So, my latest work (still at the cd store, still disliking it--but hey, I have an interview in an hour or so!) rant.
UNFOLD YOUR MONEY, PEOPLE!: Seriously, fishing out balled up $1s and $20s and tossing them down on the counter where I have to uncrumple and count them is seriously obnoxious. Don't huff about how you're in a rush and how long the line is...alllllll that time you were waiting? YOU COULD HAVE UNFOLDED THE MONEY YOURSELF! You would be gone by now! Super rude, thanks.
"How much do I have?": How do you not know how much money you have? At least three times a day I get someone bringing a ton of cds to the register and then after I ring them all up and tell them the total tossing a wad of money and change down on the counter --"do I have enough?", usually the answer is no and from there we get to do the "which ones don't you want" dance. Usually this makes my line grow to epic proportions while they decide between shitty cds 1, 5, and 23--debating to me about each one. I want to scream "they're all shite, I wouldn't buy any of them"--but I can't. The same people are usually in a rush.
"But that's not what it says it costs!": reading COMP-RE-HENSION!!!!! people! No, that sign does not say "everything in the store on sale $10 or under" not argue with me. "Select items" does not mean "everything"---well, what is "select items", gee--I don't know but I would guess not the #1 selling rap cd or recently released dvd. Probably it's select because it's old and shit no one else wants!
Have to run, I'll add more on later. Share your money related customer rants!
UNFOLD YOUR MONEY, PEOPLE!: Seriously, fishing out balled up $1s and $20s and tossing them down on the counter where I have to uncrumple and count them is seriously obnoxious. Don't huff about how you're in a rush and how long the line is...alllllll that time you were waiting? YOU COULD HAVE UNFOLDED THE MONEY YOURSELF! You would be gone by now! Super rude, thanks.
"How much do I have?": How do you not know how much money you have? At least three times a day I get someone bringing a ton of cds to the register and then after I ring them all up and tell them the total tossing a wad of money and change down on the counter --"do I have enough?", usually the answer is no and from there we get to do the "which ones don't you want" dance. Usually this makes my line grow to epic proportions while they decide between shitty cds 1, 5, and 23--debating to me about each one. I want to scream "they're all shite, I wouldn't buy any of them"--but I can't. The same people are usually in a rush.
"But that's not what it says it costs!": reading COMP-RE-HENSION!!!!! people! No, that sign does not say "everything in the store on sale $10 or under" not argue with me. "Select items" does not mean "everything"---well, what is "select items", gee--I don't know but I would guess not the #1 selling rap cd or recently released dvd. Probably it's select because it's old and shit no one else wants!
Have to run, I'll add more on later. Share your money related customer rants!
