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National SC Day? (4 epic tales of suckiness)

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  • National SC Day? (4 epic tales of suckiness)

    Thursday was just another day at the office, today (Saturday) was just another day at the office, but yesterday!! Did someone designate it as SC day or something? The Suck-O-Meter was sure pointing in the red!

    Within a few minutes after the doors open, some bloke comes wandering out the back where the offices are, past the "Staff only" sign. He was looking for the manager to demand an exchange on his GPS, and he wasn't going anywhere until he got his exchange. He was having problems with his GPS unit, and his friend had a [Model X] which didn't have the problems he was having with his. At this stage I didn't know what he had or how old it was, so ask to see his receipt to see what we can do. It was dated in June 2006. Not only that, but the unit he had was a clearance item when he bought it, and these notes are clearly on his receipt. When he bought it, the unit had an RRP of $799, but because it was old stock it had been marked down to $99 - at a time when most entry level GPS's were about $499. While I'm looking over the receipt he's blathering on about the problems he's having - basically it's just that his maps are old and some of the new streets aren't in it. Yup, that's because of it's age. [Model X] is one of the few GPS that has decent profit margin, so I tell him that an exchange is something I normally wouldn't even consider on an 18 month old unit, but if he wants to buy [Model X] I'll deduct the $99 he paid for his old unit. To any normal person this would be a great deal - effectively he has got an exchange on his 21 month old unit. Not for SC. No way. Even though he only paid $99, his unit had an RRP of $799, and [Model X] has an RRP of $699, so not only should I exchange the unit for him, I owe him $100 as well. Obviously I flatout refused this demand. So after repeating each other about a dozen times, off he storms, and he's going to tell everyone he meets never to shop at our store again. WTF?

    Shortly afterward I get paged to the service counter. This customer has a 4-1/2yo digital camera which has failed with a fault that sounds suspiciously like it has been dropped. It was booked in a little over a week ago, and is at the manufacturer's national repair centre, where it is likely to be replaced under their extended warranty scheme. The week that it has been gone is excessively long, this is no way to treat customers, so they are here to get a full refund, and are not going anywhere until they get it. I explain to them the terms of the warranty (ie, repair, or replace if repair not possible). No not good enough. I call the repair centre to check status and it turns out they have been offered a replacement, or the option to upgrade to a better unit. Now the original camera was a fairly basic 3MP, 3x zoom, and the camera they are going to replace it with is the direct replacement, 8MP 3x Zoom - so a much better camera. Turns out this is the snag. They paid $400 for their camera (+ $50 for 5 year extended warranty), and the current model retails for $199. They want it replaced with a $400 camera. Both myself and the person at the repair centre explain to them that the terms of the warranty is that it is replaced with a product of the same or better specification, not value. Not good enough. They start screaming, the husband starts threatening me with violence, at which point they are ordered out of the store. They refuse to leave. A bunch of my sales crew start hanging around, I instruct one of them to call the police. The husband gets the message and leaves - the wife starts crying, and at this point becomes reasonable, and we negotiate that when the replacement arrives, they can swap it for another camera of the same value.

    No sooner are they out of the picture, and I get another page to the service counter. This time it is an IPOD customer, who is on her 3rd Ipod. It is a little over 2 years since their original purchase. It was replaced when several months old, as was the replacement. Now several months since they got the 3rd unit, and it is giving the same problem as the other 2 - some songs have disappeared. She has been screaming and yelling demanding a full refund prior to me getting the page. I look up the notes on the previous exchanges - in all cases no fault was found with the units (surprise, surprise), in all cases she yelled and screamed and the manager that dealt with her gave her a replacement to shut her up (no surprises there either). In between her yelling and screaming, I manage to work out that it lost some of the songs after it was connected to a 2nd computer. It is doing what it is supposed to do - when it is connected to another computer, it will wipe the Ipod and synch with that computer (although it pops up a message warning you). Here's Apple's phone number, if you need clarification on using the ipod, call them. She left, although not happy.

