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The Creepy Man Strikes Again!

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  • The Creepy Man Strikes Again!

    I wasn't sure whether to put this under Sightings or not, but this time I actually was more then a bystander. I was a victim.

    I have posted in Sightings about the Creepy Man. He's this creep who hangs out at the ice-cream parlor where all the high schoolers go after school, rarely buys anything, and rants at everything about how we're all going to get fat and diabetes. He's annoying, but fairly harmless.

    Not today.

    I was showing my outfit to the woman who works there. I was wearing this weird top that has two holes at the bottom, that look like arm holes. The woman who works there asked what they were for. Before I can explain they're just for decoration, the Creepy Man says:

    "They're for boys to hold on to when they're riding her!"

    No, I'm not kidding. No, he didn't get banned, a talking to, or any kind of reprimand. The women who works there didn't hear him, and I'm too much of a wimp to say anything.

    But wait, there's more!

    Two minutes later, they're still hypothisizing what they could be for (despite the fact I'm TELLING them it's just a decoration) when he comes out with another gem.

    "It's so the boys can get it off her faster!"

    GAH! I'm covered from collar bone to elbow, I'm not dressed scantily, where do you get off making that sort of comment about me!

    Bastard really upset me.

    (I think this is the right forum for this, since I wasn't just a witness, but if I'm wrong please tell me!)
    I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

    At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.

  • #2
    That qualifies as hurassment, don't be embarrased & tell him he's being inappropriate. If he says you are dressed inappropriate, tell him he shouldn't be looking. Or say that it's just a shirt for God's sake. He is just another customer, and if he is as bad as the other posts emphasize, you have EVERY right to tell him he is a gross old man who should stop scoping out the jail bate... Call him a cho-mo (child mollestor). He feels the right to say whatever he pleases, so should you. If he is actually driving away busniess, you are doing the place a favor. Get your friends to help. Do it!
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


    • #3
      Yeah, tell the paedophile to shut up and leave you alone. AND, tell the women who work at the store.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Wow he should have been banned. That was not right!


        • #5
          Say something. Tell your boss. This is not the type of person you want around.
          "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


          • #6
            I remember the last post about this guy.

            Seriously, you and the ice cream shop need to talk to mall security about this guy.

            Sure, he could be just a harmless old coot with repressed pedo thoughts who taked it out on random passersby. But what if he's not?

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              He needs to be banned, and soon from the sound of it. He's a serious incident waiting to happen. Talk to whomever has that power. If you're in a mall try to get the mall involved and if they don't do anything about him, start filing any type of formal complaint you can to them each time he does something. That will eventually get their attention.

              "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


              • #8
                I don't think I'd be talking to mall security. I think I'd be talking to police. That's way past inappropriate.


                • #9
                  Quoth morgana View Post
                  I don't think I'd be talking to mall security. I think I'd be talking to police. That's way past inappropriate.
                  I second this one.

                  That's inappropriate conduct and sexual harassment for ten, right there.


                  • #10
                    If I was in your position I would tell him to knock it off once. If he continued it's time to go to the police.


                    • #11
                      I can't believe the gall of this guy! If he'd said that to me he would be missing certain parts of his anatomy
                      I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


                      • #12
                        I told my dad about it. He's going with me on Monday. If The Creepy Man is there, he's going to tell him not to talk to me ever again, tell the security guards and warn the workers at Wendy's. If he isn't there Monday, dad will go with me everyday until TCM knows to keep his distance.
                        I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

                        At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.


                        • #13
                          he needs bannage as of yesterday; he's not a customer (just a loser who 'frequents' the place), so he cannot complain about being denied service and he's a problem to those who are customers: harrassing comments which can lead to loss of business, possibly a lawsuit filed against you and the mall for harrassment.

                          those comments were way past inappropriate; a simple talking to won't clue this asshat in, but barring him might, or, at the very least, allow people to enjoy their purchases in peace.
                          look! it's ghengis khan!
                          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

