I work in a call center that is half Member Services, half online store. We have one customer who I won't refer to as an SC: She's annoying sometimes, and calls for no reason a lot but she's nice enough and actually cares about us as human beings, so we sort of look on her with fond exasperation.
Anyhow. Her most legendary phone call came one day, when she was chatting away with my coworker:
Coworker (CW): Hello, N-------."
Customer (NN): Hello! How are you guys?
*a few minutes of pointless conversation*
NN: Ok, well, I just wanted to see how you were. I have to hang up now, because my 2 year old is carving his name in my coffee table.
CW: Uh....
NN: Bye! *click*
1. Why are there sharp things in reach of the 2 year old?
2. Why are there things SHARP ENOUGH TO CARVE INTO A SOLID WOOD TABLE near a two year old?
3. And why the heck are you on the phone when your 2 year old is running around with sharp objects???
Anyhow. Her most legendary phone call came one day, when she was chatting away with my coworker:
Coworker (CW): Hello, N-------."
Customer (NN): Hello! How are you guys?
*a few minutes of pointless conversation*
NN: Ok, well, I just wanted to see how you were. I have to hang up now, because my 2 year old is carving his name in my coffee table.
CW: Uh....
NN: Bye! *click*
1. Why are there sharp things in reach of the 2 year old?
2. Why are there things SHARP ENOUGH TO CARVE INTO A SOLID WOOD TABLE near a two year old?
3. And why the heck are you on the phone when your 2 year old is running around with sharp objects???
