I've never had a customer do this to me before and it had my heart going a hundred miles an hour when I realized what he did.
SC: I'd like fives please.
Me: Okay.
He puts down a hundred dollar bill. I pull off a clip of fives (which is one hundred dollars) and start to count it out.
As I near the end because lo and behold, what did he do while I was counting? He pulled back the hundred and put a twenty in its place. I quickly grabbed back the hundred in fives and gave him twenty in fives. He seemed mad that his scam didn't work.
What on earth possessed him to do this? That hundred was in MY area and I could've gone out eighty dollars short. I hate scammers. Thank god I caught it in time, my heart was racing for quite sometime after.
SC: I'd like fives please.
Me: Okay.
He puts down a hundred dollar bill. I pull off a clip of fives (which is one hundred dollars) and start to count it out.

As I near the end because lo and behold, what did he do while I was counting? He pulled back the hundred and put a twenty in its place. I quickly grabbed back the hundred in fives and gave him twenty in fives. He seemed mad that his scam didn't work.
What on earth possessed him to do this? That hundred was in MY area and I could've gone out eighty dollars short. I hate scammers. Thank god I caught it in time, my heart was racing for quite sometime after.