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Excuse me for not cheering upon your arrival ( a little long)

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  • Excuse me for not cheering upon your arrival ( a little long)

    This happened several years ago on a slow saturday. In my store, i have 3 classes of customers: the office people, the mentally challenged/disturbed, and the alcolholics. usually, the alcoholics give me no problems. if they want to continue buying beer at my store instead of stumbling 9 blocks to the next store, they behave or i ban them- forever.
    This rather lovely charmer walks in (i'm typing this rather sarcastically) and says "hi darknight73" i glance at her and say hello in a neutral tone and manner. apparently, i was to have done a cheer and had fireworks go off to announce her arrival- why doesn't anyone tell me these things??
    I go back to telling my cashier what i wanted done for the day and she looks back and says " i said hello". at that point isaid hello again. she looks at me and goes to get her beer. she comes up to the counter and then she becomes a sc from hell. "next time i say hello you will say it back to me. your standing there like you are better than me and giving me that attitude. like i am nothing to you, etccc. ( i so much wanted to agree with her but i kept calm) this went on for 5 minutes.
    looked at her and said " you need to leave my store now"
    sc: i"ll leave when i'm ready to leave you don't tell me when you @#$%
    me: ok your ready to leave now
    sc: !@##$@$@#$#$$%@!!
    me: (to the cashier) call the police
    sc: your a #@$#@$$ faggott
    she left
    i get a call monday morning from my district manager because he got a customer complaint about me from her- she said i was rude and had an attitude and has no idea why i banned her. he listened to my side (i gave all facts) and included the faggot part. he said that she was more than welcome to come into my store anytime, i can't ban everyone that i want to and i have to grow a thick skin. whhooohoooo time to get the fireworks for her next arrival

  • #2
    Sounds like she didn't hear you say hello back. Did you try pointing out that fact?

    That aside, sucky of your DM not to back you up this once, as the next time she's in, odds are the suck factor will have multiplied.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Even if she didn't hear you say hello back that's not a blank cheque for asshattery.
      She sounds like one of those overly defensive people who ends up in situations like this often.
      If there's one thing we all know about SCs it's that they're rarely SCs just once, and usually they end up in situations just like this that they have created for themselves.

      People like her will either die prematurely of a heart condition or live to 130 to torment us all.

      Her banning was justified and should have stood. Thick skin? Let's see how thick the DM's skin would be after putting up with people like her all the time and not sitting in a nice little office as far from the front lines as humanly possible.


      • #4
        While she shouldn't have said what she did, if every establishment banned everyone that said something stupid at one time or another then very few stores would have any customers left.

        You were justified in throwing her out yes, and if I were the DM I would have told her that if she continues speaking to employees that way then she'll be banned, and asked her to apologize.


        • #5
          Quoth draftermatt View Post
          While she shouldn't have said what she did, if every establishment banned everyone that said something stupid at one time or another then very few stores would have any customers left.
          If stores could ban people for asshattery, then maybe we wouldn't have to put up with so much of it.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
            If stores could ban people for asshattery, then maybe we wouldn't have to put up with so much of it.

            Quoted for truth
            Some people are like slinkies,
            They don't really serve a purpose,
            But they still bring a smile to your face
            When you push them down the stairs.


            • #7
              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
              If stores could ban people for asshattery, then maybe we wouldn't have to put up with so much of it.
              Yup, because you'd run out of customers. I guarantee every person has gone off, had misplaced anger, etc. one time or another, and if every place said "sorry get out don't come back" then you'd have no more business. (Think about that one time you got mad, and imagine if you'd been banned because you were having a bad day)

              If I had $100 for every person who in my 7 years at my current job said something nasty to me, I could retire and not have to deal with them anymore.

              If you can't deal with the asshatery of the general public, then maybe it's time to find a new career.


              • #8
                Quoth draftermatt View Post
                If you can't deal with the asshatery of the general public, then maybe it's time to find a new career.
                Um, No.

                1) Customer was rude. That alone makes them sucky, but not so bad.

                2) Customer starting cursing. That justifies asking them to leave.

                3) Customer uses homophopic remark. *dingdingding*

                Three Strikes and you're out. This lady was unreasonably rude, began cursing, and then went to calling names. Very not nice names.

