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My Side Of The Counter Mine!

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  • My Side Of The Counter Mine!

    We have this obnoxious lady who only buys organic cigarettes. Well her favorite brand has been out since last week, I told her that there was a chance they may come in yesterday but I wasn't sure.

    She shows up and asks for her brand, I apologize and tell her we still don't have it. "But you said you would get them in on Tuesday." I corrected her saying that there was a chance it might have gotten delivered yesterday but did not. She stares at the cigarette displays alternately mumbling "S**t" and "You said Tuesday".

    After a few minutes, she points at a pack behind me "What are those?" I ask her to clarify when she starts walks over and attempts to go behind the counter. I immediately step in front of her "I'm sorry, you can't come back here." She tries to push past me and says "It's okay, I'm only looking."

    This time I say loudly "Ma'am you cannot be here period, go to the other side of the counter now." The lady looks miffed as she returns to the other side of the counter. She finally decides what smokes she wants. As she is paying she again starts explaining that she was only looking and wasn't trying to cause trouble.

    How any person can describe going into a place they know they are not allowed as "not trying to cause trouble" is beyond me.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    Orgainic cigarettes? Heck, that's any oxymoron if I ever heard one. Don't people usually go organic for the health benefits?

    Counter woes. I feel your pain. When I work the cigarette lane, I'm careful to close the gate that blocks the path behind the counter. Problem is, this makes it hard to get around and every couple minutes an employee comes through and just shoves it open. I close the gate because it's an unspoken reminder that customers aren't allowed in my area. Otherwise I'll get at least 2-3 people a shift walking into my area to get a close look at the cigs and prices.
    Last edited by bainsidhe; 04-16-2008, 11:41 PM.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      What brand are those, TruthHurts? We never sold organic cigarettes when I worked at the gas station....interesting. I've heard of CLOVE cigarettes, which are tobacco free or something like that...

      Anywho, I feel for you. Before we changed the layout of the store, the snuff used to be right next to the door. I don't know whose dumbass decision that was. Anyway, I constantly saw men walk in the door, reach around the counter and grab a tin of snuff. How easy it would have been to just take a tin and leave.

      My manager saw that one day and said "Oh HELL no!" and made a sign that said "Employees ONLY" or something like that. Didn't stop them, did it?
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Gah! Reading this made me want a cigarette .....
        I just quit yesterday and I'm having bad withdrawals.

        but at least I quit


        • #5
          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
          Orgainic cigarettes? Heck, that's any oxymoron if I ever heard one. Don't people usually go organic for the health benefits?
          Most of the bad parts of tobacco is actually artificial. Some of it is added during processing. Unfortunately, most of it is done with selective crossbreeding, so even organic cigs would be full of nasty stuff.

          Oh, and tobacco is actually a wonderful thing to use in poultices. It's outstanding for using to pull poison out of an infection or wound.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Natural American Spirits, perhaps?


            • #7
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              I've heard of CLOVE cigarettes, which are tobacco free or something like that...
              As far as I know they are not totally tobacco free. I have also read that the cloves will put holes in your lungs. I forget where I read that though so I cant say its true... I do know they are NASTY! My boss gave me a free pack that we was getting rid of because they werent selling. I smoked a half of one and tossed the whole pack.


              • #8
                Thanks for clearing that up. Never was interested in trying them myself.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  I've smoked clove cigarettes before.

                  For some reason they pissed off the blunt smokers, but didn't bother the regular smokers. :shrugs:

                  Oh, cigarettes?
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    My google-fu shows what FoxOne is saying. American Spirits are the natural cigarette. Doesn't mean their any healthier. To paraphrase the article: The cigarettes contain no chemical additives, preservatives, flavorings or burning agents, but they have higher levels of nicotine and tar the regular cigarettes.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Fox One View Post
                      Natural American Spirits, perhaps?

                      Correct! What miffed me about her behavior is that we have two different kinds of organic American Spirit but she refused to even consider the other one.
                      My Horror Blog



                      • #12
                        There are other brands out there that are additive-free, and cheaper. Skydancer is one of them I recently discovered, though I don't know if any stores carry those.

                        I've been doing the roll-your-owns lately, though. Can't beat what works out to less than a dollar a pack.
                        You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem! --From Patch Adams


                        • #13
                          Quoth PhotoChick View Post
                          My google-fu shows what FoxOne is saying. American Spirits are the natural cigarette. Doesn't mean their any healthier. To paraphrase the article: The cigarettes contain no chemical additives, preservatives, flavorings or burning agents, but they have higher levels of nicotine and tar the regular cigarettes.
                          We dont sell the cigarettes but we do sell American Spirits in a can for the roll your own people.
                          We have had a few dozen asking for American Spirits cigarettes but the boss doesnt seem to want to carry them.


                          • #14
                            As one who has smoked both......

                            "Organic" has become the new misnomer for "healthy".

                            All organic means is that it is not artificial and/or contains no additives.

                            When I started smoking, I only smoked American Spirit. The additives that they put in most other cigs (especially Camels) instantly gave me a headache.

                            Why start smoking in the first place? They say that there are only two things that will turn a non-smoker into a smoker (didn't start till I was an adult as opposed to most who start as teens). War and divorce. And I wasn't in the military.

                            Cloves. They are even worse than tobacco. The problem with them is that they produce a hot oil when they are smoked. Unlike tobacco, smoking cloves will literally scald your lungs over time.

                            All said, fortunately, I was a light smoker and quit a few months ago after smoking for about 12 years. Although I miss smoking, I have had no real desire to start again.

                            Having been a non-smoker, smoker and a former smoker gives you an interesting point of view of the subject. It is a bad habit, but I can understand why one would turn to it. I feel sorry for smokers (as opposed to non-smokers who merely turn their noses up at smokers), yet know not to pity them. Even for me as a light smoker, it would have been impossible to stop without help. Easy habit to start, almost impossible to stop.


                            • #15
                              Quoth ebonyknight View Post
                              When I started smoking, I only smoked American Spirit. The additives that they put in most other cigs (especially Camels) instantly gave me a headache.
                              They recently changed the design on Camels. My coworker smoked them for years. When the new packs came out he insisted they changed the cigarette too. I told him it was all in his head. Well the Camel rep was in and my boss and coworker asked her and she said yes they did change the blend on them.

                              I couldnt smoke Camels before because they had a metal taste to me, the new packs dont seem to have that taste.

