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More from Dollar tree (Long)

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  • More from Dollar tree (Long)

    I have several longer ones, but, so that I can make sure they’re not affected by my overwhelming rage, and so that I don’t flood the forum, I’m holding off.

    Just some quick ones…

    Note: Most of our customers are female, and between the ages of 30 and 60. I am neither ageist or sexist, this is just how it is. I say this so I can try and differentiate between people by describing them based on things other than cloths, attitude, and various expletives. Seriously.

    Also Note: I rarely get people who act like this. Most people that we get here are surprisingly kind, patient, and forgiving, might have something to do with the above statement.

    So how’d you get here?
    Older lady: (Walks up with some stuff, including wine)
    Me: Hello, how are you?
    OL: Fine, and you?
    Me: Great, but I will need to see some ID for that wine.
    OL: … Are you serious.
    Me: As serious as getting in trouble by my boss if I don’t serious.
    OL: I don’t have my ID with me…
    Me: Then I can’t sell it to you, I’m sorry
    OL: But I’m over 50! I haven’t been carded in about 35 years!
    Me: Sorry company policy is to card everyone, regardless of age. You could be my own grandma and I’d have to card you.
    OL: This is bulls%$t! (Leaves)
    Me: Have a nice evening…
    (Wonder if she drove…)

    One from my manager
    Kid: (Picks up a toy, puts it on ground, repeats)
    Mom: (Sees it, and kicks (KICKS) toy to side)
    Manager: O_O
    K: (Repeat)
    Mom: (Repeat)
    M: (Picks up toys, looks at both)
    K+Mom: (Repeat)
    M: (Goes into her office to scream)

    Almost got a stoning…
    Me: (making change)
    SC: Excuse me
    Me: One second
    SC: (Either didn’t hear me, or didn’t care) Excuse me!
    Me: (loudly) One second (Counting)
    SC: Excuse me! I need balloons!
    Me: (Turns to her) What?
    SC: I need balloons!
    Me: We have some blown-up, they’re hanging everywhere, and those types are the only ones we currently have.
    SC: But those are old, I want fresh ones.
    Me: Ma’am, there is no one available to blow them up, and those were blown-up about an hour ago.
    SC: You’re here.
    Me: I’m checking, not available.
    SC: You just don’t want to help me.
    Me: I’d be more than happy to help you, just get in line, and I’ll help you when it’s your turn. It will be a little while, because it’s a long line.
    Line: (6-7 strong, death glares her for trying to take the only cashier)
    SC: Humph (Leaves)

    Little to no ability to pay attention to your surroundings… Velociraptor bait.

    Me: Okay, you’re total is 3.16.
    C: Okay, here’s a $100
    Me: Sorry sir, I cannot make change for that, I just opened and don’t have sufficient funds.
    C: Your manager can’t?
    Me: My manager is at lunch, if you want to wait 20 minutes…
    C: Nah, I’ll use my card.
    (Stuff happens, he leaves)
    (Next customer gets to payment stage)
    Me: Okay, total is 1.08
    C2: Can you make change for a $100?
    Me: … No

    Would you WANT to use ours if we did?!
    (I have 4 people in line, guy walks up to front, looks to be 14-15 years of age)
    Guy: Hi, I need to ask you something.
    Me: (Is adept at checking and talking, just don’t make me do something other than check and talk) Yes sir, how can I help you?
    Guy: I’m looking for something, but I don’t want to say it aloud.
    Me: Okay, you can come around, and say it quietly if you’d like.
    Guy: (Apparently decides not too) Do you guys carry condoms?
    Me: (grinds to a halt, stunned)
    Guy: Do you?
    Me: Um… no…
    Guy: (Leaves)

    First customer of the day
    (So, my first customer walks up, she’s an older lady. And she’s not so much an SC, as a mild annoyance)
    OL: Hello there.
    Me: Hi! :3 How are you doing today?
    OL: Fine, it’s a great day out.
    (Goes through the process)
    Me: Okay, your total is blah.
    OL: Okay (Gets out checkbook)
    Pet peeve: Please fill out your check before I finish, it saves time
    Me: (Waits patiently)
    OL: Where am I?
    Me: Dollar Tree.
    OL: Okay… what was the total?
    Me: Blah
    OL: What’s the date?
    Me: Blah
    OL: What was the total again?
    Me: Blah.
    OL: (Gives me check)
    Me: Okay, can I see some ID?
    OL: I don’t have it with me.
    Me: I can’t take this without ID, I’m sorry.
    OL: Okay, I’ll pay with credit then.
    Me: I need ID for that as well.
    OL: Oh, then cash is fine?
    Me: Yes, it is.

