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I can do two things at once!! (long)

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  • I can do two things at once!! (long)

    [edit] This ended up longer than I thought, sorry

    People are so freakin impatient. I had TWO ladies freak out over the fact that I took care of more than one person at the same time.

    Ok, yes I can --kinda-- understand this one, however it was MINOR, and there was no reason to freak out about it.

    I am ringing one lady up, and one of our league bowlers comes up and asks me to turn the fan on for their lane... a simple request, that only takes me two seconds to fulfill.

    The lady I'm ringing up flips her shit and screams at the other lady "We're in the middle of a transaction here!!"

    Yes, I can understand being a little upset over someone cutting you line... but that's not what she did! She came up to the counter, *I* acknowledged her, she had a VERY simple request that didn't interrupt your transaction AT ALL. (I was waiting for the credit card machine to go through). CHILL OUT!!!! geez.

    The second one was a bit different. We had a little issue with trying to fit in some leagues, and trying to fit in a reservation at the same time. We were BUSY too. We needed 24 lanes for the league, FIFTEEN for the reservation (which was VIP's from the company that is buying half our building). Plus we had 8 lanes taken up by a camp-group that came in. Plus the regular customers that came in. In the end we had FOUR lanes not being used (out of 64 total lanes), and 2 of them were down for maintenance.

    We were trying to figure out how to fit everyone in that we NEEDED, and whether or not we had to move anybody to a different lane to accommodate them. I was told by the General Manager "don't give out anymore lanes until I tell you to."

    So this lady comes up, she wants to get a lane. Unfortunately she had to wait. Of course she's being impatient, but I figure whatever, there isn't much I can do, so she'll just have to deal.

    While she is waiting at the desk, another group comes up. I turn to them, and let them know that it's gonna be a minute because we need to figure something out. They're fine with this, but ask if i can give em their shoes so they can at least get ready. Sure, no problem, not a big deal, right?

    OH NO! The SECOND I handed the group a pair of shoes the other lady waiting flips out and starts screaming

    IL = Impatient Lady
    Me = Me

    Me: "I know, I'm just getting them their shoes."
    Me: "I'm justing giving them their shoes, I'll get yours too. What sizes do you need?"
    IL: "I'VE been waiting 15 minutes already!"
    Me: "I know, we're trying to figure something out, I can get you a lane in a minute."
    IL: *Indistinguishable mumbling* "Whatever, I need <sizes>"

    At least the the guy who came up after them was understanding when I explained the situation (and he was waiting for nearly 15 minutes as well). He was a member of another league and just wanted a couple practice games. HE got rewarded by being place on a set of lanes away from EVERYBODY, so he wouldn't be bothered by the kids or the senior group that we had in. (I actually gave him two lanes that we needed for the party later, but we didn't need them for another hour and he wasn't gonna take more than a few minutes... it doesn't take long for one guy to bowl 2 games )
    Last edited by Lingering Grin; 04-07-2008, 10:24 PM.
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