                While as service workers, you can be expected to put up with a certain amount of crap - anything that crosses the line into a personal attack, well,
                "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                • #9
                  Quoth draftermatt View Post
                  Yup, because you'd run out of customers. I guarantee every person has gone off, had misplaced anger, etc. one time or another, and if every place said "sorry get out don't come back" then you'd have no more business... If you can't deal with the asshatery of the general public, then maybe it's time to find a new career.
                  Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                  Um, No.

                  1) Customer was rude. That alone makes them sucky, but not so bad.

                  2) Customer starting cursing. That justifies asking them to leave.

                  3) Customer uses homophopic remark. *dingdingding*
                  Um, yes.

                  1) Customer was sucky. Yup. But as Draftermatt said, essentially everyone has done something stupid to an employee. Most people, at least once a year or thereabouts. The difference between being human and being sucky is the frequency you do it, the trigger that sets you off, and (hopefully) that the non-sucky, after the heat of the moment is past, say to themselves "Well, that was stupid on my part."

                  2) Customer waited until AFTER being told to leave to start cursing. Yeah, customer escalated the suckiness... but not until after being kicked out, at which point it's sorta understandable. And while DarkKnight said he was calm, I didn't hear anything about trying to smooth the waters or warn the customer before booting her... both of which are needed in my opinion.

                  3) Amazing how many insults have sexual underpinnings, isn't it? She could have insinuated that the person was maternally incestuous or the result of bestiality... would either of those have been better? Not in my book, but if either of them had been used, nobody here would protest, because they're throwaway insults. They get used by people frequently without any thought as to what they mean... unless, for some reason, you happen to trigger on one of them.

                  So in conclusion... was the person sucky? Yeah. Could the clerk have handled it better? Possibly, not all the details are in there. (The missing detail that I was looking for was a "Actually, ma'am, I did greet you. I'm sorry you didn't hear it.") Was it a good thing to kick her out? Probably, but only after warning her that her abuse would not be tolerated. And probably only for the day if it was her first offence.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                    But as Draftermatt said, essentially everyone has done something stupid to an employee. Most people, at least once a year or thereabouts.
                    I'm sorry, but you are way off base, there. I have never behaved anything close to that to an employee. The closest I've gotten is making snippy remarks when the service sucked. I have never yelled. I have never called names. I have never pulled an entitlement card. I have never done anything worthy of being asked to leave by anyone.

                    And if there was less tolerance and apologies for these dregs of society, maybe they might get a clue that it wasn't acceptable. As it is, most of the service industry is just tacitly supporting their erroneous belief that they are entitled to act like dillweeds.

                    As a fellow customer, I'd like to see these people get shut down and thrown out. You're losing a lot of good customers with these people around. The next time you see some assclown go off on a tirade, take a good look around and check out the people who decide they'd rather not deal with it and go to shop elsewhere. You might just be surprised.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      when she started spouting off, my clerks and i told her "we said hi". shen then started spouting off and screaming- calmly, i told her to calm down and that i would not tolerate that tone or her behavior- she started getting louder and i told her to leave or i would ban her- "she would leave when she was ready"
                      i had had problems with her before in the past: attempting to buy beer while intoxicated, bumming money off of customers ( a big no no in my store), and general stupidity. granted general stupidity is not a bannable offense, but that saturday she crossed the line. the dm said that in retail you have to deal with all kinds of people and i have to deal with her. i explained to him all the past incidents and it still didn't matter.
                      the following week, she came in and was all smug and was as nice as nice could be why you ask?? because she got her way and i lost


                      • #12
                        Sounds like a real winner who probably deserved to be banned between her previous offenses and the way she acted to you.

                        Using that "F" word should at the very least get you kicked out.

                        Seems the DM cares more about her money than his employees.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          Quoth draftermatt View Post
                          Yup, because you'd run out of customers.
                          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                          And if there was less tolerance and apologies for these dregs of society, maybe they might get a clue that it wasn't acceptable. As it is, most of the service industry is just tacitly supporting their erroneous belief that they are entitled to act like dillweeds.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Quoth darknight73 View Post
                            your standing there like you are better than me and giving me that attitude. like i am nothing to you, etccc.
                            'Bout time one of them felt that way for a change. I am sick and tired of attempting to make eye contact to say "hi" only to have customers avoid it or flat out ignore me as if I were some peon not worthy of their time.

                            "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."

