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More Airline Suckage

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  • More Airline Suckage

    This one is a bit delayed, as I just listened to the call recording to transcribe.

    Woman is stranded in Atlanta this past Sunday. Her flight to LA is cancelled due to an equipment issue with her flight. All other flights sold out, even on other carriers.

    She calls and I verify this by pulling up the availability. Indeed, literally every flight on Sunday, both her carrier and others, non-stops and connections - booked SOLID. Her only hope is to standby for each flight and hang out at the airport all day or leave and come back for a confirmed flight the next day (Atlanta was home).

    Don't get me wrong - I don't blame her for being upset. But hey, it happens. I tell her this in a roundabout way, and basically reiterate what the airline has already told her (which I outlined above).

    She says : "Blargle-blargle-blargle. Then WHY do we even USE a travel agent??? What good are you if you aren't going to DOOOOO something about it?"

    (Keep in mind, the above was shreiked...not just stated)

    Me: ....



    Her: "Hello?"

    Me: "Yes, hello."

    Her: "I ASKED you a QUESTION!!!"

    Me: "Oh, I'm sorry. What was the question?"

    Her: "What good ARE you?"

    Me: "Ma'am, surely you don't expect me to answer that."

    Her: "I most certainly do!! Why did I pay the fee of booking this through a travel agent when you aren't going to DOOOOO anything?"

    Me: "Ma'am, your flight experienced an equipment failure and had to cancel. Under normal circumstances, you would be placed on the next available flight, which unfortunately in this case, is not until tomorrow. There are certain concessions the airline will provide in this case, but there is NOTHING that I can physically do to make the oversold flights available."

    Her: "Well you'd damned well better call them!!!"

    Me: "Ma'am, where are you now?"

    Her:"I told you I'm at the airport. Don't you listen? I decided to go have a meal and wait on all these standby flights."

    Me: (sees where this is going) "Ok ma'am. I'll call Delta. Please hold, it may be a few minutes since I'm sure their hold times are long due to the excessive sell-outs today."

    Her: *put-upon sigh* "Fine!"

    At this point, I place her on hold and call Delta support. My hold time is 8-10 minutes. Typically I would take this time to go back to the customer and tell them the hold time, just to assure them I had not forgotten them.

    Needless to say that didn't happen here.

    I sat, and I sat. I have done this enough years to know her kind. I knew she'd hang up and I pegged it at 3 minutes.

    I was wrong, she held 4 before hanging up.

    After she hung up, I disconnected with Delta as I was holding.

    My documentation in her record: Psgr called with cnx flight due to equip issues. All remaining flts sold out both OC (other carriers) and DL (Delta) until tomorrow. Airline has rebooked and offered priority standby on remaining flts. Psgr called for us to 'do something' about this and was sarcastic and was yelling at me. Placed psgr on hold to call DL, although futile. Hold time 8-10, psgr hung up after 4. I disconnected as well.

    Moral of this story: If she had acted like a human, both to me and to the counter agents, she would have been told that the airline will offer compensation for future travel in a situation like this. At least she was in her home town, and was not stranded in a strange city like so many people are.

    Don't know what ended up happening to her, and I frankly don't care.
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

  • #2
    People, so often, get what they want by yelling and being all around pricks, that they don't realize that we won't help them any more than we absolutely have to when they're like that. And yeah, screw her. I hope she had to wait all week.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      I was reading this story and thinking to myself, "Why don't these people get on a train, or bus, or rent-a-car?" Seriously, taking the train across the US was AWESOME when I was 19. Especially going over the Rockies. Did you know there's 44 tunnels you go through? I do, because there was a kid in the sightseer car counting them all day.

      Oh, and you can UPS your luggage home for pretty cheap, it'll get there before you. do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

      Chickens are Asexual!


      • #4
        Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
        I was reading this story and thinking to myself, "Why don't these people get on a train, or bus, or rent-a-car?" Seriously, taking the train across the US was AWESOME when I was 19. Especially going over the Rockies. Did you know there's 44 tunnels you go through? I do, because there was a kid in the sightseer car counting them all day.

        Oh, and you can UPS your luggage home for pretty cheap, it'll get there before you.
        Take Amtrak coast to coast? That's four days if they're on schedule and they generally aren't.

        I flew WashDc to San Fran last week and was homicidal when we landed six hours later.

        No way do I want to be held hostage on a train for 4-5 days, eating only overpriced vending machine food and not being able to bathe or sleep.

        Instead of waterboarding those poor bastards we're holding at Gitmo we ought to induce them to talk by making them ride Amtrak back and forth across the USA.

