SC wrong. I finally get ready to give him his total
Me: That will be $15.40 (secretly smiling because i know I am above the void limit and will need the MOD to auth the trans. I also know the MOD is busy dealing with the PD on a shoplifter who ran)
SC: Ok. *swipes card*
Me: sir, it will be a minute the MOD needs to let it continue because of the voids. *I page the MOD, who calls back and informs me they are writing a statement for the Police. I inform SC it will be a few minutes. I inform MOD who it is, since he is well known*
SC: Ok. (after about 30sec he impatiently runs up to the FE Self-Scan cashier and asks her to help him. She tells him that he must was for the MOD as she does not have keys, repeat about every 30-40 seconds.)
Well it takes about 3 minutes before the MOD arrives. Mr. SC is really pissed that we did not drop everything for him.
The great part. The time he spent bitching ans waiting was about 4x as long as it would have taken him to pay up front.
Oh yeah, he called me an fucking idiot under his breath.
PS: He wanted to see a sign for himself and wanted to leave his wallet on that counter for me to watch. I refused and told him I wans not responsible. I know if I had he would have claimed that I stole money from him. Well MR. SC We now have camera on every register, in case you want to try you little games. But he doesn't need to know that.
Today he interrups me to ring up his stuff, none of hich was from my dept.
Me: *scanning stuff, making as little contact w/ SC as possible* $19.74
SC: This *item* was supposed to be on sale for *price*
Me: *looking at flyer* sir, the sale is on *different item*, do you still want it for *original price*
SC: NO!!!
repeat this on every item, some which make me to run all over the store to prove SC wrong. I finally get ready to give him his total
Me: That will be $15.40 (secretly smiling because i know I am above the void limit and will need the MOD to auth the trans. I also know the MOD is busy dealing with the PD on a shoplifter who ran)
SC: Ok. *swipes card*
Me: sir, it will be a minute the MOD needs to let it continue because of the voids. *I page the MOD, who calls back and informs me they are writing a statement for the Police. I inform SC it will be a few minutes. I inform MOD who it is, since he is well known*
SC: Ok. (after about 30sec he impatiently runs up to the FE Self-Scan cashier and asks her to help him. She tells him that he must was for the MOD as she does not have keys, repeat about every 30-40 seconds.)
Well it takes about 3 minutes before the MOD arrives. Mr. SC is really pissed that we did not drop everything for him.
The great part. The time he spent bitching ans waiting was about 4x as long as it would have taken him to pay up front.

PS: He wanted to see a sign for himself and wanted to leave his wallet on that counter for me to watch. I refused and told him I wans not responsible. I know if I had he would have claimed that I stole money from him. Well MR. SC We now have camera on every register, in case you want to try you little games. But he doesn't need to know that.