I think I just had the worst customer ever since I started working retail. I've had people snip at me, give me dirty looks, and tell me I'm stupid, but today was a first.
A lady came up to my counter and asked for a pound of turkey "shaved really thin." I had a pan of turkey that was pre-sliced, that was so thin it was crumbling. And was see-through.
She snaps at me, telling me it wasn't thin enough. I gave her a
look, and then said, "It's crumbling it's so thin, I don't know if I can make it thinner, b-" The woman cuts me off.
"Fine, I'll get it from somewhere else!" And huffs off. I shrug, telling her as she's walking away, "Uh, okay. Have a good night."
I -was- going to tell her "but I can try to cut another type of turkey, it seems to crumble more." But, since she cut me off, I didn't bother trying.
About 5 minutes pass by. I suddenly see the evil woman and the manager on duty come up to the counter. Sigh. The MOD asks me if I can please try to cut it like she wants. I told him I would have done so before if she hadn't have cut me off and huffed away. I say whatever, and take my sweet time slicing it 'how she wants'. How she wanted it was basically in shreds so small it looked like it had been chewed up. It was crumbs. That's it. No slices. If she would have told me that in the first place, there'd be no problem. "Shaved really thin" indicates that they still want it in a relative slice.
And, it doesn't end there. I finish slicing, she and the manager leave. I go back to vent to my coworker, who before I even open my mouth says "Oh, she did NOT just run and get the manager to make you slice meat for her! What is she, a 4 year old tattling?"
He made me laugh a little bit, I go back to cleaning. 10 minutes or so later, I'm sweeping. I glance up to see what time it is. The bakery has a clock on the wall above their counter, so that's where I look. Guess who's at the bakery, looking at the cookies and things? She looks up, sees me looking that way, and promptly gives me the finger.
I guess she thought I'd be offended. I wasn't. I started laughing. There's just something about seeing a woman in her 60's, maybe 70's, glaring at you and giving the finger that struck me as greatly amusing.
the good news is, I told my manager about it and he told me I never have to wait on her again. I can pawn her off to a coworker, or if I'm alone, call the MOD to deal with her.
But...really. All of that, over grated lunch meat?
A lady came up to my counter and asked for a pound of turkey "shaved really thin." I had a pan of turkey that was pre-sliced, that was so thin it was crumbling. And was see-through.
She snaps at me, telling me it wasn't thin enough. I gave her a

"Fine, I'll get it from somewhere else!" And huffs off. I shrug, telling her as she's walking away, "Uh, okay. Have a good night."
I -was- going to tell her "but I can try to cut another type of turkey, it seems to crumble more." But, since she cut me off, I didn't bother trying.
About 5 minutes pass by. I suddenly see the evil woman and the manager on duty come up to the counter. Sigh. The MOD asks me if I can please try to cut it like she wants. I told him I would have done so before if she hadn't have cut me off and huffed away. I say whatever, and take my sweet time slicing it 'how she wants'. How she wanted it was basically in shreds so small it looked like it had been chewed up. It was crumbs. That's it. No slices. If she would have told me that in the first place, there'd be no problem. "Shaved really thin" indicates that they still want it in a relative slice.
And, it doesn't end there. I finish slicing, she and the manager leave. I go back to vent to my coworker, who before I even open my mouth says "Oh, she did NOT just run and get the manager to make you slice meat for her! What is she, a 4 year old tattling?"
He made me laugh a little bit, I go back to cleaning. 10 minutes or so later, I'm sweeping. I glance up to see what time it is. The bakery has a clock on the wall above their counter, so that's where I look. Guess who's at the bakery, looking at the cookies and things? She looks up, sees me looking that way, and promptly gives me the finger.
I guess she thought I'd be offended. I wasn't. I started laughing. There's just something about seeing a woman in her 60's, maybe 70's, glaring at you and giving the finger that struck me as greatly amusing.
the good news is, I told my manager about it and he told me I never have to wait on her again. I can pawn her off to a coworker, or if I'm alone, call the MOD to deal with her.
But...really. All of that, over grated lunch meat?
