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Having an AMEX card somehow makes you special?

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  • Having an AMEX card somehow makes you special?

    I work as a telephone CSR for a company that offers in-store referral orders. We talk to the store clerk and get information about the item, then the phone gets passed to the customer. At that point we get billing and shipping information and the customer pays over the phone using a credit card.

    For the security of our customers we match the billing address information including name and phone number against whatever the credit card issuer has on file. If it doesn't match it may cause the order to be delayed. At the beginning we ask the customer for an email address that we will ONLY use to send a confirmation email, the tracking # once the order ships, and contact the customer if we have any questions or problems. This particular customer refuses and thats cool with me. I get the billing address and I'm a huge stickler for making sure I have the information as accurately as I possibly can. She doesn't seem to appreciate me quickly but very carefully verifying her information back to her (I always find that stupid that they would rather have it as fast as possible and maybe not accurate than almost as fast but very accurate).

    THE FUN PART, after getting the BTA I ask "may I have the phone number that your credit card company has on file for you?". I understand some people are paranoid and they think that I'm asking for this NOT to verify the information with the credit card company but as a way to market to them (a FALSE assumption on the customers part but kind of understandable I guess maybe). If the customer doesn't want to provide the BTA phone number thats cool, I can enter in a fake one and it MAY or MAY NOT delay the order. If you insist on not giving me a number just say something like "I'd rather not give that information" and I'll happily move on no questions asked. Could this customer be that logical? Of course not thats why I'm here.

    She had to be cute and respond "I don't think there is one! Why would my credit card company have a phone number on file for me?" So I try to explain it that ALL credit card companies keep your contact information including a phone number on file so they can A) contact you incase of questions or problems B) many companies (including this one) do not process transactions without verifying the BTA and phone with the credit card issuer, this helps prevent strangers from using your card. Her response "Thats ridiculous I have an AMERICAN EXPRESS card and they NEVER would collect my private information like that" I advise her that that the most likely number they have on file for you would be the phone number for the BTA. She says she's uncomfortable giving that information out. Cool I can work with that and we both would have saved time I you just said that instead of playing dumb. I strongly advise her that with NO quick contact information like an email or phone if there were any questions or problems we could only contact her through mail and this would greatly delay the order. We place the order. After I get off the call I run just her name and street address through a common white pages search engine. As never fails with these security freaks, I can find way more than average info with it including several phone numbers for that address and the customers age.

    Funny thing, when I make purchases I will gladly give my BTA phone and one of my emails AND my information has been taken off every white page search engine I can find. You idiot no phone and email lady fail.

    I love to ramble so here is my point. Why do people these days think they are super rich and important if they happen to have an American Express card? I understand this feeling in the past (wikipedia has a wonderful article about AMEX) when American Express cards did NOT carry revolving balances (as the first major credit card it was a way for rich people to carry large sums of money while traveling in a time before debit/credit cards). But nowadays when lots of fairly average people can easily get an AMEX card that carries a revolving balance. What is the point of having a card that usually has yearly fees (the original ones had LARGE membership fees and the main income stream for the card issuer), often have higher interest rates, and are accepted less places than Visa or Mastercard? Does it really make you feel that special? I know some places give perks to AMEX cardholders but if you step back its just a way for AMEX and the whatever company offers these perks to make more money (some people may get a card just for these specific perks *cough* Disney Families *cough*). Your opinions welcome. I just needed to vent. If I had the money these people have/pretend to have I'd still use my debit card linked to my checking account (with about a month or two of expenses in it) and any excess money in say a high yield savings account. This makes more sense to me that using a credit card to prove I'm a big spender (sure you might get perks and miles and crap, but the interest from my way makes more sense).

  • #2
    Quoth Angry_Hippie View Post
    As never fails with these security freaks, I can find way more than average info with it including several phone numbers for that address and the customers age.
    Oh, oh that's weird. I gotta look myself up now.

    I got my cousin, but I'm not listed anywhere.
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      If *I* have an Amex, ANYONE can get it, trust me.
      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


      • #4
        Hey I have AMEX! I'm special, whee!

        She thinks AMEX doesn't need her private information? Did she forget that you have to supply your Social Security Number to get credit? o_O


        • #5
          I saw that a lot at Evil Smiley Face Empire. "I have an American Express. You know, it's very difficult to get one of these, AE is really choosy!"

          Whatever . . .

          And it wouldn't even have to be a sucky situation, they just liked to mention it, especially if the self-check machine wasn't wanting to take it for whatever reason. Big whoop, you have an AMEX. It has the potential to get you in debt over your ears just like any other card.

          These people think they are especially special if it's an AE GOLD.

          And the woman in the OP . . . um, why wouldn't a credit card company collect your sensitive information? Especially a phone number. You know, so they can call you if someone happens to get their sticky fingers on your card and decides to hit the jewelers in Paris or something like that.
          The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


          • #6
            Then I must be extra special, as I have two Amex cards - one for a balance transfer that I'm paying off at an insanely low interest rate for the life of the balance, the other for purchases.

            Yup yup. Worship me!
            Random conversation:
            Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
            DDD: Cuz it's cool

            So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


            • #7
              I have an Amex. And they definitely have my phone number, because they phoned me up to ask if I had booked a holiday using Finnish currency. I was quite glad that they had it, because I hadn't.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                I am a college student and AMEX has sent me several offers for their cards. Nothing special about AMEX other than not as many places take them.


                • #9
                  LOL, I have 4 American Express cards. Then again I work in banking and truly do have excellent credit.


                  • #10
                    Amex and, I assume any other credit card company, has at least one of your phonenumbers.
                    If they don't have your phonenumber just yet, they'll get it when you call in to activate a card.


                    • #11
                      Anyone can get an AMEX here.
                      Most non-national chain stores generally charge a surcharge for "Premium" cards like AMEX/Diners here in Australia, because of the premium processing fees they charge. We get rather heavy use of AMEX in my store because one particular bank generally issues people with an AMEX and a Mastercard, where the AMEX gets you more miles/points quicker for rewards or frequent flyer miles.
                      - Boochan


                      • #12
                        When I was a desk clerk and took credit card numbers over the phone daily I often had people tell me, "Visa........PLATINUM" when I asked what type of card they had.

                        Apparently that's supposed to make me realize just how important they are (I guess) since whether the card was platinum or bare minimum credit allowance made no difference what-so-ever.

                        "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                        • #13
                          If people don't want to give an e-mail address out, there is a solution. Set up a free account somewhere, and only use that one for when you place orders, etc.
                          "Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" Severus Snape


                          • #14
                            I think you are right - the sense of superiority comes from the old days when Amex didn't have revolving credit.
                            I have an Amex - I do pay it off every month (from savings) - force of habit from my Dad, but he taught me not to put more on the card than I had in savings. It is my favorite card - no annual fee, low interest, travel insurance.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Angry_Hippie View Post
                              Why do people these days think they are super rich and important if they happen to have an American Express card?
                              We all know the super rich and important people have a Coutts' credit card, at least in England. I don't know of an American equivalent.

                              Coutts was discussed in an earlier posting.
                              "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

