Oh - I so should have called him this
Ok - not massively sucky, but still...
Guy calls in and is having a problem (don't they all). Problem is, he's trying to pay for something that he's out of time to pay. As a one-off, we'll be nice and let them get away with it - to educate them.
So - as part of the procedure - I ask for his name and address (need this to put into the system - so that it's a 'one-off' - and doesn't become '15-off'). He gives name, and address. Nothing exactly matches - but I get a hit with the phone number! So - I ask the guy "Have you ever had an account with us?"
You lying sack of shit... yeah - there's the same person Byron Scumbag, with the same phone number as you, and with a bad debt write-off of over $100 from an account... no - not you at all!!!!
Moron unfriendly websites
I get this from time to time. We direct people to a website to pay for stuff - it is actually better that way - you get an email sent back to you for 'proof' (besides - it means I don't have to do anything more than just tell you to go somewhere else
But - the number of times I have to suffer the morons of "This site doesn't make any sense - I can't see where I need to go to pay this thing. It Sucks!!!"
Such as the lady (yes, well - the dictionary needs clarifying on some words...) who rings to complain about it all, even though admitting she's been on this site before.
First problem she has (other than finding the best way to go) is the license plate number field. It clearly says (I know this, because A) I read it, and B) she read it to me) "Numbers and Letters only". She is annoyed because it's not working for her.
So.." Ok - it only takes numbers and letters - so no spaces, hyphens, dashes or anything else, because, obviously, they aren't numbers or letters
"Oh - this is so difficult!" (yes - she had spaces....Gotta hate those Greeks and Romans and Arabs for creating our alpha-numeric system - bastards - why didn't they just include characters as well??? It'd make my life so much easier.)
She continues ..."Oh, your site is so unfriendly to travellers, it doesn't make any sense at all".
So.."Well, all you need to do is hit the link that says "How to pay for <company name> tolls" (I know - damn confusing that!).
"And on the next page is a list of 3 options - if you're a local, if you're an occasional user, and if you're a visitor to the area".
"Well - I wasn't visiting the city, I was going around it.."
"Ummm... it's a big city, you're in the outer suburbs (as I'm sure you know, cos you're from the same state, and have already told me you have been down here before! Now - given that there are three and only three options - which do you think is the right one???)"
PIN numbers (yes - that's tautological... but when people start saying 'FRED' - it's not that silly... )
What gets to me with such things is not that they don't remember, but those asshats who say "I don't want a pin number" - well - tough! You get one - and you get to pick it!
But worst of all is the "Oh - I don't know, I have no idea at all".
"Well - just try - what's the first 6 digits that come to mind?"
"Nope - no idea - I can't think of it".
Then - you ask them to choose a new one - and they rattle off numbers without a thought - dumbass... why didn't you say that before!
Don't start insulting me because you don't get what you want
I actually let one get to me the other day
I had to check on a matter of policy (in which I was correct, but wanted to make sure, because somebody else had stuffed up and wanted to know what I should do).
So - I get back to him, and tell him nope - you can't have this.
So - his response is to start insulting me - I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know anything (of course - putting you on hold for 5 minutes to check 1 thing is anything), no-one in our organisation knows anything, etc...
Why oh why did I have to think of the right thing to say after the call??? Obviously, the correct reply to such a tantrum was either "So - where did you learn that from - your 2 year old?", or b) "Does that normally work for you - start a little insult tantrum when you don't get what you want?"
Knowing the TL on at the time - I would have gotten away with it as well
Oh - and the last suck for the weekend - Tottenham didn't win.... again
Ok - not massively sucky, but still...
Guy calls in and is having a problem (don't they all). Problem is, he's trying to pay for something that he's out of time to pay. As a one-off, we'll be nice and let them get away with it - to educate them.
So - as part of the procedure - I ask for his name and address (need this to put into the system - so that it's a 'one-off' - and doesn't become '15-off'). He gives name, and address. Nothing exactly matches - but I get a hit with the phone number! So - I ask the guy "Have you ever had an account with us?"
You lying sack of shit... yeah - there's the same person Byron Scumbag, with the same phone number as you, and with a bad debt write-off of over $100 from an account... no - not you at all!!!!
Moron unfriendly websites
I get this from time to time. We direct people to a website to pay for stuff - it is actually better that way - you get an email sent back to you for 'proof' (besides - it means I don't have to do anything more than just tell you to go somewhere else

But - the number of times I have to suffer the morons of "This site doesn't make any sense - I can't see where I need to go to pay this thing. It Sucks!!!"
Such as the lady (yes, well - the dictionary needs clarifying on some words...) who rings to complain about it all, even though admitting she's been on this site before.
First problem she has (other than finding the best way to go) is the license plate number field. It clearly says (I know this, because A) I read it, and B) she read it to me) "Numbers and Letters only". She is annoyed because it's not working for her.
So.." Ok - it only takes numbers and letters - so no spaces, hyphens, dashes or anything else, because, obviously, they aren't numbers or letters

"Oh - this is so difficult!" (yes - she had spaces....Gotta hate those Greeks and Romans and Arabs for creating our alpha-numeric system - bastards - why didn't they just include characters as well??? It'd make my life so much easier.)
She continues ..."Oh, your site is so unfriendly to travellers, it doesn't make any sense at all".
So.."Well, all you need to do is hit the link that says "How to pay for <company name> tolls" (I know - damn confusing that!).
"And on the next page is a list of 3 options - if you're a local, if you're an occasional user, and if you're a visitor to the area".
"Well - I wasn't visiting the city, I was going around it.."
"Ummm... it's a big city, you're in the outer suburbs (as I'm sure you know, cos you're from the same state, and have already told me you have been down here before! Now - given that there are three and only three options - which do you think is the right one???)"
PIN numbers (yes - that's tautological... but when people start saying 'FRED' - it's not that silly... )
What gets to me with such things is not that they don't remember, but those asshats who say "I don't want a pin number" - well - tough! You get one - and you get to pick it!
But worst of all is the "Oh - I don't know, I have no idea at all".
"Well - just try - what's the first 6 digits that come to mind?"
"Nope - no idea - I can't think of it".
Then - you ask them to choose a new one - and they rattle off numbers without a thought - dumbass... why didn't you say that before!
Don't start insulting me because you don't get what you want
I actually let one get to me the other day

I had to check on a matter of policy (in which I was correct, but wanted to make sure, because somebody else had stuffed up and wanted to know what I should do).
So - I get back to him, and tell him nope - you can't have this.
So - his response is to start insulting me - I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know anything (of course - putting you on hold for 5 minutes to check 1 thing is anything), no-one in our organisation knows anything, etc...
Why oh why did I have to think of the right thing to say after the call??? Obviously, the correct reply to such a tantrum was either "So - where did you learn that from - your 2 year old?", or b) "Does that normally work for you - start a little insult tantrum when you don't get what you want?"
Knowing the TL on at the time - I would have gotten away with it as well

Oh - and the last suck for the weekend - Tottenham didn't win.... again