    (BLAH! BLAH! I vant to suck you blood! BLAH!)

    Dieter’s tea
    (Once again, I have a line, 3 strong this time)
    (Husband and Wife (H and W) walk up and ask the following over the top of the line, this is fine, as we usually only have 2-3 people working around this time. We had 3, one manager cleaning, and 2 cashiers)
    W: Hi, do you have Dieter’s tea?
    Me: Is that a brand? If so, we don’t.
    W: (Nods and goes to leave)
    H: (Loudly too me) You don’t know nothing bout no diet!
    Me: (Thinking he’s talking about the store, and diet drinks in general) Well, we do have diet Pepsi, and diet Shasta (Realizes he actually means my weight) … Oh…

    The worst part is that even though he was loud, no one noticed or cared. Later when I told my manager while asking if we can deny service to people (If I see them again), the people currently in line ALL curse. And one woman said she would follow him outside and make it so that he’s never need a diet again.

    I was taken completely off guard, cause since Christmas, I haven’t gotten a single SC. A few stupid ones, 1 scammer, and a few… disoriented people, but nothing like this. I had my shields down, weapons down, and was throwing a party in the holodeck with all the customers invited. I was trying to help everyone, and make everyone happy, and if I couldn’t, I’d tell them where they could go to get what they needed or wanted.

    Last edited by Tee; 04-15-2008, 06:31 AM. Reason: Copy pasta
    I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
    In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.

  • #2
    dollar tree condoms...that explains how he came to be, i'm guessing.

    take a deep breath and meditate with me (i get the feeling we share some customers).

    it's funny; i took my job to strengthen my customer skills and to learn how to deal with them more effectively.

    sadly, it's not had the desired effect.

    *hands tee a cookie*
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      (Gladly takes cookie)

      I've already applied at a supermarket that's opening up. With my now 8 months of experience, and the several letters I've received from happy customers about my customer service skills, I'm hoping to get a job there. It's a newer upscale place on the other side of town, hoping that management-wise, it'll be better. Once I leave though, I have several tales too discuss, but I want to wait till after HQ is done with their investigation.
      I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
      In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


      • #4
        Haha, the condom thing is funny. The last place I would go to buy condoms would be a dollar store. I like the Dollar Tree though, and dollar stores in general. I would shop at one almost exclusively if I had one close to my house.


        • #5
          Why do people leave their I.D. when they know they are going to be buying things that require one!?
          wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
          Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


          • #6
            Things I would never buy from the dollar store:


            pregnancy tests


            wine (I can't imagine the stuff that you sell is very good )

            Seems to me there are some things one should NOT be cheap about
            Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


            • #7
              Certainly an old lady would know you would at least need an ID to write a check?

              My dollar store (meaning the one nearest me, I don't work at one) sells pregnancy tests. I'll check for condoms next time
              "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
              George Carlin


              • #8
                Quoth ShootMePlease View Post
                pregnancy tests
                Surprisingly enough, like our wine, there's nothing wrong with them.

                People apparently will buy tests, and then store them for months, and when it expires, people will bring them in and go "OMG! It expired cause I didn't use it! RETURNZ!". So when it starts to get close to the expiration date, they (The big retailers) get rid of them, and somehow, we get them.

                Same thing for our wine, Chardonnay apparently has only so many years it's good for. So we get them in a similar manner. Our wine normally sells for 10.24 from the vineyard, but since they need it gone NOW before it expires. They sell it to us, so that they get something from it, rather than nothing. I get a lot of compliments about the wine, dunno, I hate alcoholic stuffs.