        That woman at Atlanta was lucky. She could just go home until the backlog cleared up. Many other passengers got stranded mid-journey when airlines started cancelling flights to do safety checks. Didn't American Airlines cancel 1000 flights yesterday? Damn.


        • #5
          Yes, i agree if you are polite, you will get much better treatment, and the airline staff, or travel will be MUCH more willing to help you out. But there will always be someone who, no matter what the situation, thinks that you can magically pull something out of your butt to get them on a flight.

          Case in point; in 1993, during the lovely March blizzard that blanketed the enitre east coast, and shut down all airports - i was flying from Newark to Savannah, via Atlanta. We had an early flight, so we did make it out, but....midway through to Atlanta, we diverted to we get off, and get into line to rebook..the lines are crazy, ticket agents are being screamed at left and right...people are everywhere! and not happy either.

          My BF at the time and I get up to the agent, finally, and he calmly says, I know all airports are shut down, but whatever you can do to get us to Savannah we will appreciate. The agent looks up, and says, you are the first polite person that has come through my line, i'm bumping you guys to 1st class - WOO HOO - i had never flown 1st class....sadly, all flights that day were cancelled, so we never got on that flight...ended up paying for a hotel, and going out the next day....but.....if you're nice, they'll be nice back to you.


          • #6
            Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
            I was reading this story and thinking to myself, "Why don't these people get on a train, or bus, or rent-a-car?" Seriously, taking the train across the US was AWESOME when I was 19. Especially going over the Rockies. Did you know there's 44 tunnels you go through? I do, because there was a kid in the sightseer car counting them all day.

            Oh, and you can UPS your luggage home for pretty cheap, it'll get there before you.
            I have to agree with zzapp, trains are the best way to travel... and if our government were to ever get their collective heads out of their asses and stop bailing out airlines so they had to compete on the same level as other modes of travel (borderline fratching, people bitch about amtrak receiving a couple hundred million subsidy, but don't blink at airlines receiving multi billion dollar bail outs). Oh, and it's nice to be able to travel at ground level and actually seeing the country (and I'm afraid of flying)

            Quoth Auto View Post
            Take Amtrak coast to coast? That's four days if they're on schedule and they generally aren't.

            I flew WashDc to San Fran last week and was homicidal when we landed six hours later.

            No way do I want to be held hostage on a train for 4-5 days, eating only overpriced vending machine food and not being able to bathe or sleep.

            Instead of waterboarding those poor bastards we're holding at Gitmo we ought to induce them to talk by making them ride Amtrak back and forth across the USA.

            That woman at Atlanta was lucky. She could just go home until the backlog cleared up. Many other passengers got stranded mid-journey when airlines started cancelling flights to do safety checks. Didn't American Airlines cancel 1000 flights yesterday? Damn.
            there actually is some validity to that argument... except replace amtrak with greyhound... start them in reno and they'll be broken before they reach salt lake
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
              there actually is some validity to that argument... except replace amtrak with greyhound... start them in reno and they'll be broken before they reach salt lake
              What? You want to give them a real reason to want to blow things up?


              • #8
                Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                She says : "Blargle-blargle-blargle. Then WHY do we even USE a travel agent??? What good are you if you aren't going to DOOOOO something about it?"
                Gah - do I hate that line. It is usually said after they have done something stupid all on their own. Like they hear their flight is cancelled and instead of getting in line to get reaccomadated they hop in their car to drive to the connecting city. Meanwhile it shows they haven't checked in so by the time they call me to "fix it" their whole itinerary is cancelled for no show.
                Or yesterday - what do they expect me to do? Grab a wrench and get to work? Fly the plane myself with possibly malfunctioning equipment?
                Don't even get me started on Terminal 5...


                • #9
                  Quoth auntiem View Post
                  Gah - do I hate that line. It is usually said after they have done something stupid all on their own. Like they hear their flight is cancelled and instead of getting in line to get reaccomadated they hop in their car to drive to the connecting city. Meanwhile it shows they haven't checked in so by the time they call me to "fix it" their whole itinerary is cancelled for no show.
                  please say that isn't a common occurrence... I just lost faith in humanity reading that
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                    please say that isn't a common occurrence... I just lost faith in humanity reading that
                    I wish I could. It happens all the time.

                    Oh and AuntieM - I'm glad to see there is another TA around her to commiserate with.
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      Yep, I don't post a lot of TA stories 'cause I'm too close to the pain.
                      You might get a kick out of this story:


                      • #12
                        Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                        Don't know what ended up happening to her, and I frankly don't care.
                        What happened to her is she probably ended up talking with GK for emergency hotel reservations, got sucky, and got a double dosage of cold treatment and pwnage
                        I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                        "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras

