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Wii's = SC

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  • Wii's = SC

    We had some Wii's come in today. Our policy is we don't hold the Wii's or call people when they come in. Thank the Maker, Otherwise my days would devolve into and endless round of Wii management. I had a Sc call and ask if we had any Wii's today. I did by some freak occurrence. I Told the Guest that i could not hold them, and I would sell them first come first serve. Lady then starts sob story of why she can't get there for awhile. i tell Her I'm sorry but i can't hold them. I then sell said Wii's. Sc shows up and gives me the sob story about how she has been looking for a Wii for 4-5 months ( I've been waiting since the release date) Why do these other people get them instead of those of me? I'm sure you have all heard these arguments for any high demand, low stock item.

    It's not a (Insert my store name here) problem. It's a nintendo problem.

    I also don't think that it matters what they ( the customers that bought the Wii's before her) are doing with them. IF they want to sell them online it doesn't make them less deserving of the product than you lady.

    I don't have a stash of them held back for my friends or selling online, sorry ma'am retail doesn't work that way.

    sorry just reached the point where I wish that the Wii was never invented
    They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.

  • #2
    "But... but I want it now."

    "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you'll have to deal with this like a big girl now." Idiot.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      sorry just reached the point where I wish that the Wii was never invented
      I concur. That thing's like crack to some people. Although supplies of the Wii have been picking up a little in my store, they still get sold very soon after they are unpacked and put up for sale, so it's still a matter of being in the right place at the right time to get one.

      And I too have had to put up with cranky, sobby people who just won't accept "no" for an answer. As in "No, we don't have any Wiis. No, I don't know when more will be coming in. No, I can't give you a raincheck for a Wii. No, I can't take down your name and phone number and call you when they come in."
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Oh man, I hated dealing with Wii's. We ended up posting signs everywhere in the store stating we don't have Wii's and yet, they still asked all the damned time. It got to the point where just carried the sign around with me and held it up anytime someone asked about them.

        I've gotten offered everything from chocolates to pizza for those things
        6/16/2008: Best. Day. Ever.

        Things I've Learned: Birth is not a miracle, it's a science, and science is damned disgusting. It's also really, really, cool.


        • #5
          im begining to think they are over advertising the Wii


          • #6
            Quoth pssorens View Post
            Wii management.
            That like micromanagement?

            Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.

            Also sorry you're having to put up with this. Any high-demand item makes the SCs crawl out of the woodwork.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
              im begining to think they are over advertising the Wii
              I don't see much adverts for it. Honestly, and oddly enough, I think its been more a word of mouth thing. People play one at a party or one of their friends goes "Holy (*@%, even my parents like it!".


              • #8
                I still say, at this point, Nintendo is just screwing up. There's no excuse for such an undersupply.
                "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                • #9
                  Quoth marasbaras View Post
                  There's no excuse for such an undersupply.
                  Actually, there's several excuses. Some even reasonable. However, enough time has passed that they really should have upped production by now, you're right. I have to wonder just how many people wanted a Wii, and finally gave up and said "It is NOT worth all this hassle!"
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    see, this is why i'm glad i got mine on the day of release. i dont have to bug you guys.


                    • #11
                      Quoth marasbaras View Post
                      I still say, at this point, Nintendo is just screwing up. There's no excuse for such an undersupply.

                      The Wii's rate of sale as been insane. It outsold the PS3 2 to 1 in 2007 alone. The closet competition is the X-Box 360 which trails fairly close to the Wii ( a few million units behind ) and overtakes it now and then on a monthly basis ( When it gets a big release title ).

                      Microsoft suffered X-Box 360 shortages at launch as well and is suffering shortages again even now in 2008 and they haven't even sold as many units as the Nintendo Wii.

                      If you compare the sales rate of the Wii vs earlier consoles: The Nintendo Wii has been on the market for almost a year and a half and has already achieved 50% of the entire lifetime sales of the SNES. The X-Box 360 was launched in 2005, a full year ahead of the Wii. The Wii surpassed the X-Box 360's lifetime sales in 9 months.

                      If you compare the sales rate of the Wii vs the most popular console of all time, the PS2: The PS2 has sold, since its launch, an average of 15 million units a year. The Nintendo Wii has sold an average of 22+ million units. Considering the PS2 manufacturing is down to an exact science while the Wii is still relatively new technology...

                      Also, as a final note, the Nintendo Wii is the fastest selling console in history.

                      The PS3 isn't seeing shortages for obvious reasons. Namely they're only selling about 1.3 PS3's for every 2 Wii's and 2 X-Box's sold. Though Metal Gear Solid 4 should give them a good boost later this year.

                      So yes, I can see why supply is still trying to catch up to demand even now. -.-
                      Last edited by Gravekeeper; 04-13-2008, 07:29 AM. Reason: I no spell good.


                      • #12
                        Gravekeeper ... sorry, I'm not going to feel sorry for them. It's simply a matter of lack of willpower on their part. If they wanted to increase production, they would. The sales are there to warrant it.

               ... oh, how kind, they're going to DISCUSS increasing production.

                        I've said it before, I stand by it, they've known now for long enough that they have a major hit ... production should be higher. Yes, things take longer when talk about mass-market complex items like a Wii. But, not THIS long.

                        And, honestly, the Wii isn't new tech. It's a new application of older tech.
                        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                        • #13
                          Tell em that if they can't find a Wii then buy a Playstation 3. There's plenty of those to be


                          • #14
                            Quoth marasbaras View Post
                            Gravekeeper ... sorry, I'm not going to feel sorry for them. It's simply a matter of lack of willpower on their part. If they wanted to increase production, they would. The sales are there to warrant it.

                            I've said it before, I stand by it, they've known now for long enough that they have a major hit ... production should be higher. Yes, things take longer when talk about mass-market complex items like a Wii. But, not THIS long.

                            And, honestly, the Wii isn't new tech. It's a new application of older tech.
                            Lack of willpower? You seriously think they'd sit on that kind of goldmine and be thinking "Meh, whatever"? I find that hard to swallow. I didn't say you had to feel sorry for them, I said I can understand why they're having trouble keeping up with the fastest selling, most widely appealing game console in history. Microsoft hasn't been able to keep supply at 100% for the demand for the X-Box 360 and they're not even top dog.

                            For the record Nintendo didn't project the Wii to be this popular and yes their initial unit production wasn't high enough. They admitted themselves that in April of last year and began ramping up production. They were churning out Wii's at a rate of 1.8 million units per month by the Holiday season. Per month. Demand is outstripping that. That's nuts.

                            Oh, and yes they have been and still are bringing new plants online. Reggie ( He frightens me ) announced that a while back ( In October, I don't know why Mori is slow on the uptake at Nintendo Blog there ). But you don't just flip a switch and get a new factory churning out Wii's. The Wii's technology may not be vastly new tech but it doesn't mean its any easier to manufacture as its still a new product that requires its own manufacturing process. Manufacturing processes naturally evolve and become faster and more efficient over time but the Wii is still relatively new. Hell, Sony hasn't even figure out how to build a PS3 it doesn't lose money on yet.

                            I'm not saying feel sorry for them. I'm not saying they didn't screw the pooch on initial demand. I'm just saying its understandable why they're still having trouble with this kind of sales volume and it has nothing to do with them sitting in their office picking their ass and not giving a damn or lacking "willpower". Nor is some vast conspiracy to drive up demand by sitting on some massive secret Wii stash as some of the more nutball internet theories have devised.

                            Do you think Microsoft is having supply and demand trouble because Bill is sitting in his office, lacking willpower and picking his arse? No, Microsoft is a money sucking empire of darkness -.-. But even they haven't kept it up and they're not even selling as well as the Wii.

                            Meanwhile the PS3 is still in the corner crying because no one has asked it to dance. ;p
                            Last edited by Gravekeeper; 04-13-2008, 11:07 AM.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Meanwhile the PS3 is still in the corner crying because no one has asked it to dance. ;p
                              Gravekeeper, have I ever told you how much I love you...

                              And how much you get me in trouble at work, when I laugh over the police radios...
                              Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.