                BUT. If for some reason, I ever had to shop for a test, or wine, I'd still go for the more expensive stuff elsewhere. There may not be anything wrong with it, but for special occasions/things why not go and get the good stuff/item.

                And as for condoms....

                That's one of those things that you don't take chances with. They're there to prevent you from having kids. We don't want you to have kids if you aren't planning on it. Please buy the good stuff.

                Edit: we sell douche's oh god...
                Last edited by Tee; 04-13-2008, 06:44 AM. Reason: Edit for Horror
                I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
                In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


                • #9
                  Quoth Tee View Post
                  H: (Loudly too me) You don’t know nothing bout no diet!
                  Me: (Thinking he’s talking about the store, and diet drinks in general) Well, we do have diet Pepsi, and diet Shasta (Realizes he actually means my weight) … Oh…

                  The worst part is that even though he was loud, no one noticed or cared. Later when I told my manager while asking if we can deny service to people (If I see them again), the people currently in line ALL curse. And one woman said she would follow him outside and make it so that he’s never need a diet again.
                  Try not to let idiots like this worry you. They'll be equally sucky towards all women and men who are larger than 'a bit below healthy weight for their build' - and sometimes their standard is so bad it's 'seriously unhealthy weight for the build'. Some of them will even whinge at people who are seriously skinny for their build just because the build is a large one.

                  So it's quite likely you're actually healthy - they just think you aren't. (Hell, I dunno! Never seen your body.)

                  Walk 30 minutes a day, eat healthily, be sparing with high-calorie foods, and your body weight will settle to a healthy point for your build and environment. If it doesn't, consult a doctor to find out what metabolic disorder you have; or consult a nutritionist to refine what your idea of 'healthy eating' is.
                  Seshat's self-help guide:
                  1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                  2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                  3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                  4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                  "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                  • #10
                    I worked for two years at a Dollar Tree. For a job that was supposed to only be the Holiday rush. I've been called names, had people throw stuff at me, been at the receiving end of a tongue lashing because I had no clue as to what the customer wanted, lots of horrible stuff. I'm glad I don't work there anymore, because the pay was sucky and frikken Corporate wouldn't let me go full-time. Oi, I drive a gas hog to keep my skinny ass safe from the freaks that can't drive their little sub-compacts, I can't afford to drive into work for a 3-hour shift.

                    Corporate sucks and they hated the fact I tried to take over. Ha.
                    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sableonblonde View Post
                      Haha, the condom thing is funny. The last place I would go to buy condoms would be a dollar store. I like the Dollar Tree though, and dollar stores in general.
                      Same here.

                      On a semirelated note...if anyone needs condoms, I have a bunch (still good!!!!!!!) in my work bag. 75 cents a pop. The mint ones are mine, though.
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        Quoth Tee View Post
                        We also seem to get more minorities than any other race.
                        What does that mean?
                        I was not hired to respond to those voices.


                        • #13
                          Wait, the last paragraph got me. A scammer. At a dollar store.

                          Wha? Unless this was a quick change artist or something. I mean, what's the point? It's. A. Dollar. Store.

                          Sorry, I just found that funny.
                          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                          • #14
                            Quoth poofy_puff View Post
                            What does that mean?
                            Where I live was a predominately Asian community (Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, but almost entirely Japanese) till the WW2 camps bit o' stupidity. We're close (By close I mean jutting into) another city with a predominantly Black and Mexican section right next to our city, and our city has numerous scattered housing developments that house people of all races, but most of our cities whites live there, the rest live in an area that just defies all logic and someone manages to be our own little hicks-ville (Reminds me of where i grew up :P) Due to our positioning in relation to the other Dollar trees in our districts, most of the whites go to a nearby store, and we get what would mostly be considered "Minorities" by those who get elected to make such generalizations.

                            If anyone actually cares enough, they could use the above information to narrow my city to about 4-5. And if they REALLY payed attention, guess right off the bat.

                            Corporate sucks and they hated the fact I tried to take over. Ha.
                            When I get a new job, I have many fun things to add to that subject. :3
                            I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
                            In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


                            • #15

                              Those stories made me chew on the edge of my desk. My teeth hurt now.

