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Another couple fun ones

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  • Another couple fun ones

    Microwave Lady

    This lady gets a BBQ rib sandwich, chips, drink, and some other stuff. I proceed to ring her up. As soon as I run the sandwich past the scanner, she tells me she wants that sandwich heated. So, I tell her there is a microwave at the end of the counter, and point to it.

    I tell her the total. She again states that she wants the sandwich heated. I again state that there is a microwave at the end of the counter, and she is more than welcome to use it.

    So, I collect her payment, give her change, and proceed to bag her groceries. As I put the sandwich in the bag, she again tells me she wants the sandwich heated. A bit more impatiently, I restate what I told her about being able to use our microwave at the end of the counter.

    I hand her the bag, expecting that she'd make her way to the microwave. She just looks at me and says she wants the sandwich heated. Four times repeating yourself when I've already told you an appropriate answer the first three times makes me a bit testy. I drop the bag on the counter and give her one of my annoyed "you're an idiot" expressions, I again repeat in an equally annoyed tone what I'd already told her about having a microwave at the end of the counter that she is welcome to use. I added a snippy remark about our establishment not being McDonald's, so don't expect me to offer any more help than pointing you in the direction of the microwave.

    Then, I push her bag aside, and look around her to the next customer in line. "Sir, I can help you. Go ahead and step up to the counter."

    He just looked at her oddly as she walked down to the microwave, "She really wanted you to heat it for her, huh?"

    I just sighed, "It seems so, but I'm too busy for that."

    Giving Directions

    This old man comes in to ask if I know where a certain doctor's office is located. I couldn't tell you half the doctors in town. There are so many. I only know the ones who practice where my doctor practices.

    The old man tells me a street address. Our store is located at an intersection. The street address is along the street that intersects, so I don't know exactly how the neighboring addresses are listed along that street. I tell him that I know one direction is primarily a residential area, and the other area is primarily a business area. I tell him that I would guess the doctor's office to be in the business area.

    "Well, I've been down that way as far as I can go!" he shouts angrily. "I can't find it! You mean you've never seen it before?"

    I tell him that I haven't, all I could do is let him use the phone to call the office if he has a number. I mean, he had a street address, and the only other suggestions I would have would be to look at a map or the phone book.

    "Don't they number these buildings through here? Don't you ever look at them as you drive through here since you work here?"

    "I'm sure they do number some of them, but I'm not the post office or Mapquest. It's not my job to know where addresses are located. If I see it, I see it. If I don't, I don't."

    He just grunts, and walks off without another word.

    Thanks for the gratitude that I would even bother with trying to offer a suggestion. I could have just said that I don't know, and left it at that. Piss on you old man!
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

  • #2
    Rofl. I would have just given him some random directions, then. Send him to the other side of town. "Oh wait, I remember that place now! You gotta go waaaay over that way...( etc. etc)"


    • #3
      What, the lazy twit could be bothered with microwaving her own sandwich?

      Oh, I have to push buttons ... horrors!
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth marasbaras View Post
        What, the lazy twit could be bothered with microwaving her own sandwich?

        Oh, I have to push buttons ... horrors!

        ...maybe she was afraid she'd break a nail?
        Some people are like slinkies,
        They don't really serve a purpose,
        But they still bring a smile to your face
        When you push them down the stairs.


        • #5
          I get that with customers and the coffee grinders.
          One lady came back to yell at me because I didn't grind it. "Shame on you, you almost let me go home with this not ground."
          Oh right, I forgot I'm psychic and know that you don't have your own coffee grinder at home. I actually wound up grinding it for her. I should have just pointed the way to the big bright freaking red coffee grinders and let her figure it out her own damn self.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            Oh your looking to go where....See here this is what your gonna do...your gonna come to a fork in a road....ok its more like two forks together your gonna go left. Your gonna go down to a big old oak tree and you see that road...yeah dont take it. Go on till you see an elm ok then your going to go left then your gonna go towrds Burger Queen. But keep going ther burgers are terrible you wanna eat the ones at joes they got this sause....oh what was that....oh your in a hurry sorry go ahead and go left after the burger queen. Ok then your gonna drive down to elm and turn left but not the elm tree the elm street ok if you turn at the elm you'll get lost. OK now your gonna look over to your right and see me standing there your gonna stop and call me over then your gonna say your sorry for being so rude. Then your going to get out your phone and call the doctors office and ask them becuase I dont have a clue!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              ArcticChicken, that sig is priceless!