    Then I get a message that I have to phone a customer whose computer monitor is away at a repair agent. We booked it in a little over a week ago, and immediately sent it to the local authorised repairer. We loaned them a monitor in the meantime. I contacted the repairer to check status - they have found it not viable to repair and have ordered a replacement. Due to Easter, the job is taking a couple of days longer than normal but the replacement is due early next week. Ok, this call should be a routine "yes it's due early next week, we'll call you when it's here". That's how it should be, but this is an SC. I get the husband of the woman who booked it in, and tell him the simple news. He is very sarcastic - That's not good enough, by the time he get it back it will be more than 2 weeks without the monitor, do I think that is good enough customer service? Well, 2 weeks is a reasonable timeframe for a repair, and my notes indicate you have a loan monitor to use in the meantime. Well, don't get him started on the loan monitor - it is a horrible silver and looks ugly in their room, and it is only 17", so everything is smaller than on their 19", so they have been terribly inconvenienced by all they are going through. His wife can't bear to look at the tiny, ugly screen and refuses to use it, so she is behind in her work because of it. If I think the suffering they have been through is acceptible, then next time they make a purchase they will have to consider who they purchase from a little more carefully. All this said very sarcastically. Well sir, whether you choose to use the loan monitor or not is your decision not ours, and I encourage you to do careful research, because I'm sure you will find that 2 weeks is a fairly fast turnaround on this type of equipment, and I'm sure you will also find that loan monitors are not commonly provided. He responds very sarcastically that he will tell his wife when it will be fixed and that she won't be impressed, and hangs up. WTF was that about?

    Thankfully things were back to normal today with the suck-o-meter barely flickering off zero.
    Last edited by Rivulatus; 03-29-2008, 11:45 AM. Reason: correcting some grammar

  • #2
    I'm pleased I don't have those sorts of SCs.. and all in one day.
    No full moon either.. so thats unusual.

    Story 2 and 4.. oh my. Our chain requires everything to be sent first to one specific service centre (across the other side of the country, so add 2 Days freight), then they send them out to the authorized repairers for each item. Most customers understand this thankfully, and we do generally offer exceptions especially when it tells us we have to make them deal direct with the manufacturer, but we do the dirty work and do it ourselves.

    With story two, I can't say I've ever had this. They've always been satisfied when been covered for replacement no matter the difference in value. Many have been estatic actually because we have ended up with replacements at the purchase value, or better (essentially the newer versions of the superseded models.. about 6-12mths between purchases). Of course, some don't like this and prefer to exchange it for the same model of the old one if we still have it.. and that actually ends up easier for us I guess

    Number four, we no longer do loan units for anything (Auditor grilled us last year when we were, so we stopped in case of more complaints). It really ticks me off when they expect us to have a loan unit of a top of the line model just sitting their, or the fact we can trust loaning them a brand new product while theirs is off to service.. yeah, we really expect you to return after we've given you a superior product.. . Of course the expectations of a loan unit for things like mobile phones (we have a 0% loss rate on mobile phones, and we don't get enough returned products to actually justify a loan phone), GPSes, and anything that we would label non-essential is a bit extreme.

    Not sure if you've come across this, but I tend to get quite a few customers who always insist it goes with us, even if its easier or if their is a service outlet close (like a couple of suburbs away) to them that can do it on the same day. You'd rather wait 2 to 5 weeks for our service to deal with it (and still nag) or would you rather drive to the repair outlet and wait a day or two? Service and dealing with the customers and the staff at service centres (either offshore, or rude most of the time) would probably be the worst thing I actually deal with..
    Last edited by Boochan; 03-29-2008, 12:04 PM.
    - Boochan


    • #3
      Quoth Rivulatus View Post
      Thursday was just another day at the office, today (Saturday) was just another day at the office, but yesterday!! Did someone designate it as SC day or something? The Suck-O-Meter was sure pointing in the red!
      Oh my God, I don't know that it was necessarily SC Day, but I sure think it must've been Service Employees' Day From Hell.

      Friday, it was just one thing after another. My morning started with one of our booths becoming detached from the wall and falling on the customers who were eating at it! They were SOOOO nice about it, though. The guy even tried to pay for his meal, and I was like, "No, your table FELL on you."

      My day got exponentially worse as it went on...


      • #4
        wait, so the guy in the fourth story is upset because the loaner monitor was 2 inches smaller than his old one and that it didn't go well with his decor
        i would love it if a repair shop gave me loaner stuff... I'd settle for a crappy 15 incher during a repair.
        Granted, i'm typing this out on a computer using a 4 year old CRT monitor, 17 inch, so your loaner is still probably better than what I'm using.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          hell i used to dink around on a 9 inch laptop when my PC with the 24" would die
          so it would from XP back to win 95 and 23.3 dialup


          • #6
            I didn't have any problems with customers on Friday, but one of the databases decided that it hated me. Again.
            I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


            • #7
              What the hell is with people freaking out when their iPods go crazy?
              Mine likes to turn itself on, refuse to turn off, refuse to sync with my computer one day then be BFF with it the next, hide playlists then allow them to reappear, etc.
              Don't these people know that the golden rule to iPods is to just wait it out? They all go screwy and they all seem to fix themselves.

              It's witchcraft, I tells ya.


              • #8
                Entitlement, entitlement, I smell entitlement.
                SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                • #9
                  Quoth Rivulatus View Post
                  I'm sure you will also find that loan monitors are not commonly provided.
                  Heh. I love it when you give far better service than the industry standard, or any competitor, and the SC *still* threatens to go to the competition because he's not happy with your service. If he's not happy with you, wait'll he finds out how much worse everybody else is...


                  • #10
                    You could not pay me enough to do full time service/tech support on computers/electronics. I only do some currently here and its enough to make me try to dig out my eardrums with a pen just so I can't hear it anymore. ;p

                    There's an overwhelming prevalence of "I am too stupid and lazy to comprehend or bother to learn the operation of this device. This is your fault." attitude.

                    I just run iPod homebrew software on my DS. ;p


                    • #11
                      Oh man, does it make me crappy that I go through mp3 players like toilet paper? I had an Ipod nano that I just didn't like (I paid for the extra warranty at best buy that says you can return your product for any reason). I brought it in for a 40gb zune, then decided I needed a 80gb zune instead... I was nice about it and didn't lie about why I was returning it...
                      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                      ...Beware the voice without a face...


                      • #12
                        Don't you wish you could just fall on your back laughing, drumming your heels on the floor and pointing at the customer when they are so idiotic that it becomes funny rather than irksome?

                        "So tell me sir, are you really seriously suggesting that when you paid 100 dollars for an 800 dollar GPS system in 2006, you actually believed that you were purchasing a raincheck on an 800 dollar unit 2 years later. Oh yes, and that we were actually LENDING you the 2006 unit to tide you over until the raincheck became claimable. Oh ho ho sir, you are a card!"


                        • #13
                          Huh, now that you mention it Friday was a pretty harsh day for me too, workwise. One of the people we usually have in the drive thru had a kid recently and, having no baby-sitter, had to quit. Which means I'm now in the drive-thru all the time.

                          Friday marked my first 8 hour drive-thru shift in well over half a year.

                          Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Rivulatus View Post
                            His wife can't bear to look at the tiny, ugly screen and refuses to use it, so she is behind in her work because of it. If I think the suffering they have been through is acceptible.
                            Suffering? SUFFERING? This reminds me of a time when a friend was waiting tables and an SC told him he had made their evening at the restaurant the most "horrible experience of my life". He lost his job because he went off on her and said something to the effect, "If this is the most 'horrible experience' of your life, then ma'am, you have had a blessed life!"

                            There are homeless people who wonder if they will sleep safely through the evening and if they will eat the next day.

                            There are people who are in countries where they experience genocide and wonder if they'll make it through the next day.

                            There are people who can't afford computers let allow have the luxury of working at home!

                            OOOO - that makes me mad when SCs try to pull the "suffering" card or "the worse experience of my life" card. You get no sympathy from me! Let me tell you about the worse experiences of MY life you entitled whore!
                            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

