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  • ....speechless

    very short, but this happened to me the other day. I wasn't in that great of a mood, otherwise I wouldn't have been sarcastic.

    customer: *Walks up to the deli counter, where we have dozens of lunch meats, not once /looking/ through the glass* Do you have any fresh lunchmeat?

    Me: *Pointedly looked at the 20 foot-long case full of it.* ...No.

    Customer: ....oh. *Wanders off.*
    Pit bull-

    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

  • #2
    you know, if it werent how often this were posted, i'd think you were jsut trying to mess with us
    its truly sad...


    • #3


      • #4
        Had something similar happen to me once. When I was working in the photo shop, a woman came in with a role of film and asked my boss if she could get it proccessed in one hour. He replied, "No, it will be more like 60 minutes." She said that was to long and stormed out. Heaven forbid our customers should know how to tell time!
        Our brains are smarter than we think they am!


        • #5
          Quoth ladyklack View Post
          Had something similar happen to me once. When I was working in the photo shop, a woman came in with a role of film and asked my boss if she could get it proccessed in one hour. He replied, "No, it will be more like 60 minutes." She said that was to long and stormed out. Heaven forbid our customers should know how to tell time!
          Maybe she was working on Metric time?
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Quoth ladyklack View Post
            Had something similar happen to me once. When I was working in the photo shop, a woman came in with a role of film and asked my boss if she could get it proccessed in one hour. He replied, "No, it will be more like 60 minutes." She said that was to long and stormed out. Heaven forbid our customers should know how to tell time!
            HAH! I would have loved to be there when she told the story of how the people at the photo shop lie about their "one hour" processing.


            • #7
              recently I had a woman come into my store and ask me: "Is Union Square downstairs?"

              In my mind I thought: "Yes, Sak's 5th avenue, Macy's, the Disney Store and the 20 other shops that make up Union Square are in the store next to Panda Express"
              Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


              • #8
                Quoth Kyree View Post
                customer: *Walks up to the deli counter, where we have dozens of lunch meats, not once /looking/ through the glass* Do you have any fresh lunchmeat?

                Me: *Pointedly looked at the 20 foot-long case full of it.* ...No.

                Customer: ....oh. *Wanders off.*
                Quoth ladyklack View Post
                Had something similar happen to me once. When I was working in the photo shop, a woman came in with a role of film and asked my boss if she could get it proccessed in one hour. He replied, "No, it will be more like 60 minutes." She said that was to long and stormed out. Heaven forbid our customers should know how to tell time!

                Honestly, who lets these people out in public, unsupervised?
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth Kyree View Post
                  customer: *Walks up to the deli counter, where we have dozens of lunch meats, not once /looking/ through the glass* Do you have any fresh lunchmeat?
                  "Oh no, ma'am, it's all very well-mannered."
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #10
                    I was just dumbstruck when it happened. I mean...that's not even sucky customer...that's...beyond sucky customer. And I really wish I was kidding about it ._.
                    Pit bull-

                    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


                    • #11
                      These happen so often it is amusing, but luckily most customers get it. Those who don't....well, they are SC's.

                      CUSTOMER: "Do you serve food here?"
                      ME: "Only to people who order it."

                      CUSTOMER: "Do you take credit cards?"
                      ME: "Only on days ending in y."

                      CUSTOMER: "Do you take credit cards?"
                      ME: "Only if its yours."

                      CUSTOMER: "Can I charge this to my room?"
                      ME: "Only if you're staying at this hotel."

                      CUSTOMER: "Can I get a drink here?"
                      ME: "Only if you're thirsty."

                      CUSTOMER: "Can I get a drink here?"
                      ME: "Only if you order one."

                      CUSTOMER: "Do we pay you?"
                      ME: "You'd better. If you pay someone else, they'll be happy, but I'll be in trouble."

                      Okay, so I'm a smartass. Y'all have to have realized that by now!

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        CUSTOMER: "Do we pay you?"
                        ME: "You'd better. If you pay someone else, they'll be happy, but I'll be in trouble."
                        I hear that one alot. At the checkstand,
                        SC: "Do I pay you?"
                        Me: "Yes, I highly recommend it."
                        I've never had anyone get to pissy about that.

                        I remember the old days in the deli. It was so annoying all day long, "Is this meat fresh" Arg! The worst were the sc's who would come up to the hot case and ask for a something like a burrito,
                        SC: "But not a greasy one."
                        Me: (in a whisper and a smile) I'll let you in on a secret....All this stuff is Deep.Fried.In.Grease.
                        I got attitude from some with that one, but what the hell? I was not going to *pretend* to get them a non greasy deep fried burrito. Had to be honest right?
                        7 years I spent in that deli. I've worked my fair share of departments and I think deli is the worst for SC's.
                        Never. Ever. Ever. Again.

                        Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                        • #13
                          Customer: Can I pay for this here?
                          Me: Sure. You can even buy it here, too!

                          And my favorite:

                          Customer (over the phone): Can I talk to __________?
                          Me: Maybe. How much money you got? (usually reserved for people I know or internal calls)
                          "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                          -- The Meteor Principle

                          Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                          • #14
                            So what exactly constitutes the definition of 'fresh' lunchmeat? Is it freshly sliced lunchmeat? Or does this SC expect you to slaughter, process and slice up a cow, turkey or pig right before their eyes? Do they even understand that lunchmeat comes from animals in the first place?

                            The more you try to figure out some moron's lack of coherent thought, the scarier it gets.


                            • #15
                              Quoth batmoody View Post
                              I remember the old days in the deli. It was so annoying all day long, "Is this meat fresh"
                              I've worked my fair share of departments and I think deli is the worst for SC's.
                              I hear you on that one.

                              My sister and I have both worked deli, and we both agree, it is the worst!!

                              Although I would never actually say it out loud to them, I would always want to one day answer "Is it fresh?" with, "No. We only buy our meats after the expiry date."

                              Another one we got was the bacon customers. "Lean bacon please."
                              It came in a 10 pound box, and was less than a dollar a pound. It wasn't all that lean. There was no way I was picking through a tray to find only the slices with just meat and no fat, because it would have taken way too long.
                              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

