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This is a Gross One (Not to mention long)

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  • This is a Gross One (Not to mention long)

    Let me preface that if you’re easily offended or your sitting around someone who’s easily offended and reading this out loud for whatever reason you should probably stop now.



    Let me Preface this part by saying I enjoy having the mentally handicapped in the store. They’re usually friendly, they go out of their way to be helpful, and even if they’re more in the way than helping it’s the thought that counts. Okay. Let’s Go.

    We have this mentally challenged guy (MC’s from now on) that comes in every once and a while, we’ll call him Bob, though that’s not his real name.

    Well, Bob is one of the meaner MC’s we get in the store in that he’s not nearly as bad as some “intelligent” customers but he thinks that if he yells a lot he’ll get his way. Kind of like a child throwing a tantrum.

    Bob leaves his caregiver (I’m not sure what the actual term is) and runs towards the back, Yelling that he has to go to the bathroom.

    2 points:

    Bob had to #2

    Bob didn’t make it to the bathroom.

    Well that’s not entirely true, he finished in the bathroom, but not before leaving a trail of several very large piles down the frozen food aisle. And another pile on the bathroom floor. Guess who had to clean that up?

    But that’s not where it gets bad…I’ve cleaned up worse messes, not many but there was the lady who did her business after trying to flush a tampon down the toilet. Or the guy that did his business and tried to flush his underwear down with it…

    No ,where it gets bad is that Bob comes out of the bathroom with entire back of his legs caked in poo. He then relocates his caregiver lady and they both proceed to shop as normal.

    Did I mention that this is a grocery store and that people probably don’t want to buy their food at a place where a guy walks around with half his body covered in fecal matter? So the Assistant manager goes to try and convince them to leave. He was very nice, offered to hold their groceries if they wanted to come back but they couldn’t stay in the store with Bob in his current condition.

    Well She threw a fit. We were discriminating because he was handicapped and she was going to call the ACLU, and she had never been treated so badly…you’ve all heard this I’m sure.

    She continued screaming at the AM until a passing customer said “Lady he’s got poo on him.”

    Well he didn’t say “poo” and he didn’t say “Lady” he used more colorful terms but it got the point across. She left swearing never to come back.

    30 minutes later when she came back, Bob had been cleaned up…mostly. He still had on the same shorts. We gave up and let them shop.

    I was telling this story the next day and a customer was offended because I described Bob as retarded instead of mentally handicapped in my story.

    I said “Lady, I cleaned up his sh-t off of the floor, I’ve earned the right to call him whatever I want.”

    I got written up for that…
    "Sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"

  • #2
    Cripes! I'd find out where his keeper comes from and get her written up!

    Letting him stay in shitstained shorts? There is no way that is allowable.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      I think Bob needs a new caregiver. What kind of caregiver lets a charge walk around like that?


      • #4
        Do they have adult protective services, like children? That guy clearly needed some help and the "caregiver" (I used the term loosely) should've been fired.


        • #5
          The caretaker has her priorities seriously screwed up if she's going to spout off about the ACLU and discrimination while ignoring the shit-caked person in her care.

          I was telling this story the next day and a customer was offended because I described Bob as retarded instead of mentally handicapped in my story.

          I said “Lady, I cleaned up his sh-t off of the floor, I’ve earned the right to call him whatever I want.”

          I got written up for that…
          I can see how a person would be offended by that. But as somebody who has to clean up poo messes somewhat frequently, I can't say I blame you.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            That's disgusting. If he has bedsores or anything similar, prolonged exposure to fecal matter = great big huge disgusting infection. Maybe he's an angry person because his caretaker doesnt seem to care?
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #7
              Thats a horrifying situation. I feel sorry for your poor MC Customer there that his caregiver is such an asshole. I think I'd be close to ranting at her for drawing the disability card straight away and to stop been such a bitch and actually do her god damn job and care for the poor guy... just because its WRONG in so many ways to let the guy go around like that.

              Shame its not something you can't go further with, without knowing the carer or MC Customer personally. Sounds like one of those carers thats just doing it for the government allowances (Not sure that exists over here, but carers in this country essentially get a pension for what they do). Yet another situation where I've never had anything but praise and admiration for the carers that come into my store with their MCs, or children that have mental disabilities. I mean when you look at the big picture, when these carers or parents still have a positive attitude and still love and genuinely care for these people, its times like those you know they have one of the most thankless unpaid jobs around. Its only bitches like in your situation that sometimes sour your opinions.
              - Boochan


              • #8
                So handicapped people are allowed to walk around with crap all over them because they're handicapped, according to this lady? Just because he's handicapped doesn't mean you or him can't operate a paper towel.
                It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                -Helen Keller

                I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!

