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One more time, and your hand will be my trophy.

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  • One more time, and your hand will be my trophy.

    Today I had an unsual amount of people who seemed to think there was no problem in reaching around the register to scan something themselves. I don't know what makes them think they can do it, or when it's a child the parents just laugh it off but it ticks me off to NO END. This is my space, my job and my area. Is the fact you put your gum too far down the lane my fault that I haven't gotten it yet? Either move it, ask me to get it real quick or WAIT FOR ME TO COME TO IT.

    I swear, the next person who does this I am taking their hand as my trophy.
    "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."

  • #2
    Quoth Enigma View Post
    I swear, the next person who does this I am taking their hand as my trophy.
    Oh I have a lovely case you could frame it in!
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      I loathe when people attempt to turn their heads around to the screen.
      Our when our other screen set into the desk is in easy view, and I'm entering customer details.. and they correct me or complain if I enter something wrong.

      Or those that try and follow you behind the counter..
      ..Or stare into the office when your eating your lunch and scream at you to get off your arse and serve them (I now keep the door open when I'm having lunch).
      - Boochan


      • #4
        On this note, would it be considered sucky if I take my Giant Eagle Advantage card and pass it over the scanner while the cashier is preoccupied with something else? I've only done this once, when she was busy with something else. The scanner was the kind that is built into the counter and always on, so no need to pick up a scanner.

        I can't say I've ever had anybody actually pick up my scanner at any of the jobs I've worked and scanned something for themselves, but that is a definite violation of my work space.


        • #5
          I try to avoid selfscannign without permission - and then i only ask permission when its a cashier i know


          • #6
            For some reason they find it fasinating. I get it all the time and just laugh becuase I know they would never last at our jobs. Had one customer say she liked to make it go beep.


            • #7
              Quoth iviles View Post
              Had one customer say she liked to make it go beep.
              By my count, Ma'am, you are now ready to purchase forty of our most expensive frames. Your total will be $679.86.
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #8
                When I worked retail, this one mom hoisted her kid up on the 4 foot high counter (I hated when people did that). I'm leaning forward on the other side of the counter, writing up her order, and the kid runs his hand through my hair. Ugh!! I gave the kid a death glare (this was not a baby, but a 3 or 4 year old), and the mom doesn't say anything - no apology, no reprimand to the kid, nothing! So irritating! Stay out of my personal space!!


                • #9
                  Quoth theredbaron47 View Post
                  On this note, would it be considered sucky if I take my Giant Eagle Advantage card and pass it over the scanner while the cashier is preoccupied with something else? I've only done this once, when she was busy with something else.
                  I worked for GE for almost two years... and yes, I got royally annoyed whenever anyone reached into my space, even if it was to scan their card. Part of our job was to make sure that the card scanned right, and that we got the customer's card scanned that we were serving (huuuuuge nono rule about using anyone else's card for their purchases, we would get written up if someone else's card was scanned or fired if our own was scanned). That was part of the annoyance, and the other part was, as someone else said already, you'd be reaching into my personal workspace to do it. Please, let the cashier do it, ask them to scan the card if they haven't by the end of the order (though they should have at the start) or ask them if you can scan it at the least.


                  Kudos though that you only did it once and had the thought that it might possibly be sucky. Some of my ex-coworkers didn't care even though they should have. However, some would get seriously borderline nasty with the customers and demand that they hand the card directly to them so they could scan it, to "make sure", and make a point. I did that a few times, but only when having a really bad day already... the people that did it all the time were there for 10+ years.

                  Another reason why it might be bad to do it while the cashier's occupied with something else, is that something else might be important to get sorted before the card is scanned, or if they don't see what you're scanning, they might think you're trying to scam something... it's twitchy.

                  Going to stop there before I start reminiscing.
                  Confirmed altoholic.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Boochan View Post
                    I loathe when people attempt to turn their heads around to the screen.
                    That irks me too. It's not like our computer screens are easy to read ... you have to kind of crane your head around to actually see it - and there's really NOTHING on the screen that the customer needs to be concerned about ....

                    One time, my husband and his son (about four/five) were checking out. His son had a hold of a candy bar that still needed to be rang in and his son (my husband was holding him) just reached over and ran the candy bar over the scanner. His son really had a THING (almost to the point of obsessive) for buttons and things like that - so he couldn't really resist.

                    My husband verbally scolded him and profusely apologized to the cashier - who luckily - was really cool about it.
                    This area is left blank for a reason.


                    • #11
                      To ShadedWings:

                      I never even thought about all those implications that scanning one's own card themselves might have.

                      It's really a huge no-no for other customers in line to offer their GE card if the one currently being rung up doesn't have theirs? I see this happen all the time. It's happened to me several times. The cashiers never did a thing about it. I could understand if the cashiers were scanning their own cards, yes, but I never thought other customers using their cards for other people mattered.

                      I learn something every day.


                      • #12
                        My husband verbally scolded him and profusely apologized to the cashier - who luckily - was really cool about it.
                        I am thinking those two just might have a cause/effect relationship. Maybe.
                        "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper

