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That's not us!!!

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  • That's not us!!!

    First some background: I work at a bowling alley, it USED to be a "Don Carter's", but about 8 or 9 months ago (i think) it was changed to something else, and we are now no-longer affiliated with Don Carter's in ANY way.

    My coworker got to deal with this........ lady.

    She comes up the counter and starts going off to my co-worker. My coworker stayed EXTREMELY calm during the whole thing. He never raises his voice above "library volume" when talking to a customer. (Not whispering, but he does talk very softly.) I've only seen him raise his voice once with a customer, and that because she ambushed him JUST as he walked through the door to start his shift, and she was cursing at him about a problem that he knew NOTHING about. She on the other hand, wasn't yelling exactly, but she did have a raised voice and was being very snippy.

    Her: "You guys charged my debit card illegally!"
    CW: "What do you mean?"
    Her: "My debit card was stolen and used at YOUR bowling alley!" "You guys are suppose to make sure that the card actually belongs to the person using it!"
    CW: "We do ma'am. What happened?"
    Her: "My debit card was stolen, so i went to cancel it, and when I looked at my statement I saw a charge from you guys!"
    CW: "I'm sorry that happened, but I assure you, we always check to make sure the card is legit."
    Her: "But when I looked at my debit card I saw Don Carter's!"
    CW: "We're not Don Carter's."
    Her: "What do you mean?"
    CW: "We use to be a Don Carter's, but we're not anymore. We're <Our name>. I'm sorry it happened, but it wasn't us"
    Her (dejected): "Oh..." *walks away in a huff*

    Ok, yes, she had a valid complaint. Though I don't know why you'd actually go into the place that your stolen credit card was used at, instead of just disputing the charges, but, at least make sure you're at the right place!

    We don't have any signs or anything for Don Carters' in the building. EVERYTHING, from the HUGE sign outside, to the chairs people sit on is labeled with OUR company name.

    We get people all the time that still think we're Don Carter's. Usually it's people trying to redeem Don Carter's coupons, or asking "are you the Don Carter's on Military?", or they ask if we still do the "one free game for every A on your report card" deal. (We don't)... but this lady takes the cake.
    <Insert clever signature here>

  • #2

    My organization has spawned several copy-cat sites selling copy-cat merchandise (I wasn't that het-up about intellectual property rights till my paycheck depended on it). This is a source of CONSTANT irritation. At least once a day we have to tell a customer that the product they are ordering is on a competitor's website, and we cannot sell it to them. And it really burns me up when they tell us TO OUR FACE that they'll buy it from the competitor. SIGH. Anyway, we had a customer like that. "My receipt says..." "Yes, ma'am, it does. That's not us. They are a copycat of ours. " "But it says..." "YES. That's not us! This is why you SHOULD order from us, but you didn't, and went with the fly-by-night copy cats, so DEAL WITH IT."

    So yeah, I feel your pain!
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:


    • #3
      This kind of situation is a major headache for my store. The group my chain belongs in has 3 different brands for Consumer Electronics across the country. My brand was bought up by the group back in 2001. This year each brand finally trades under the same entity, but each brand is developed and focused/marketed in a different way, and the store sizes are different. The main problem we have is when staff from other stores (who can see our stock levels on their POS System) tell them to go down to the store at my Mall, without letting them know that our store, despite been linked in a certain way, is NOT THE SAME BRAND. Most of the time the customer blames us (!!!), not the store that sent him purely because we are of a different chain, though linked in a certain way.

      Same deal with people who think because we are all under the same retail group, we all sell the same stuff and then proceed to complain that we don't (and never have) sold random electronic parts when we are all part of the same group.

      Back prior to 2001 our chain was owned by Radioshack Canada (Now of course The Source by Circuit City). One customer I had today had actually gone to the Radioshack US website and used their catalogue numbers for a few random switches that we have never, ever sold or stocked. Thankfully he didn't complain, but this is in the reverse to the previous one. We sell a couple of radioshack products (stuff that they don't have a different supplier available), but we have not been part of Radioshack for a very, very, very long time now. Irritating.
      - Boochan


      • #4
        There is a bar around here that I sometimes frequent. Before I started going there it was owned by someone different the present owner and had a different name. By the time I started to go there, old owner had sold it and new owner had renamed it. This was a few years before I started going there, btw. Everytime I would charge my drinks or meals to my credit card it would show up on my statement as the old name.


        • #5
          I'm sure she apologized at least before she left, right? Oops, silly me, we're talking about a SC here. What was I thinking?
          "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
          ~Curly from the 3 Stooges