              and iviles, you kick ass!
              "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


              • #8
                Reminds me of when the Mr and I used to own a convenience store in rural Virginia near the Shenandoah Natl Park, a real tourist trap. We'd always have local old timers sitting out on the front bench with their pepsi and moon pies watching the traffic. Every now and again a fancy car with DC or NY plates on it would pull up and some entitlement issued yuppie would demand directions to this local inn that catered to the rich yuppies about five miles away. The old timers would instruct the driver to take a right just past our store till the road dead ended, take another right till the dirt road dead ended and take a third right at the collapsed barn, keep on going till you see the place, instead of just get on the road here and go five miles. Their creative detour would route the drive about, oh, say thirty miles out of their way on rough dirt roads. Afterwards they'd chuckle about how stupid city folks are.
                "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                • #9
                  Quoth aurelemsrealm;301505[B
                  Giving Directions[/B]

                  This old man comes in to ask if I know where a certain doctor's office is located. I couldn't tell you half the doctors in town. There are so many. I only know the ones who practice where my doctor practices.

                  The old man tells me a street address. Our store is located at an intersection. The street address is along the street that intersects, so I don't know exactly how the neighboring addresses are listed along that street. I tell him that I know one direction is primarily a residential area, and the other area is primarily a business area. I tell him that I would guess the doctor's office to be in the business area.

                  "Well, I've been down that way as far as I can go!" he shouts angrily. "I can't find it! You mean you've never seen it before?"

                  I tell him that I haven't, all I could do is let him use the phone to call the office if he has a number. I mean, he had a street address, and the only other suggestions I would have would be to look at a map or the phone book.

                  "Don't they number these buildings through here? Don't you ever look at them as you drive through here since you work here?"

                  "I'm sure they do number some of them, but I'm not the post office or Mapquest. It's not my job to know where addresses are located. If I see it, I see it. If I don't, I don't."

                  He just grunts, and walks off without another word.

                  Thanks for the gratitude that I would even bother with trying to offer a suggestion. I could have just said that I don't know, and left it at that. Piss on you old man!
                  Pick one:

                  1) I don't live near here.

                  2) My mom drives me to work and I get car sick if I look out the window so I always take a nap in the car.

                  3) OMG that Fill in the blank I thought the state whatever board finally pulled his license/permit.

                  4) Here, let me print off a map for you. Do you have your Visa card handy? Yes, sir it is a $75 charge for the map.

                  5) He/she asked me to not give out directions to his/her location. I don't know why, maybe you should call them and ask if he/she can give you directions.
                  SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                  • #10
                    I had my own favorite evil directions when I worked at long's (on McCarren)... i'd tell people I didn't like to turn right on McCarren, go until it dead ends and turn left (McCarren is a giant loop)
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
                      Microwave Lady

                      This lady gets a BBQ rib sandwich, chips, drink, and some other stuff. I proceed to ring her up. As soon as I run the sandwich past the scanner, she tells me she wants that sandwich heated. So, I tell her there is a microwave at the end of the counter, and point to it.

                      I tell her the total. She again states that she wants the sandwich heated. I again state that there is a microwave at the end of the counter, and she is more than welcome to use it.<snip>
                      Depending on the local Health Department Laws, it might not be legal for you to heat it up for her. There's a difference in offering convenience food & offering prepared food. I think that it involved liability. I think. This message brought to you by a non-lawyer.
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

